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Showing 1 - 7 of 7 matches in All Departments

Foundations of Engineering - Developing the Skills and Mindset of a Successful Engineer: Tanya Kunberger, R. Christopher Geiger Foundations of Engineering - Developing the Skills and Mindset of a Successful Engineer
Tanya Kunberger, R. Christopher Geiger
R3,214 Discovery Miles 32 140 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Constructing European Intellectual Property - Achievements and New Perspectives (Hardcover): Christophe Geiger Constructing European Intellectual Property - Achievements and New Perspectives (Hardcover)
Christophe Geiger
R4,930 Discovery Miles 49 300 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Constructing European Intellectual Property offers a comprehensive assessment of the current state of intellectual property legislation in Europe and gives direction on how an improved system might be achieved. This detailed study presents various perspectives on what further actions are necessary to provide the circumstances and tools for the construction of a truly balanced European intellectual property system. The book takes as its starting point that the ultimate aim of such a system should be to ensure sustainable and innovation-based economic growth while enhancing free circulation of ideas and cultural expressions. Being the first in the European Intellectual Property Institutes Network (EIPIN) series, this book lays down some concrete foundations for a deeper understanding of European intellectual property law and its complex interplay with other fields of jurisprudence as well as its impact on a broad array of spheres of social interaction. In so doing, it provides a well needed platform for further research. Academics, policymakers, lawyers and many others concerned with establishment of a regulatory framework for intangibles in the EU will benefit from the extensive and thoughtful discussion presented in this work. Contributors: C. Archambeau, R. D'Erme, E. Derclaye, T. Dreier, S. Dusollier, G.E. Evans, C. Geiger, J. Griffiths, H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, C. Heinze, P.B. Hugenholtz, T. Jaeger, A. Kamperman Sanders, J. Krauss, A. Kur, R. Lutz, R. Matulionyte, L. McDonagh, A. Metzger, T. Mylly, J. Raynard, M. Ricolfi, J. Schovsbo, V. Scordamaglia, M. Senftleben, X. Seuba, U. Suthersanen, T. Takenaka, G. Van Overwalle, M. Vivant

Criminal Enforcement of Intellectual Property - A Handbook of Contemporary Research (Hardcover): Christophe Geiger Criminal Enforcement of Intellectual Property - A Handbook of Contemporary Research (Hardcover)
Christophe Geiger
R5,867 Discovery Miles 58 670 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This wide-ranging Research Handbook is the first to offer a stimulating and systematic review of the framework for criminal enforcement of intellectual property rights. If counterfeiting constitutes an ever-growing international phenomenon with major economic and social repercussions, potentially affecting consumer safety and public health, the question of which are the appropriate instruments to enforce IP rights is a complex and sensitive one. Although criminal penalties can constitute strong and effective means of enforcement, serious doubts exist as to whether criminal sanctions are appropriate in every infringement situation. Drawing on legal, economic, historical and judicial perspectives, this book provides a differentiated sector-by-sector approach to the question of enforcement, and draws useful conclusions for future legislative initiatives at European, international and national levels. Offering a broad survey of the field, and a sound platform for further research, this legal and cross-disciplinary study by leading scholars will prove insightful for professors, researchers and students in intellectual property, criminal, competition, consumer protection and health law. Contributors: C.M. Correa, J. Drexl, C. Geiger, D. Gervais, J. Gibson, J. Griffiths, H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, R.M. Hilty, H.-G. Koch, D. Lefranc, D. Matthews, T. Mylly, A. Ohly, A. Peukert, M.R. Roudaut, J. Schmidt-Szalewski, A. Wechsler, G. Westkamp, P.K. Yu

Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Investment Law (Hardcover): Christophe Geiger Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Investment Law (Hardcover)
Christophe Geiger
R7,149 Discovery Miles 71 490 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This innovative Research Handbook explores the complex and controversial interactions between intellectual property (IP) and investment law. In light of recent developments at national, European and international levels, the chapters critically examine the legitimacy of current practices with regard to the social function of IP rights and the regulatory autonomy of States to undertake measures in the public interest. Internationally renowned contributors analyse high profile cases in the framework of global legal forums and agreements, such as the Global Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the WTO. Exploring the significance of fundamental human rights and ethical concerns, this Research Handbook will provide critical insight into intellectual property law, particularly with respect to the protection of IP as an investment, and its adjudication in the context of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanisms. Comprehensive and engaging, academics and higher-level students working on intellectual property, investment law, European law and international law, will benefit from this Research Handbook. Specialized lawyers and practitioners, as well as organizations or governments involved in IP regulation, will also take advantage from its insight. Contributors include: E. Bonadio, G. Cook, C. Correa, T. Cottier, R.C. Dreyfuss, S. Frankel, S. Gaspar-Szilagyi, C. Geiger, R. Geiger, D. Gervais, H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, C.M. Ho, M. Husovec, S. Klopschinski, A. Marsoof, B. Mercurio, T. Mylly, R.L. Okediji, P. Roffe, D. Segoin, X. Seuba, P.N. Upreti, L. Vanhonnaeker, H. Wager, P.K. Yu

