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This book includes the introduction of emerging manufacturing
technologies and planning cases with established technologies. The
planning of eco-efficient process chains is crucial for
manufacturing companies. However, in the state-of-the-art planning,
various barriers exist towards the integration of the environmental
dimension. Against this background, a concept for the integration
of classic lean and environmental criteria into the three planning
phases of process chains is presented. During concept planning, the
Technology Assessment Tool supports planners in the identification
of eco-efficient technologies. During rough planning, the Value
Stream Design Tool enables the derivation of a production line
based on workpiece characteristics. For detailed planning, tools
for eco-efficient machine and process chain configuration are
provided. Three case studies from large-scale automotive component
manufacturing with established and emerging technologies
demonstrate the tool applicability.
This book explores how agile development practices, in particular
pair programming, code review and automated testing, help software
development teams to perform better. Agile software engineering has
become the standard software development paradigm over the last
decade, and the insights provided here are taken from a large-scale
survey of 80 professional software development teams working at SAP
SE in Germany. In addition, the book introduces a novel measurement
tool for assessing the performance of software development teams.
No previous study has researched this topic with a similar data set
comprising insights from more than 450 professional software
African slavery was pervasive in Spain's Atlantic empire yet
remained in the margins of the imperial economy until the end of
the eighteenth century when the plantation revolution in the
Caribbean colonies put the slave traffic and the plantation at the
center of colonial exploitation and conflict. The international
group of scholars brought together in this volume explain Spain's
role as a colonial pioneer in the Atlantic world and its latecomer
status as a slave-trading, plantation-based empire. These
contributors map the broad contours and transformations of
slave-trafficking, the plantation, and antislavery in the Hispanic
Atlantic while also delving into specific topics that include: the
institutional and economic foundations of colonial slavery; the law
and religion; the influences of the Haitian Revolution and British
abolitionism; antislavery and proslavery movements in Spain; race
and citizenship; and the business of the illegal slave trade.
In every Western democracy today, inheritances have a very profound
influence on people's lives. This motivates renewed scholarship on
inheritance law by philosophy and the legal sciences. The present
volume aims to contribute to some ongoing areas of inquiry while
also filling some gaps in research. It is organized in a highly
interdisciplinary way. In the thirteen chapters of the book,
written by outstanding philosophers and legal scholars, the
following questions, among others, are discussed: What is the
nature of the right to bequeath? What are the social functions of
bequest and inheritance? What arguments concerning justice have
philosophers and legal scholars advanced in favour or against
practices of bequest and inheritance? How should we think about
taxing the wealth transfers that occur in bequest and inheritance?
In discussing these questions, the authors break new ground and
offer much needed insight into several related domains, such as the
philosophy of law; legal theory; general and applied ethics; social
and political philosophy; theories of justice; and the history of
legal, political, and economic thought. This book will be of great
interest to scholars in these areas as well as policy-makers.
This book has grown out of a conference on "Degrees of Belief" that
was held at the University of Konstanz in July 2004, organised by
Luc Bovens, Wolfgang Spohn, and the editors. The event was
supported by the German Research Fo- dation (DFG), the Philosophy,
Probability, and Modeling (PPM) Group, and the
Zukunftskolleg)attheUniversityof Konstanz. The PPM Group itself -
of which the editors were members at the time - was sponsored by a
So a Kovalevskaja Award by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation,
the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, and the Program for
the Investment in the Future (ZIP) of the German Government to Luc
Bovens, who co-directed the PPM Group with Stephan Hartmann. The
publication of this book received further support from the Emmy
Noether Junior Research Group Formal Epistemology at the
Zukunftskolleg and the Department of Philosophy at the U- versity
of Konstanz, directed by Franz Huber, and funded by the DFG. We
thank everyone involved for their support. Dedicated to the memory
of Philippe Smets and Henry Kyburg. Konstanz, Germany Franz Huber
Christoph Schmidt-Petri v Contents Belief and Degrees of Belief. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . 1 Franz Huber Part I Plain Belief and Degrees of Belief
Beliefs, Degrees of Belief, and the Lockean Thesis. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Richard Foley The Lockean Thesis and
the Logic of Belief. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . 49 James Hawthorne Partial Belief and Flat-Out Belief. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
75 Keith Frankish Part II What Laws Should Degrees of Belief Obey?
Epistemic Probability and Coherent Degrees of Belief . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
African slavery was pervasive in Spain's Atlantic empire yet
remained in the margins of the imperial economy until the end of
the eighteenth century when the plantation revolution in the
Caribbean colonies put the slave traffic and the plantation at the
center of colonial exploitation and conflict. The international
group of scholars brought together in this volume explain Spain's
role as a colonial pioneer in the Atlantic world and its latecomer
status as a slave-trading, plantation-based empire. These
contributors map the broad contours and transformations of
slave-trafficking, the plantation, and antislavery in the Hispanic
Atlantic while also delving into specific topics that include: the
institutional and economic foundations of colonial slavery; the law
and religion; the influences of the Haitian Revolution and British
abolitionism; antislavery and proslavery movements in Spain; race
and citizenship; and the business of the illegal slave trade.
