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This volume explores the interface between linguistics and literary
studies. Theoretical and textual analyses help illustrate the
common features between everyday discourse and literature, and show
the potentials for a collaborative approach between literary
scholars and linguists in understanding speech acts and reference;
inference, cognitive and cultural background; rhetoric, styles of
speaking and writing; as well as perspectives and genres.
This edited volume helps bridge the elusive gap between theory and
practice in dealing with the issue of "security" broadly conceived.
A quarter of a century has passed since the crumbling of the Berlin
Wall. Yet our notions of security remain mired in Cold War thinking
whose realist ethos is predicated on holding the nation state's
power, interests, and survival as the guiding unit of analysis in
international relations. Security is ever changing. Confronting new
dangers to the individual, the state, and the international order
calls for new categories that speak to the new influence of
globalization, international institutions, and transnational
threats. Composed of original essays by a cosmopolitan mix of
leading figures inside and outside the academy, this book proves
relevant to any number of classes and courses, and its
controversial character makes it all the more necessary and
The analytic literature has heretofore been silent about the issues
inherent in the nuclear threat. As a groundbreaking exploration of
new psychological terrain, Psychoanalysis and the Nuclear Threat
will function as a source book for what, it is hoped, will be the
continuing effort of analysts and other mental health professionals
to explore and engage in-depth nuclear issues. This volume provides
panoramic coverage of the dynamic and clinical considerations that
follow from life in the nuclear age. Of special interest are
chapters deling with the developmental consequences of the nuclear
threat in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, and those
exploring the technical issues raised by the occurrence in analytic
and psychotherapeutic hours of material related to the nuclear
threat. Additional chapters bring a psychoanalytic perspective to
bear on such issues as the need to have enemies; silence as the
"real crime"; love, work, and survival in the nuclear age; the
relationship of the nuclear threat to issues of "mourning and
melancholia"; apocalyptic fantasies; the paranoid process;
considerations of the possible impact of gender on the nuclear
threat; and the application of psychoanalytic thinking to nuclear
arms strategy. Finally, the volume includes the first case report
in the English language - albeit a brief psychotherapy - involving
the treatment of a Hiroshima survivor. A noteworthy event in
psychoanalytic publishing, Psychoanalysis and the Nuclear Threat
betokens analytic engagement with the most pressing political and
moral issue of our time, a cultivating of Freud's "soft voice of
the intellect" in an area where it is desperately needed.
Drawing on a broad range of approaches in the fields of sociology,
anthropology, political science, history, philosophy, medicine and
nursing, Power and the Psychiatric Apparatus exposes psychiatric
practices that are mobilized along the continuum of repression,
transformation and assistance. It critically examines taken for
granted psychiatric practices both past and current, shedding light
on the often political nature of psychiatry and reconceptualizing
its central and sensitive issues through the radical theory of
figures such as Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari, Goffman, and Szasz.
As such, this ground-breaking collection embraces a broad
understanding of psychiatric practices and engages the reader in a
critical understanding of their effects, challenging the
discipline's altruistic rhetoric of therapy and problematizing the
ways in which this is operationalized in practice. A comprehensive
exploration of contested psychiatric practices in healthcare
settings, this interdisciplinary volume brings together recent
scholarship from the US, Canada, the UK, Europe and Australia, to
provide a rich array of theoretical tools with which to engage with
questions related to psychiatric power, discipline and control,
while theorizing their workings in creative and imaginative ways.
Drawing on a broad range of approaches in the fields of sociology,
anthropology, political science, history, philosophy, medicine and
nursing, Power and the Psychiatric Apparatus exposes psychiatric
practices that are mobilized along the continuum of repression,
transformation and assistance. It critically examines taken for
granted psychiatric practices both past and current, shedding light
on the often political nature of psychiatry and reconceptualizing
its central and sensitive issues through the radical theory of
figures such as Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari, Goffman, and Szasz.
As such, this ground-breaking collection embraces a broad
understanding of psychiatric practices and engages the reader in a
critical understanding of their effects, challenging the
discipline's altruistic rhetoric of therapy and problematizing the
ways in which this is operationalized in practice. A comprehensive
exploration of contested psychiatric practices in healthcare
settings, this interdisciplinary volume brings together recent
scholarship from the US, Canada, the UK, Europe and Australia, to
provide a rich array of theoretical tools with which to engage with
questions related to psychiatric power, discipline and control,
while theorizing their workings in creative and imaginative ways.
These articles all revolve around the complex imaging relations
between semantic roles and diathetic categories such as active,
passive and medium in Romance languages. The varying functional
scope of these categories and the correspondingly multifarious
relations between semantics, syntax and information structure of
the sentence can only be appropriately discussed with a
multi-factorial descriptive approach. Hence the perspective
informing many of these articles is prototype-oriented and
non-discrete. In most cases the authors take their bearings from
the transitivity hypothesis proposed by Hopper and Thompson.