Research Handbook on Human Rights and Intellectual Property (Hardcover): Christophe Geiger Research Handbook on Human Rights and Intellectual Property (Hardcover)
Christophe Geiger
R7,281 Discovery Miles 72 810 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This remarkable book covers the impact of human rights on intellectual property law in the most comprehensive review ever undertaken. It is destined to influence the future development of this field and constitutes an essential resource for both scholars and practitioners.' - Jerome H. Reichman, Duke University School of Law, US'Professor Geiger has assembled an extraordinary group of leading legal scholars, human rights lawyers, judges, and international civil servants to provide comprehensive, up-to-the-minute coverage of all the major issues implicated by the interaction between human rights and intellectual property. This volume will be required reading for anyone interested in this increasingly important topic.' - Beebe Barton, New York University School of Law, US 'Intellectual property law draws boundaries around human creativity. In doing so it intersects with the principles and values of the human rights tradition. In this remarkable volume, Professor Christophe Geiger has brought together a great team of scholars to explore this intersection. The result is a Research Handbook that is comprehensive in its coverage of jurisdictions, issues and debates. It is an indispensable starting point for researchers wishing to understand the field and its many topics.' - Peter Drahos, Australian National University and Queen Mary University of London, UK Research Handbook on Human Rights and Intellectual Property is a comprehensive reference work on the intersection of human rights and intellectual property law. Resulting from a field-specific expertise of over 40 scholars and professionals of world renown, the book explores the practical and doctrinal implications of human rights considerations on intellectual property law and jurisprudence. The various chapters of the book scrutinize issues related to interactions among and between norms of different legal families and the role of human rights in the development of a balanced intellectual property legal framework. The innovative approach of the book is reflected in its structure: the first part provides a foundation for the human rights and intellectual property discourse; the second sheds light on the human rights implications for the development of intellectual property; and the third (characterized by a human rights perspective) is devoted to the specific issues of interaction between human rights and intellectual property. Exploring in depth a variety of interactions between human rights and intellectual property law, the book will be of great interest to academics and experts working within human rights, intellectual property, development, international relations and international public law. Contributors include: A. Abdel-Latif, T. Aplin, C. Avila Plaza, D.B. Barbosa, A.Brown, C. Chiarolla, J. Christoffersen, C.M. Correa, T. Dreier, P. Ducoulombier, L.Falcon, S. Farran, S. Frankel, D. Gangjee, M. Ganzhorn, C. Geiger, D. Gervais, G. Ghidini, J. Griffiths, H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, L.R. Helfer, P. von Kapff, A. Kupzok, J.D. Lipton, D. Matthews, T. Mylly, A. Peukert, A. Plomer, J.M. Samuels, M. Senftleben, X. Seuba, C. Sganga, R. Smith, A. Stazi, T. Takenaka, C. Trautmann, D. Voorhoof, C. Waelde, H. Wager, J. Watal, G. Westkamp, P.K. Yu

