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Pratt's Essential Biochemistry, Global Edition aims to provide a
solid foundation in biochemistry, presenting complete, up-to-date
information while focusing on the practical aspects of biochemistry
as it applies to human health, nutrition and disease. It presents a
broad, but not overwhelming coverage of basic biochemical concepts
that focus on the chemistry behind biology, structure-function
relationships, transformation of energy and how genetic information
is stored and made accessible. It relates these concepts to
practical knowledge as well as providing many problem-solving
opportunities to enhance skills.
Essential Biochemistry, 5th Edition is comprised of biology,
pre-med and allied health topics and presents a broad, but not
overwhelming, base of biochemical coverage that focuses on the
chemistry behind the biology. This revised edition relates the
chemical concepts that scaffold the biology of biochemistry,
providing practical knowledge as well as many problem-solving
opportunities to hone skills. Key Concepts and Concept Review
features help students to identify and review important takeaways
in each section.
Mit erweiterten Lernhilfen vermittelt auch die dritte Auflage des
"Voet" die unverzichtbaren Grundlagen und zentralen Themen der
Biochemie. Die chemische Perspektive wird ergAnzt durch wichtige
Anwendungen aus Biotechnologie, Medizin und Pharmazie.
This is the Student Companion to accompany Fundamentals of
Biochemistry, 5th Edition. Voet, Voet and Pratt's Fundamentals of
Biochemistry, 5th Edition addresses the enormous advances in
biochemistry, particularly in the areas of structural biology and
Bioinformatics, by providing a solid biochemical foundation that is
rooted in chemistry to prepare students for the scientific
challenges of the future. While continuing in its tradition of
presenting complete and balanced coverage that is clearly written
and relevant to human health and disease, Fundamentals of
Biochemistry, 5e includes new pedagogy and enhanced visuals that
provide a pathway for student learning.
This text uses a more brief and qualitative approach to present
biochemistry with chemical rigor, focusing on the structures of
biomolecules, chemical mechanisms, and evolutionary relationships.
It is written to impart a sense of intellectual history of
biochemistry, an understanding of the tools and approaches used to
solve biochemical puzzles, and a hint of the excitement that
accompanies new discoveries. This edition has been thoroughly
updated to reflect the most recent advances in biochemistry,
particularly in the areas of genomics and structural biology. A new
chapter focuses on cytoskeletal and motor proteins, currently one
of the most active areas of research in biochemistry.