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13 matches in All Departments
Oh No Santa Santa has a big problem, he's gotten a little plump
since last Christmas and cannot fit into his Santa Claus Suit.
Everyone is a little nervous because if he doesn't fit, he doesn't
deliver and that means no Christmas gifts Read to see how Mrs.
Claus, an Elf and a Reindeer help Santa save Christmas. Santa Claus
Goes on A Diet is a funny book for kids, with a good lesson about
perseverance. Pick up your copy today Kid tested and approved Santa
Claus Goes on a Diet is a great book to read to preschoolers and a
good book for children in grade one and two to try to read
The Adventures of Mable and Dogdee Series is Something That Your
Kids Can Grow Up With. If you love children's books about dogs that
are great for little girls and boys, then your kids will love Mable
and Dogdee Meet the first book in the Mable and Dogdee series.
Mable is a feisty 8 year old girl who speaks her mind. She knows
what she wants and what she wants is a dog, but every time she asks
her parents they always say the same thing, no. She wheels and
deals and makes promises to her parents but they won't budge on
their decision. Mable doesn't think it is right that all her
friends have dogs and she doesn't. One night at dinner with her
family Mable hears a strange sound at the back door. What could it
be? Well you must buy the book to find out Mable and Dogdee Meet is
a wholesome, good book for kids which centers on family life. It is
also a funny book that is perfect for kids age 4-10. Buy the book
for your little one to see how a twist of fate can sometimes make
dreams come true. It is truly a great story in moral lessons for
children to emphasize that when you do good to others, good will
come back to you.
Wie Lucy Der Marienkafer Seine Flecken Verlor - Ein Buch Uber Das
Teilen Grossartig Fur Kinder Die Gerade Lesen Lernen. Nicht So
Schnell Lucy Lucy ist eine wirklich netter Marienkafer, sie ist
jedoch ein wenig faul und erledigt nicht ihren gerechten Anteil an
der Arbeit rund um den Baumstumpf im Garten. Eines Tages Lucy
erhalt Lucy ein Warnsignal und verliert fast alles. Lese weiter um
zu erfahren was mit Lucy passiert und wie sie eine wertvolle
Lektion uber das Teilen lernt. "Wie Lucy der Marienkafer Seine
Flecken Verlor" ist ein tolles Buch fur Kinder im Alter zwischen
4-8. Es ist ideal fur Kinder, denen man noch vorlesen muss und
jenen, die gerade selbst lesen lernen
Bethany and Marcus are brother and sister and have at least one
thing in common. They can't stand Trixy, their Aunt Bertha's ugly
one eyed rabbit. She's snobby just like Aunt Bertha and refuses to
do the one thing they love to do most, play and have fun. A chance
happening brings Trixy to their home for an entire five days
Saddled with dread they brace for the worse but instead enter a
world they never saw coming. A world of infinite possibilities.
Trixy turns out to be a rather extraordinary rabbit. This book is
perfect for kids 6-8 but can be enjoyed by all, even adults. It is
a great family book that children and adults can read together.
Easy enough for a child just learning; to read on his or her own. A
great buy, own it now
What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up? This is a fun and
inspirational book that will help your child to see that they can
be anything and that the sky is the limit. Especially when you use
your imagination. A judge, baker, singer, you can be them all Print
version includes some exercises at the end to help develop your
child's reading comprehension.
Jack is a 9 year old boy who is pretty stubborn, especially when it
comes to cleaning up his toys. One day Jack goes to play with his
favorite toy and finds that it is missing. Its like it vanished
into thin air. Not too long after the same thing happens with a
second toy. Jack is put off and determined to solve the mystery of
the missing toys. he ends up getting a lot more than he bargained
for. The Toy Thieves, is a best selling children's' books that
combines the mystique of strange monsters to satisfy the
imagination while touching upon moral lessons of consideration,
kindness and unselfishness. It is also a good book for encouraging
good habits for kids. The Toy Thieves, is a new book on Amazon for
kids, it has monsters and is also a fun Ebook for kids which you
must purchase and add to your collection. Download today and enjoy
toys. he ends up getting a lot more than he bargained for. The Toy
Thieves is a really cool book for kids that combines the mystique
of strange monsters to satisfy the imagination while touching upon
moral lessons of consideration, kindness and unselfishness. It is
also a good book for encouraging good habits for kids.