Impulse Fur Eine Europaische Harmonisierung Des Urheberrechts / Perspectives d'Harmonisation Du Droit d'Auteur En... Impulse Fur Eine Europaische Harmonisierung Des Urheberrechts / Perspectives d'Harmonisation Du Droit d'Auteur En Europe - Urheberrecht Im Deutsch-Franzoesischen Dialog / Rencontres Franco-Allemandes (German, Hardcover, 2007 ed.)
T Engelhardt; Edited by Reto Hilty, Christophe Geiger; Contributions by G Hansen, K Markowsk, …
R3,775 Discovery Miles 37 750 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Impulse fur eine europaische harmonisierung DES Urheberrechts Urheberrecht im deutsch-franzoesischen Dialog Die Harmonisierung des Urheberrechts in Europa wird auch in den kommenden Jahren eine Herausforderung bleiben. Die Rechtsordnungen der Mitgliedsstaaten weisen gerade in diesem Rechtsgebiet erhebliche Unterschiede auf. Will man eine moeglichst breite Beteiligung der Mitglieder an diesem Prozess erreichen, so mussen ihre verschiedenen Ansatze bei der Harmonisierung Berucksichtigung finden. Dazu bedarf es zunachst einer grundlichen Analyse der Besonderheiten der jeweiligen Regelungssysteme. Vor diesem Hintergrund erscheint ein Vergleich des deutschen und des franzoesischen Urheberrechts besonders lehrreich. Zudem zeigt die Erfahrung, dass die Punkte, in denen das "deutsch-franzoesische Tandem Einigkeit erzielen konnte, oftmals einen Sogeffekt auf die Gemeinschaft ausgeubt haben. Aus diesem Grund haben das Max-Planck-Institut fur Geistiges Eigentum und das Institut de Recherche en Propriete Intellectuelle Henri-Desbois beschlossen, gemeinsam von einem deutsch-franzoesischen Standpunkt aus die Perspektiven eines Urheberrechts auf europaischer Ebene auszuloten. Von September 2004 bis Januar 2006 fand eine Vortragsreihe im Wechsel in Munchen und Paris statt, in deren Rahmen namhafte Urheberrechtexperten beider Lander zentrale Fragen des Urheberrechts diskutierten. Ziel der gemeinsamen UEberlegungen war es, dem europaischen Gesetzgeber auf unabhangigem Wege Loesungsmoeglichkeiten fur eine Harmonisierung aufzuzeigen. Den Abschluss bildete ein Symposium, auf dem die gemeinsam erarbeiteten Thesen diskutiert wurden. Die ideenreichen Beitrage dieser Vortragsreihe sind im vorliegenden Band abgedruckt. PERSPECTIVES D'HARMONISATION DU DROIT D'AUTEUR EN EUROPE Rencontres franco-allemandes L'harmonisation europeenne du droit d'auteur reste un enjeu majeur pour les prochaines annees, tant different dans ce domaine les traditions juridiques des differents Etats membres. Afin d'entrainer une large adhesion de la part de ces pays, ces differentes conceptions doivent etre prises en compte dans le processus d'harmonisation, ce qui necessite qu'une analyse de ces particularites soit conduite au prealable. Dans cette perspective, la comparaison des systemes francais et allemand du droit d'auteur est tres riche d'enseignements. De plus, l'experience passee a demontre que les points communs degages par le fameux " axe franco-allemand " ont souvent eu un grand effet d'entrainement au sein de l'Union europeenne. C'est pour cette raison que l'Institut Max-Planck pour le droit de la propriete intellectuelle et l'Institut de Recherche en Propriete Intellectuelle Henri-Desbois ont decide ensemble de conduire une reflexion sur l'avenir du droit d'auteur a l'echelle europeenne, dans une perspective franco-allemande. Avec pour ambition de proposer, de maniere independante, des pistes a suivre au legislateur communautaire, une serie de conferences traitant des principales questions du droit d'auteur et reunissant de prestigieux experts francais et allemands a ete organise de septembre 2004 a janvier 2006 successivement a Munich et a Paris, cloture par une conference finale durant laquelle ont ete discutees les differentes idees degagees lors des rencontres precedentes. C'est ces riches contributions qui ont ete reproduites dans le present ouvrage.

Foundations of Engineering - Developing the Skills and Mindset of a Successful Engineer (Paperback): Tanya Kunberger, R.... Foundations of Engineering - Developing the Skills and Mindset of a Successful Engineer (Paperback)
Tanya Kunberger, R. Christopher Geiger
R2,451 Discovery Miles 24 510 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Foundations of Engineering: Developing the Skills and Mindset of a Successful Engineer provides students with a broad overview of the engineering design process, information about student success and career development, and an exploration of the communication skills necessary to be successful in school and beyond. Chapter 1 introduces students to the steps within the engineering design process with emphasis on the concepts of innovation and entrepreneurship. Chapters 2 and 3 focus on setting a path for success in academia and real-world practice. Students consider activities, methods, and relationships that will not only help them in the present, but can help them achieve their future goals and aspirations. They cultivate the tools necessary to effectively begin searching for positions that align with their ideal career trajectories. In the closing chapters, the text examines communication, first with respect to how to find and evaluate information and then how to disseminate that information in both written and oral formats. Highly practical and designed to provide students with a solid knowledge base, Foundations of Engineering is an exemplary textbook for introductory courses and programs in engineering.

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