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The present volume studies the application of concepts from
non-equilibrium thermodynamics to a variety of research topics.
Emphasis is on the Maximum Entropy Production (MEP) principle and
applications to Geosphere-Biosphere couplings. Written by leading
researchers from a wide range of backgrounds, the book presents a
first coherent account of an emerging field at the interface of
thermodynamics, geophysics and life sciences.
More frisbees are sold each year than baseballs, basketballs and
footballs combined. Yet these familiar flying objects have subtle
and clever aerodynamic and gyrodynamic properties which are only
recently being documented by wind tunnel and other studies. In
common with other rotating bodies discussed in this readily
accessible book, they are typically not treated in textbooks of
aeronautics and the literature is scattered in a variety of places.
This book develops the theme of disc-wings and spinning aerospace
vehicles in parallel. Since many of the examples are recreational,
anyone who enjoys these activities will likely find it profitable
and enjoyable. In addition to spinning objects of various shapes,
several exotic manned aircraft with disc planforms have been
proposed and a prototypes built - these include a Nazi 'secret
weapon' and the De Havilland Avrocar, also discussed in the book.
Boomerangs represent another category of spinning aerodynamic body
whose behavior can only be understood by coupling aerodynamics with
gyrodynamics. The narrative, supported by equations and graphs,
explains how the shape and throw of a boomerang relates to its
trajectory. The natural world presents still other examples, namely
the samaras or 'seed-wings' of many tree species, which autorotate
during their descent, like a helicopter whose engine has failed.
The flight performance of these spinning wings directly affects the
dispersal and thus the evolutionary competitiveness of the trees
concerned. Samara-type configurations are also considered for
instrumentation and other payload dispersal applications. In short,
the book discusses a range of familiar, connected, but largely
undeveloped, topics in an accessible, but complete, manner.
From the reviews of the first edition:
"In his fascinating book Spinning Flight, Ralph Lorenz provides
a rich feast of ... examples of spinning bodies ... . The book is
well organized ... . The discussion in the book ... should be
accessible to readers with some elementary understanding of
aerodynamic principles. For the expert, the book is full of open
problems ... . Its scope is extensive ... . In this respect, there
may be something for everyone within its attractively designed
cover ... ." (H. K. Moffatt, Nature, Vol. 444, December, 2006)
"If you liked physics at school, then this book is for you. It
concerns itself with flying objects that spin through the air, and
even tells you how to impress your friends with the biomechanics of
Frisbees. ... there is plenty of information at all levels, and the
book has a wealth of detail that only an aerospace engineer like
Lorenz could have come up with." (Len Fisher, BBC Focus, February,
This book describes how sand dunes work, why they are the way they
are in different settings, and how they are being studied.
Particular attention is paid to their formation and appearance
elsewhere in the solar system. New developments in knowledge about
dunes make for an interesting story – like the dunes themselves,
dune science is dynamic – and the visual appeal of Aeolian
geomorphology ensures that this is an attractive volume. The book
is divided into 4 parts, the first of which introduces dunes as a
planetary phenomenon, showing a landscape reflecting the balance of
geological processes – volcanism, impact, tectonics, erosion,
deposition of sediments. Dunes are then considered as emergent
dynamical systems: the interaction of sand and wind conspires to
generate very characteristic and reproducible shapes. Analogies are
given with other emergent structures such as patterned ground
before the influence of dunes on desert peoples and infrastructure
is studied, together with their use as forensic climatological
indicators. Dune Physics is looked at with regard to the mechanics
of sand, the physics of wind, saltation – interaction of sand and
air – dunes versus ripples and transverse Aeolian ridges, the
classification of dune morphology and the sources and sinks of
sand. Dune Trafficability considers soil mechanics, effects on
mobility on Earth, Mars and elsewhere. In the second part, Earth,
Mars, Titan and other moons and planets are examined, beginning
with a survey of the major deserts and dunefields on Earth. The
authors then turn to Mars and its environment, sediment type, dune
stratigraphy, sediment source and sinks and the association of
dunes with topographic features. Titan follows - its thick, cold
atmosphere, methane dampness, low gravity, morphology –
interaction with topography and the implications of dunes for
climate and winds. Dunes elsewhere conclude this part. There are
few dunefields on Venus, but there is a .possibility of Aeolian
transport on Triton and volcanic-related windstreaks on Io.
The present volume studies the application of concepts from
non-equilibrium thermodynamics to a variety of research topics.
Emphasis is on the Maximum Entropy Production (MEP) principle and
applications to Geosphere-Biosphere couplings. Written by leading
researchers from a wide range of backgrounds, the book presents a
first coherent account of an emerging field at the interface of
thermodynamics, geophysics and life sciences.
Handbook of Veterinary Neurology provides quick access to vital
information on neurologic conditions in a wide range of species,
including canine, feline, bovine, caprine, equine, ovine, and
porcine. A problem-oriented approach makes it easy to diagnose and
treat neurologic problems in small and large animals. The coverage
of disorders by problem, not by established disease diagnosis,
emulates how animals present to the veterinary hospital and
simplifies the formulation of a correct diagnosis. Within each
chapter, discussions of neurologic disease include a review of the
localization criteria and the diseases that can cause that problem,
plus treatment and surgical techniques. Lead author Michael D.
