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Context-awareness is one of the drivers of the ubiquitous computing
paradigm. Well-designed context modeling and context retrieval
approaches are key p- requisites in any context-aware system.
Location is one of the primary aspects of all major context models
- together with time, identity and activity. From the technical
side, sensing, fusing and distributing location and other context
information is as important as providing context-awareness to
applications and services in pervasive systems.
Workshop on Location- and Context-Awareness (LoCA 2005) held in
coope- tion with the 3rd International Conference on Pervasive
Computing 2005. The workshop was organized by the Institute of
Communications and Navigation of the German Aerospace Center (DLR)
in Oberpfa?enhofen, and the Mobile and Distributed Systems Group of
the University of Munich. During the workshop, novel positioning
algorithms and location sensing te- niques were discussed,
comprising not only enhancements of singular systems, like
positioning in GSM or WLAN, but also hybrid technologies, such as
the integration of global satellite systems with inertial
positioning. Furthermore, - provements in sensor technology, as
well as the integration and fusion of sensors, were addressed both
on a theoretical and on an implementation level. Personal and
con?dential data, such as location data of users, have p- found
implications for personal information privacy. Thus privacy
protection, privacy-oriented location-aware systems, and how
privacy a?ects the feasibility and usefulness of systems were also
addressed in the workshop.
USM 2000 is the third event in a series of international IFIP/GI
conferences on Trends in Distributed Systems. Following the venues
in Aachen, Germany (1996) and Hamburg, Germany (1998), this event
in Munich considers the trend towards a Universal Service Market -
USM 2000. The trend towards a universal service market has many
origins, e.g., the integration of telecom and data communications,
the deregulation e?orts with respect to telco markets, the
globalization of information, the virtualization of companies, the
requirement of a short time-to-market, the advances in network
technologies, the increasing acceptance of e-commerce, and the
increase in - bility. This leads to new business-to-business (B2B)
and business-to-customer (B2C) environments that o?er both
challenges and opportunities to enterprises and end-users. There is
the need for ubiquitous services, trading, brokering and
information management, for service market and business models, and
for ?e- ble infrastructures for dynamic collaboration. Researchers,
service vendors, and users must cooperate to set up the app- priate
requirements for a universal service market and to ?nd solutions
with respect to supporting platforms, middleware, distributed
applications, and m- agement. The basis for these solution is a
common understanding of means for de?ning, creating, implementing,
and deploying the service market. Then, s- vice market makers,
service aggregators, service auctioneers, ISP, ASP, BPO, and
customers can freely interact in a dynamic, open, and universal
market place.
Mobile Apps - Programme, die auf Smartphones ausgefuhrt werden -
sind derzeit fast nur bei Konsumenten erfolgreich. Ein echtes
App-Konzept fur den Business-Markt fehlt nach wie vor. Die Autoren
zeigen in dem Band den Weg zu intelligenten Business-Apps fur
mobile Geschaftsprozesse, mit deren Hilfe Kunden zeitnah und
individuell informiert werden koennen. Die Autoren betrachten
Fragen der Anwendung, der Technologie und des Marktes und
berucksichtigen auch Cloud-Loesungen.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International
Workshop on Trends in Distributed Systems, TreDS '96, held in
Aachen, Germany, in October 1996.
The 21 revised full papers presented were carefully selected from a
total of 51 submissions; also included is an invited paper by Sape
Mullender and Paul Sijben on quality of service in distributed
multimedia systems. Beyond the topic of the CORBA architecture and
implementations, the book addresses interoperability issues, formal
methods, multimedia communication services, distributed object
systems, coordination protocols, reuse, workflow management, etc.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First
International Workshop on Quantum Technology and Optimization
Problems, QTOP 2019, held in Munich, Germany, in March 2019.The 18
full papers presented together with 1 keynote paper in this volume
were carefully reviewed and selected from 21 submissions. The
papers are grouped in the following topical sections: analysis of
optimization problems; quantum gate algorithms; applications of
quantum annealing; and foundations and quantum technologies.
DCOM, Java-RMI und CORBA sind aktuelle Entwicklungen zur
Realisierung rechnerubergreifender verteilter Systeme. Das
vorliegende Buch behandelt grundlegende Architekturen und Dienste
sowie allgemeine Probleme, die beim Einsatz solcher
Verteilungsplattformen entstehen. Am Beispiel von CORBA werden
Moglichkeiten der Datenubertragung und des Managements untersucht.
Verschiedene Ansatze zur Objektreplikation und dem zugehorigen Load
Balancing werden vorgestellt, und es wird auf eine Moglichkeit der
Objektmigration eingegangen. Das Verhalten zahlreicher untersuchter
Szenarien ist graphisch dargestellt. Verfahren zur Systemanalyse
runden das Werk ab.
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