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This book gives insights into the pain and suffering involved when
people are grieving for someone who has committed suicide, but it
also offers hope without diminishing the significance of the
suffering involved. As such, it has a lot to offer, and is
therefore to be welcomed.' - Well-Being 'This book provides deep
and valuable insight into the experiences of "suicide survivors" -
those who have been left behind by the suicide of friend, family
member or loved one.' - Therapy Today 'The personal stories are
full of pathos interest and will clarify where the death leaves
those left behind. The list of self-help groups is world wide and
it will be useful that you can point the bereaved and traumatized
in the right direction.' - Accident and Emergency Nursing Journal
'The authors describe powerfully the effect of suicide on survivors
and the world of silence, shame, guilt and depression that can
follow. Author Christopher Lake is a suicide survivor and co-author
Henry Seiden is an experienced therapist and educator. They use
sensitive and unambiguous language to provide an understanding of
what it is like to live in the wake of suicide and the struggle to
make sense of the world. They also look at how survivors might
actively respond to their situation, rather than being passive
victims. This book should be read by any professional who is likely
to come into contact with people affected by suicide.' - Nursing
Standard, October 2007 'The book is well written and relevant to
both survivors and professionals concerned for the welfare of those
bereaved by suicide.' - SOBS (Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide)
Newsletter 'Silent grief is a book for and about "suicide
survivors," defined as people who have experienced the death of a
friend or relative through suicide, and for anyone who wants to
understand what survivors go through. The book explains the
profound, traumatic effect suicide has on individuals bereaved in
such circumstances. Using verbatim quotes from survivors it
explains how they experience feelings of shame, guilt, anger,
doubt, isolation and depression. This book provides good insight
into the experience of individuals affected by suicide and can be a
useful resource to anybody working with such people - be it
prisoners who have lost someone close through suicide or the family
of a prisoner following a self-inflicted death in prison. -
National Offender Management Service. Safer Custody News. Safer
Custody Group. May/June 2007 Silent Grief is a book for and about
"suicide survivors" - those who have been left behind by the
suicide of a friend or loved one. Author Christopher Lukas is a
suicide survivor himself - several members of his family have taken
their own lives - and the book draws on his own experiences, as
well as those of numerous other suicide survivors. These inspiring
personal testimonies are combined with the professional expertise
of Dr. Henry M. Seiden, a psychologist and psychoanalytic
psychotherapist. The authors present information on common
experiences of bereavement, grief reactions and various ways of
coping. Their message is that it is important to share one's
experience of "survival" with others and they encourage survivors
to overcome the perceived stigma or shame associated with suicide
and to seek support from self-help groups, psychotherapy, family
therapy, Internet support forums or simply a friend or family
member who will listen. This revised edition has been fully updated
and describes new forms of support including Internet forums, as
well as addressing changing societal attitudes to suicide and an
increased willingness to discuss suicide publicly. Silent Grief
gives valuable insights into living in the wake of suicide and
provides useful strategies and support for those affected by a
suicide, as well as professionals in the field of psychology,
social work, and medicine.
Practical, emotional, and spiritual guidance
The time may come when you or a loved one has to face a
life-threatening illness; when you realize that you or your loved
one may be dying. It's never easy to think about the last years of
life, but being prepared can help you have your hopes and wishes
realized. By taking the time now to plan for the future, you can
maintain control of your life even at the very end.
Staying in Charge is a supportive guide to opening up the lines of
communication and making life more fulfilling from the first day of
diagnosis of a serious illness. This reassuring handbook helps you
to focus on important matters such as:
* Handling a living will or a do-not-resuscitate order
* Deciding upon medical power of attorney
* Gathering support from friends and family
* And, most significantly, learning to live in the midst of dying
Based on the wisdom of many experts and caregivers in the field,
Staying in Charge offers everything you need to know to make the
last years of life more fruitful, less isolating, and more
comfortable and peaceful-whenever and wherever the journey
""Few of us think of our own death with an open heart or a clear
mind. Kaplan and Lukas courageously and compassionately demystify
this unknown part of life with practical and spiritual guidance.
With Staying in Charge, the secret is out: You can plan for death
and, in so doing, learn how to live more fully.""