The theory of recognition is now a well-established and mature
research paradigm in philosophy, and it is both influential in and
influenced by developments in other fields of the humanities and
social sciences. From debates in moral philosophy about the
fundamental roots of obligation, to debates in political philosophy
about the character of multicultural societies, to debates in legal
theory about the structure and justification of rights, to debates
in social theory about the prospects and proper objects of critical
theory, to debates in ontology, philosophical anthropology and
psychology about the structure of personal and group identities,
theories based on the concept of intersubjective recognition have
staked out central positions. At the same time, contemporary
theories of recognition are strongly, perhaps indissociably,
connected to themes in the history of philosophy, especially as
treated in German idealism. This volume compromises a collection of
original papers by eminent international scholars working at the
forefront of recognition theory and provides an unparalleled view
of the depth and diversity of philosophical research on the topic.
Its particular strength is in exploring connections between the
history of philosophy and contemporary research by combining in one
volume full treatments of classical authors on recognition
Rousseau, Kant, Fichte, Hegel, Marx, Freud with cutting edge work
by leading contemporary philosophers of recognition, including
Fraser, Honneth, and others."
This book includes the introduction of emerging manufacturing
technologies and planning cases with established technologies. The
planning of eco-efficient process chains is crucial for
manufacturing companies. However, in the state-of-the-art planning,
various barriers exist towards the integration of the environmental
dimension. Against this background, a concept for the integration
of classic lean and environmental criteria into the three planning
phases of process chains is presented. During concept planning, the
Technology Assessment Tool supports planners in the identification
of eco-efficient technologies. During rough planning, the Value
Stream Design Tool enables the derivation of a production line
based on workpiece characteristics. For detailed planning, tools
for eco-efficient machine and process chain configuration are
provided. Three case studies from large-scale automotive component
manufacturing with established and emerging technologies
demonstrate the tool applicability.
This book explores how agile development practices, in particular
pair programming, code review and automated testing, help software
development teams to perform better. Agile software engineering has
become the standard software development paradigm over the last
decade, and the insights provided here are taken from a large-scale
survey of 80 professional software development teams working at SAP
SE in Germany. In addition, the book introduces a novel measurement
tool for assessing the performance of software development teams.
No previous study has researched this topic with a similar data set
comprising insights from more than 450 professional software
This book features papers of prominent representatives of the
German coaching scene on the professional development of this
counseling format. The book thereby offers guidelines for
practicing professionals and for scientists as well as for
potential users of coaching. Coaching is, after all, developing
rapidly. The number and the variety of offers, fields of
application, concepts and issues have become hard to keep track of.
Efforts to establish coaching professionally are becoming all the
more necessary. - In light of the growing internationalization of
the coaching market, the translation of this book, which was
published in German in 2015, aims at networking the debates and
contributing to the global development of professional coaching.
This book has grown out of a conference on "Degrees of Belief" that
was held at the University of Konstanz in July 2004, organised by
Luc Bovens, Wolfgang Spohn, and the editors. The event was
supported by the German Research Fo- dation (DFG), the Philosophy,
Probability, and Modeling (PPM) Group, and the
Zukunftskolleg)attheUniversityof Konstanz. The PPM Group itself -
of which the editors were members at the time - was sponsored by a
So a Kovalevskaja Award by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation,
the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, and the Program for
the Investment in the Future (ZIP) of the German Government to Luc
Bovens, who co-directed the PPM Group with Stephan Hartmann. The
publication of this book received further support from the Emmy
Noether Junior Research Group Formal Epistemology at the
Zukunftskolleg and the Department of Philosophy at the U- versity
of Konstanz, directed by Franz Huber, and funded by the DFG. We
thank everyone involved for their support. Dedicated to the memory
of Philippe Smets and Henry Kyburg. Konstanz, Germany Franz Huber
Christoph Schmidt-Petri v Contents Belief and Degrees of Belief. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . 1 Franz Huber Part I Plain Belief and Degrees of Belief
Beliefs, Degrees of Belief, and the Lockean Thesis. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Richard Foley The Lockean Thesis and
the Logic of Belief. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . 49 James Hawthorne Partial Belief and Flat-Out Belief. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
75 Keith Frankish Part II What Laws Should Degrees of Belief Obey?
Epistemic Probability and Coherent Degrees of Belief . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The author shows why implementing the project of a critical social
theory in the tradition of the Frankfurt School based on
recognition theory can yield promising results. In this context,
the category of recognition is of special value because by using
recognition theory, social relationships can be both analyzed and
criticized. This is shown in the exemplary interpretation of
classical texts (Hegel, Marx, Habermas and others).
The book describes the transformation of discourse in cultural
studies, a discourse which after its inception around the turn of
the century was also designed to salvage German-Jewish
interculturality. This transformation manifests itself in a
discourse on political theology (involving Carl Schmitt and Gershom
Scholem) through which the disastrous dissociation of the two
cultures took its final and irrevocable course.
