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Since the 1970s, various sociological approaches have tried to
understand and conceptualize "the global," yet few of them have
systematically addressed the full spectrum of social relationships.
Prominent exponents of the global approach - such as world systems
analysis - instead have focused on particular domains such as
politics or the economy. Under the label of "world society,"
however, some authors have suggested alternatives to the
predominant equivocation of society and the nation-state. The
contributions to this volume share that objective and take their
point of departure from the two most ambitious projects of a theory
of world society: world polity research and systems theory, mapping
out the common ground and assessing their potential to inform
empirical analyses of globalization.
Since the 1970s, various sociological approaches have tried to
understand and conceptualize the global, yet few of them have
systematically addressed the full spectrum of social relationships.
Prominent exponents of the global approach - such as world systems
analysis - instead have focused on particular domains such as
politics or the economy. Under the label of world society, however,
some authors have suggested alternatives to the predominant
equivocation of society and the nation-state. The contributions to
this volume share that objective and take their point of departure
from the two most ambitious projects of a theory of world society:
world polity research and systems theory, mapping out the common
ground shared by world polity research and systems theory and
assessing their potential to inform empirical analyses of
This insightful book examines how transnational corporations
respond to the challenges of anti-corporate activism and political
consumerism. In prominent cases involving major corporations such
as Nestle, Nike and Royal Dutch/Shell, transnational activists have
successfully mobilized public opinion and consumers against alleged
corporate misdemeanours. Campaigns and boycott calls can harm a
corporation's image but, as this book points out, public scrutiny
also gives corporations the opportunity to present themselves as
responsible and accountable corporate citizens who subscribe to the
very norms and values propagated by the activists. Academics,
scholars and postgraduate students in international business
management, organization studies, social movement studies and
political sociology will find this book invaluable.
Die gesellschaftliche Entwicklung in Ostasien hat in den letzten
Jahrzehnten mehrfach uberraschende Wendungen genommen. Zunachst
notierten Beobachter mit Erstaunen das ostasiatische
Entwicklungs-"Wunder" nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Mit
bemerkenswerter Geschwindigkeit vollzogen zuerst Japan und
anschliessend die "vier kleinen Tiger" Hongkong, Singapur, Sudkorea
und Taiwan den Wandel zur modernen Industriegesellschaft. Auch
andere Lander der Region hegten die Hoffnung, diesem Beispiel bald
folgen zu koennen. Dann wurde die Region jedoch von einer Finanz-
und Wahrungskrise erschuttert, die derartige Plane nachhaltig in
Frage stellte. Die langfristigen Folgen dieser Entwicklung sind
ungeklart. Auf der Suche nach den Ursachen versucht die vorliegende
Studie, den Modernisierungsprozess in Ostasien zu rekonstruieren.
Eine Reihepolitischer, wirtschaftlicher und sozio-kultureller
Faktoren trugen zur erfolgreichen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung bei.
Sowohl die Erfolge als auch die Krisensymptome der
gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung in Ostasien mussen allerdings im
Kontext weltwirtschaftlicher und geopolitischer Rahmenbedingungen
gesehen werden.
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