-Beth Witrogen McLeod, author of Caregiving: The Spiritual Journey
of Love, Loss, and Renewal
""Staying in Charge: Practical Plans for the End of Your Life means
what it says. When it comes time to manage a serious illness, we
all want to be in control. There isn't a person alive who shouldn't
read and absorb the counsel of this valorous-and unexpectedly
-Stefan Kanfer, former editor, Time magazine author of Ball of Fire
and A Summer World
Christopher Lukas arranges his wonderful short stories into three
sections: 'Lust and Love,' 'Love and Loss,' and 'At Close of Day.'
Although the stories are not linked by character or by action
leading a progress, the sections suggest such a progression for
human experience. We lust for what we wish to have, and, in the
process discover love. And, having found love, we find also loss.
The separation from love, both tragic and heroic, prepares us for
our own 'close of day.' Lukas shows us through his fiction how we
make the journey in human, sensitive, personal terms. There is much
that is beautiful about these stories, and warmly comforting.
Where, 'as things are now, this is definitely the place for me to
be' ('Angels of Mercy').
An easy-to-read anecdotal book from a long-time consumer of
psychotherapeutic services, explaining why he fervently believes
that psychotherapy can be very helpful to people with emotional
Christopher (Kit) Lukas's mother committed suicide when he was a
boy. He and his brother, Tony, were not told how she died. No one
spoke of the family's history of depression and bipolar disorder.
The brothers grew up to achieve remarkable success; Tony as a
gifted journalist (and author of the classic book, "Common
Ground"), Kit as an accomplished television producer and director.
After suffering bouts of depression, Kit was able to confront his
family's troubled past, but Tony never seemed to find the
contentment Kit had attained-he killed himself in 1997. Written
with heartrending honesty, "Blue Genes" captures the devastation of
this family legacy of depression and details the strength and hope
that can provide a way of escaping its grasp.
Nachdem die Erforschung der Faszieneigenschaften in den letzten
Jahren massiv zunahm und dadurch hochinteressante Erkenntnisse
gewonnen wurden, wird mehr und mehr klar, dass die Faszien deutlich
mehr als nur Muskelh llen sind. Sie verf gen ber zahlreiche
Rezeptoren und sind somit aktiv an der Propriozeption beteiligt. Da
sie selbst ber kontraktile Elemente verf gen, unterst tzen sie die
Muskulatur bei Haltung und Bewegung. Immer mehr in den Fokus r ckt
auch die Rolle der Faszien in der Schmerzentstehung und beim Thema
chronischer Schmerz. Mit der Blackroll wurde ein hervorragendes
Tool entwickelt, mit dessen Hilfe nahezu das gesamte Fasziensystem
mit wenig Aufwand selbst behandelt / massiert werden kann, wie auch
die Jury beim Thieme Physiokongress 2009 empfand und der Blackroll
den Physiopreis mit dem gr ssten Nutzen verlieh. Neben einer Einf
hrung in die theoretischen Grundlagen der Faszienforschung wird ein
anschauliches, leicht nachvollziehbares bungsprogramm f r die
Blackroll gezeigt, mit dessen Hilfe sich jeder - Patient, Sportler,
B rot ter - etwas Gutes tun kann.
Das Sprunggelenk ist die am h ufigsten verletzte Region im Sport,
insbesondere im Basketball. Das vorliegende Buch beschreibt die
Anatomie und die unterschiedlichen Verletzungen des Sprunggelenkes,
insbesondere die Aussenbandruptur. Es wird ausf hrlich die
Diagnostik und Therapie von der ersten Hilfe am Spielfeldrand bis
zur Rezidivprophylaxe beschrieben. Zudem werden aktive und passive
Pr ventionsmassnahmen aufgezeigt und ein Stabilisationsprogramm
vorgestellt. Sie halten ein Buch in den H nden, das ich als
Basketball-Trainer nur sehr empfehlen kann. Es ist von immenser
Bedeutung f r unsere Sportart, dass das medizinische Personal der
Mannschaften gut geschult ist und sowohl bei Pr vention als auch
bei der Behandlung von Verletzungen auf dem neuesten Stand ist."
Dirk Bauermann Bundestrainer der
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