Die vorliegende Auswahl von Texten des franzosischen
Sozialphilosophen und Gesellschaftstheoretikers Charles Fourier
(1772-1837) hat zwei Schwerpunkte: Zum einen thematisiert sie die
wesentlichen Aspekte und die gedankliche Struktur von Fouriers
weitreichendem uvre; zum anderen macht sie verstandlich, welche
Uberlegungen Fouriers fur heutige Theoretikerinnen und Theoretiker
anregend oder anschlussfahig sind. Zu den Themen, die Fourier in
den im vorliegenden Band publizierten Schriften behandelt, zahlen
das Ideal einer exakten Sozialwissenschaft; die Grundlagen der
Anthropologie; die neue Welt der Liebe und des Konsums; die
Relevanz der Arbeit fur ein gelingendes Leben; die Grundstruktur
nicht-entfremdeter Gesellschaften; sowie die Kritik an der
Philosophie und den Gesellschaftswissenschaften, insbesondere der
Okonomik. Zahlreiche der im Band versammelten Texte werden erstmals
auf Deutsch veroffentlicht."
Christoph Schmidt untersucht, wie eine ausreichende Objektivitat
Interner Revisoren nach nationalen und internationalen
Berufsstandards erreicht werden kann. Die Objektivitat ist neben
der organisatorischen Unabhangigkeit eine elementare Voraussetzung
fur eine effektive Interne Revision. Interessenkonflikte koennen
die Objektivitat Interner Revisoren aber beeintrachtigen. Der Autor
stellt daher fest, dass die Einfuhrung eines Rotations programms in
Form eines internen Leitungswechsels dezentraler Revisionsleitern
in der Internen Revision eines internationalen Konzerns eine
organisatorische Moeglichkeit zur Steigerung der individuellen
Objektivitat darstellen kann.
Mit Christoph Schmidts Band gibt es eine kompakte Einfuhrung in die
Geschichte des Zarenreichs. Gut zu lesen fuhrt die Darstellung
durch annahernd vier Jahrhunderte russischer Geschichte. Im
Mittelpunkt des Forschungsteils stehen vier grundlegende Aspekte:
Geografie, Ethnologie, Orthodoxie und Autokratie. Ein idealer
Leitfaden durch den aktuellen Stand der Forschung ist das
thematisch gegliederte Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis. Aus der
Presse ..". Schmidts Kompetenz zeigt sich vor allem dort, wo er
sich auf seine eigenen Forschungen uber Staat und Gesellschaft im
Russland der Fruhen Neuzeit berufen kann. Wer eine knappe,
gleichwohl erschopfende Zusammenfassung der historischen Literatur
uber Autokratie, Adel und Standeverfassung im Russland des 17. und
18. Jahrhunderts erwartet, wird nicht enttauscht werden." Jorg
Baberowski in: Geschichte und Wissenschaft und Unterricht (Heft 11,
November 2007)"
A Spanish Prisoner in the Ruins of Napoleon's Empire offers a rare
primary document from an important moment in history: the Spanish
War of Independence, which culminated in the expulsion of France
from the Iberian Peninsula in 1814. Fernando Blanco White, a
Spaniard whose family made its fortune in trade in Seville -
historically Spain's vital link to its American empire- experienced
the turmoil of this time period, both as a prisoner of war and as a
free man. Blanco White's diary offers personal insights into how
people in Europe and across its global empires coped with these
profound transformations. Taken prisoner by the French in 1809,
Blanco White finally fled from captivity in 1814. Along with other
Spanish escapees, he crossed Switzerland, the Rhineland, and the
Netherlands before finally setting sail for England. Unlike most of
his countrymen, who were quickly whisked back to Spain, Blanco
White stayed in England for two years, during which time he
composed his account of his flight across Europe. His diary offers
gripping, witty, and sometimes cranky accounts of this time, as he
records rich descriptions of places he passed through, his
companions and fellow Spaniards, and his many encounters with
soldiers and civilians. He writes vividly about his imprisonment,
his fear of recapture, his renewed exercise of autonomy, and the
inverse, his ""slavery""- a term he employs in evocative fashion to
describe both his captivity at the hands of the French and the
condition of Spaniards more generally under the absolutist Bourbon
monarchy. Now available in paperback, Blanco White's diary tracks
firsthand the Spanish experience of war, captivity, and flight
during the War of Independence.
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book
may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages,
poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the
original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We
believe this work is culturally important, and despite the
imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of
our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works
worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in
the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
++++ The below data was compiled from various identification fields
in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as
an additional tool in helping to ensure edition identification:
++++ Darstellung Der Gestalt-entwicklung Des Menschlichen
Orgnaismus: Ein Beitrag Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte Des Menschen J.
Christoph Schmidt Voigt und Mocker, 1846 Science; Life Sciences;
Evolution; Evolution; Science / Life Sciences / Evolution
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book
may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages,
poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the
original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We
believe this work is culturally important, and despite the
imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of
our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works
worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in
the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
++++ The below data was compiled from various identification fields
in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as
an additional tool in helping to ensure edition identification:
++++ Beschreibung Einer Elektrisirmaschine Georg Christoph Schmidt
Gedichte (Paperback)
Christoph Schmidt Genannt Phiseldeck
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This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book
may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages,
poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the
original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We
believe this work is culturally important, and despite the
imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of
our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works
worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in
the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
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