Lorenz brings decades of experience to neurologic assessment, using
a diagnostic approach that requires minimal knowledge of
neuroanatomy. A problem-based approach is organized by presenting
sign rather than by condition, guiding you to logical conclusions
regarding diagnosis and treatment. Algorithms diagram the logic
necessary to localize lesions and to formulate diagnostic plans.
Coverage of current diagnostic techniques includes the use of
diagnostic tools, such as radiology, spinal fluid analysis,
electrodiagnosis, and MR imaging. Case histories in each chapter
present a problem and the results of the neurologic examination,
then ask you to solve the problem by localizing the lesion, listing
probable causes, and making a diagnostic plan. Answers are provided
at the back of the book. A consistent format for each case history
includes signalment, history, physical examination findings, and
neurologic examination. A comprehensive appendix describes species
and breeds that have a congenital predisposition for particular
neurologic diseases. Extensive references make it easy to pursue
in-depth research of more advanced topics. A companion website
includes 20 narrated video clips with accompanying PowerPoint
slides that correlate to the case histories in the book, covering
neurologic assessment and clinical problems such as paresis of one
limb, tetraparesis, stupor, seizures, ataxia of the head and limbs,
and cranial nerve disorders. Two new co-authors, Jean Coates and
Marc Kent, board-certified in neurology, enhance the credibility of
this edition. A full-color design and numerous illustrations
include enhanced images of neuroanatomy and pathology.
This book chronicles the history of climate science and planetary
exploration, focusing on our ever-expanding knowledge of Earth's
climate, and the parallel research underway on some of our nearest
neighbours: Mars, Venus and Titan. From early telescopic
observation of clouds and ice caps on planetary bodies in the
seventeenth century, to the dawn of the space age and the first
robotic planetary explorers, the book presents a comprehensive
chronological overview of planetary climate research, right up to
the dramatic recent developments in detecting and characterising
exoplanets. Meanwhile, the book also documents the discoveries
about our own climate on Earth, not only about how it works today,
but also how profoundly different it has been in the past. Highly
topical and written in an accessible and engaging narrative style,
this book provides invaluable historical context for students,
researchers, professional scientists, and those with a general
interest in planetary climate research.
Aproximacion al problema. Parte I. Problemas generales
(Polisistemicos). Pirexia (fiebre). Alteraciones de la ingestion de
alimentos: anorexia y polifagia. Debilidad episodica. Polidipsia y
poliuria. Parte II. Problemas de comportamiento. Agresion erronea.
Automutilacion. Coprofagia y pica. Rociado de orina en gatos. Parte
III. Problemas conformacionales. Distension abdominal. Edema.
Crecimiento retardado. Perdida de peso. Obesidad. Parte IV.
Problemas dermatologicos. Prurito. Importancia diagnostica de
varias lesiones de la piel. Alopecia. Anormalidades de pigmentacion
de la piel, pelo y mucosas. Parte V. Problemas hematolinfaticos.
Hemorragia prolongada. Linfadenopatias. Parte VI. Problemas
cardiovasculares. Alteraciones del corazon: frecuencia, ritmo y
pulso. Soplos cardiacos. Palided de las mucosas. Cianosis. Parte
VII. Problemas respiratorios. Tos. Disnea. Hemoptisis. Sonidos
pulmonares anormales. Estornudacion y secrecion nasal. Parte VIII.
Problemas digestivos. Ptialismo. Disfagia. Vomito y regurgitacion.
Diarrea. Constipacion. Flatulencia. Dolor abdorminal. Ictericia.
Parte IX. Problemas urologicos. Miccion anormal: disuria,
polaquiuria, estranguria. Alteraciones del color de la orina.
Incontinencia urinaria. Parte X. Problemas de la reproduccion.
Secreciones vaginal y prepucial. Anormalidades de los genitales
externos. Aborto, ciclo estral anormal, esterilidad. Parte XI.
Problemas musculoesqueleticos. Cojera. Hinchazon o abultamiento
oseo, articular y periesqueletico. Dolor. Parte XII. Problemas
neurologicos. Paresia o paralisis. Ataxia. Inclinacion de la
cabeza. Colapso (ataque, sincope, narcolepsia). Coma. Parte XIII.
Problemas de sensaciones especiales. Ceguera.
Anisocoria.Movimientos y posiciones oculares anormales. Ojos
enrojecidos y lorosos. Dolor ocular y blefaroespasmo. Anormalidad
de cornea y cristalino. Perdida de sentido del olfato. Sordera.
Parte XIV: Problemas definidos de laboratorio. Problemas
hematologicos. Anormalidades del perfil bioquimico estandar.
Analisis de orina. Gases anormales de la sangre, pH y anion gap.
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