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3 matches in All Departments
Physics, Epistemology, and Teaching: Generalizations to Be Drawn
from Results of Research on Teaching and Learning (A. Arons). Wrong
Experiments as Didactical Tools (G. Cortini). Do We Need an
Agreement with Mathematicians? (C. Bernardini). Modeling Software
for Learning and Doing Physics (D. Hestenes). Contents of Physics:
Essential Elements, Common Views (L. Viennot). Should Physicists
Preach Wat They Practice? Generic Mental Modeling in Doing and
Learning Physics (N.J. Nersessian). From Language to Concepts
Appropriation in Physics: Case Studies of Some Difficulties (J.
Grea, J. Viard). Epistemology and Physics Education (M. Cini).
Physics, Philosophy and Education (A. Cromer). What Do Epistemology
and Ontology Have to Offer in Considering Progression in Physics
Education (M. Monk). Physics Laboratory, Yesterday, Today, and...
(G. Bonera et al.). Classical Physics: The Grand Laws of Scale:
Their Place in Science Education (D. Hawkins). Conceptual Dynamics:
Changing Students Views of Force and Motion (R.K. Thornton). Force
versus Motion Conceptions: A Phenomenological Analysis of Physics
Students Questionnaires (P. Guidoni et al.). The Language of
Physics: A Case Study of the Concept of Force in Primary Education
(P. Kokkotas et al.). A Modern Understanding of Origins of
Students' Difficulties to Operate with the Weight Concepts (I.
Galili). Modeling in Physics Education: A Computerbased Learning
Environment in Newtonian Mechanics (G. Adaloro et al.). Words and
Their Meaning in Teaching Thermodynamics (J. Ferbar). The Need of
Changes in Elementary School Teachers' Training: The Case of the
Energy Concept as an Example (R. Trumper). Modern Physics: The Big
Game of Energy and Entropy (F. Wanderlingh). A Critical Analysis of
the Language of Modern Physics (F. Hermann). Complexity in Biology:
The Point of View of a Physicist (G. Parisi). Can We Understand
Intelligent Behavior by Methodsof Theoretical Physics? (F. Guerra).
The Struggle against Convention: Teaching Qualitativebased
Introductory Modern Physics (C.J. Linder). Students' Conceptions of
Quantum Physics (A. Mashaddi). A Fundamental Concept in Quantum
Theory: The Superposition Principle (G.C. Ghilardi et al.). Special
and General Relativity and Cosmology for Teachers and High School
Students (K>H. Lotze). Looking at the Second Law of
Thermodynamics through the Eyes of Maxwell's Demon (D. Malizia, C.
Tarsitani). From Effective Mass to Negative Mass (Z. Mulaj eta l.).
How to Introduce Modern Physics Topics in High School Curriculum?
(I. Costa, M. Da Silva Santos). Special Issues: Physical Laws
Revisited (C. Agnes). Qualitative Methods in Problemsolving: The
Evaluation of the Orders of Magnitude (D. Pescetti). What Should an
Ordinary Man Know about Physics? (A. Aparo). University Education
in Physics and the Needs of Industry (S.J. Joshua). Mediation by
Text and Teacher's Prepresentations in Physics Education (M.J.P.M.
de Almeida). Scientific Knowledge and Teaching Ability (A. Villani,
J.L.A. Pacca). Teaching Physics and Biophysics for Veterinary
Medicine Students and Specialists (D. Popovic, G. Djuric). Round
Table on 'Perspective and Development of Research in Physics
Education': Introduction (J. Grea et al.). Concluding Remarks (M.
Vicentini). Index.
Enrico Fermia (TM)s scientific work, noted for its originality and
breadth, has had lasting consequences throughout modern science.
Written by close colleagues as well as scientists whose fields were
profoundly influenced by Fermi, the papers collected here
constitute a tribute to him and his scientific legacy. They were
commissioned on the occasion of his 100th birthday by the Italian
Physical Society and confirm that Fermi was a rare combination of
theorist, experimentalist, teacher, and inspiring colleague. The
book is organized into three parts: three biographical overviews by
close colleagues, replete with personal insights; fourteen analyses
of Fermi's impact by specialists in their fields, spanning physics,
chemistry, mathematics, and engineering; and a year-by-year
chronology of Fermia (TM)s scientific endeavors. Written for a
general scientific audience, Enrico Fermi: His Work and Legacy
offers a highly readable source on the life of one of the 20th
century's most distinguished scientists and a must for everybody
interested in the history of modern science.
Enrico Fermi s scientific work, noted for its originality and
breadth, has had lasting consequences throughout modern science.
Written by close colleagues as well as scientists whose fields were
profoundly influenced by Fermi, the papers collected here
constitute a tribute to him and his scientific legacy. They were
commissioned on the occasion of his 100th birthday by the Italian
Physical Society and confirm that Fermi was a rare combination of
theorist, experimentalist, teacher, and inspiring colleague. The
book is organized into three parts: three biographical overviews by
close colleagues, replete with personal insights; fourteen analyses
of Fermi's impact by specialists in their fields, spanning physics,
chemistry, mathematics, and engineering; and a year-by-year
chronology of Fermi s scientific endeavors. Written for a general
scientific audience, Enrico Fermi: His Work and Legacy offers a
highly readable source on the life of one of the 20th century's
most distinguished scientists and a must for everybody interested
in the history of modern science."