One of the Best Books for Toddlers age 1-4 Full Color with 27
Illustrations Toddler tested and approved I think I was bit a
mosquito is a book that will put a smile on your little one's face
every time you read it. Little Timmy is in a bit of a bind. He gets
home from school to find that he is itchy everywhere Your toddler
will be able to follow along with Little Timmy as he scratches
away; one body part after the other. Although there may be other
books about body parts for children here on Amazon, I think I was
bit by a Mosquito is very unique because it serves three functions.
First, it is a wonderful learning tool for younger toddlers who are
just becoming familiar with their bodies and are curious about
their various body parts. I Think I was Bit by a Mosquito covers an
incredible 18 body parts A great educational book for kids age 1-4.
The second piece is that I think I was bit by a Mosquito is such a
fun book that even kids who are already familiar with the body
parts being mentioned will love mimicking the actions of little
Timmy and playing along. The third benefit is that your child will
be learning how to rhyme with words. My toddler loves to pretend
that he is itchy everywhere just like little Timmy. Try this out
with your little one and it will be nothing but fun and giggles;
creating memories that you will cherish forever.
Oh Nein Weihnachtsmann Der Weihnachtsmann hat ein grosses Problem.
Er ist seit dem letzten Weihnachten etwas dick geworden und passt
nicht mehr in seinen Weihnachtsmann-Anzug. Alle sind etwas nervos,
da er keine Weihnachtsgeschenke verteilen kann, wenn er nicht
hineinpasst. Lesen Sie die Geschichte, um zu erfahren, wie Frau
Weihnachtsmann, ein Elf und und ein Rentier dem Weihnachtsmann
dabei helfen Weihnachten zu retten. Der Weihnachtsmann macht eine
Diat ist ein witziges Buch fur Kinder, welches eine gute Lektion
uber Durchhaltewillen vermittelt. Holen Sie sich noch heute Ihr
Was Soll Ich Heute Sein - Ein Grossartiges Buch um Das
Selbstwertgefuhl Und Fantasievolle Spielen Bei Kindern zu Fordern
Bist du der nachste Fuhrer? Ein Richter oder Politiker? Du kannst
alles sein, was du dir vorstellst. Mache dich bereit so zu tun und
deine Vorstellungskraft zu nutzen. Dieses Buch ist ideal fur
Vorschulkinder und Schuler der ersten Klasse, welche gerade lesen
Que serai-je aujourd'hui - un grand livre pour favoriser l'estime
de soi et le jeu imaginatif chez les enfants Etes-vous le prochain
dirigeant? Un juge ou un politicien? Vous pouvez etre tout ce que
vous definissez votre esprit. Preparez-vous a faire semblant et a
utiliser votre imagination. Ce livre est parfait pour les enfants
d'age prescolaire et les eleves de la premiere annee seulement qui
sont entrain d'apprendre a lire.
Oh No Santa Santa tiene un gran problema, se ha puesto un poco
regordete desde la Navidad pasada y puede no caber en su traje de
Santa Claus. Todo el mundo esta un poco nervioso porque si no
entra, no entrega y significa que no habria regalos de Navidad Lee
para ver como la senora Claus, un duende y un reno de Santa ayudan
a salvar la Navidad. Santa Claus se Pone a Dieta es un libro
divertido para los ninos, con una buena leccion sobre la
perseverancia. Obtenga su copia hoy
Que deberia hacer hoy - Un Gran Libro para fomentar la autoestima y
el Juego Creativo en los Ninos Eres tu el proximo lider? Un juez o
un politico? Puedes ser cualquier cosa que te propongas. Preparate
para jugar y utilizar tu imaginacion Este libro es perfecto para
los ninos en edad preescolar y estudiantes de primer grado que
estan aprendiendo a leer.
Oh No Pere Noel Le Pere Noel a un gros probleme, il a gagne un peu
du poids depuis Noel dernier et ne peut pas s'inserer dans son
costume de pere Noel. Tout le monde est un peu nerveux parce que
s'il ne convient pas, il ne livre pas, ce qui ne signifie pas de
cadeau de Noel Lire pour voir comment Mme Claus, un elfe et un
renne ont aide le pere Noel a sauve Noel. Pere Noel se met au
regime est un livre drole pour les enfants, avec une bonne lecon de
perseverance. Procurez-vous votre exemplaire des aujourd'hui