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2013 im Fachbereich Deutsch - Padagogik,
Didaktik, Sprachwissenschaft, Note: 2,3, Rheinisch-Westfalische
Technische Hochschule Aachen (Sprach-und
Kommunikationswissenschaften), Veranstaltung: Sprache im Fokus der
Offentlichkeit, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Bevor eine Analyse der
Aussagen Gerstendorfers durchgefuhrt werden kann, soll zunachst
veranschaulicht werden, was insgesamt beachtet werden muss, wenn
man sprachkritisch tatig wird, im Besonderen wenn man linguistisch
begrundet Sprache kritisieren will. Zu diesem Zweck sollen folgend
deshalb die linguistischen Grundlagen, welche fur eine Analyse
beachtet werden mussen und eine Darstellung der Methodik der
linguistischen Sprachkritik durchgefuhrt werden. Bei sprachlichen
Ausserungen sind immer bestimmte Faktoren beteiligt, welche im
Falle einer Behandlung von Sprache und damit auch einer Kritik
berucksichtigt werden mussen, da diese das sprachliche Phanomen
bedingen. Die pragmatische Herangehensweise gibt eine Perspektive
auf Sprache vor, die ohne die konkrete Sprechsituation mit den
daran beteiligten Faktoren des Sprechers und Adressaten mit jeweils
unterschiedlichem Hintergrundwissen und dem Kontext, in welchen das
sprachliche Phanomen eingebettet ist, eine angemessene Untersuchung
des Gegenstands Sprache nicht moglich macht. Als
Untersuchungsgrundlage der heutigen Linguistik kann weiter der
Werkzeugcharakter der Sprache als massgebende Voraussetzung und
Basis betrachtet werden. So wird in der Sprachwissenschaft
uberwiegend davon ausgegangen, dass sich sprachliche Phanomene als
Sprachspiele auffassen lassen, die eingebettet in die eben
erwahnten pragmatischen Faktoren, unter gewissen Regeln stattfinden
und funktionieren Sprache ist daher als Kommunikationsmittel immer
funktional, dient einem Zweck. Unter Berucksichtigung und aufbauend
auf dem Organon-Modell von Karl Buhler, welches Sprache drei
Grundfunktionen zuspricht und der spateren Erweiterung dieser um
drei weitere Funktionen dur
Dieser Band betrachtet das soziolinguistische Konzept der
sprachlichen Unsicherheit aus panromanischer Perspektive, indem er
Untersuchungen aus verschiedenen Regionen der Romania unter einer
einheitlichen Theorie zusammenfuhrt. Die Beitrage des Sammelbandes
bieten neue Anreize zur Definition und Einbettung von sprachlicher
Unsicherheit in die soziolinguistische Theoriebildung. Das Konzept
der sprachlichen Unsicherheit wird in diesem Band auf verschiedene
Sprechergruppen und Sprach(kontakt)situationen in der Romania
angewendet. Hierzu werden unterschiedliche empirische Methoden zur
Untersuchung von sprachlicher Unsicherheit verwendet und
El futuro es una cuestion que ha preocupado a fisicos, filosofos y
linguistas desde siempre. Desde una perspectiva linguistica, su
analisis ha generado una serie de interrogantes: ?Es una forma
temporal o modal? ?Que categoria linguistica describe mejor el
futuro, la modalidad o la evidencialidad? Recientemente, ademas, ha
entrado en el debate su comportamiento discursivo. El futuro en
espanol ofrece una explicacion sistematica de los distintos valores
de esta forma verbal, basada en la instruccion deictica de
distancia hacia delante, que justifica su funcionamiento como una
forma temporal (en el ambito del contenido), como una forma de
conocimiento (en el ambito epistemico), o como una forma de
inter-accion (en el ambito del discurso).
In the long tradition of the anti-hero in English literature,
award-winning author Daniel Jacob has created a whole bunch of them
- each able to stand shoulder to shoulder with a Flashman or anyone
from the pages of a Waugh novel. With the touch of a Tom Sharpe for
grand farce, the grotesque Crooke-Wells siblings trace their mean,
mendacious and downright nasty steps through a series of plots and
pitfalls in their attempt to accumulate unearned and entirely
unmerited wealth. Standing like a beacon in this sea of iniquity is
the mother, whose string of illicit love affairs seems positively
honest by comparison. This is the story of an upper-crust English
family which is part of a sub-group known as The Hereditary Rich.
Beautifully written and splendidly wicked, The Silence of the
Shaggy Rug is not for the faint-hearted or politically correct.
Esta obra estudia la expresion de la (des)cortesia verbal en
espanol medieval a traves del analisis de los actos de habla y de
la modulacion discursiva. El objetivo principal es proponer un
entendimiento de (des)cortesia historica que tome en cuenta el
contexto y los roles interaccionales que se establecen en
situaciones discursivas determinadas. Para identificar las
funciones de la (des)cortesia, en esta investigacion se emplea una
metodologia cualitativa. Esto permite interpretar la dinamica de la
(des)cortesia en la interaccion y analizar su complejidad
estructural desde el nivel del discurso. Como corpus, se recurre a
pasajes dialogicos seleccionados de varios tipos de obras
literarias. Se mantiene que los textos de ficcion son una fuente
importante dentro de la pragmatica historica.
Los primeros capitulos de esta monografia estan dedicados a los
recursos puestos en marcha con exito en Espana y America durante
los inicios del s. XXI: corpus de diversos tipos, diccionarios,
atlas linguisticos, etc., al tiempo que muestran la vigencia que
han recobrado antiguos proyectos con la digitalizacion de sus
materiales. La proliferacion de recursos y la falta de estandares
ha planteado, no obstante, problemas teoricos y practicos que son
analizados por dos especialistas en historia de la lengua. La
ultima parte del libro recoge algunas muestras de analisis
diacronico del lexico realizadas gracias a la apuesta por la
creacion de corpus documentales y lexicograficos en red.
Dieses Buch untersucht den sprachlichen und textuellen
Erfahrungsraum indigener Schreiber in der oeffentlich-rechtlichen
Sphare wahrend des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts in Peru, der bislang
von der Hispanistik und der historischen Forschung kaum beachtet
worden ist. Die empirische Grundlage bilden erstmals zuganglich
gemachte juristisch-administrative Texte, die im Jauja-Tal in den
zentralen Anden Perus auf Spanisch entstanden. Die Autorin
unterzieht sie einer pragmatisch orientierten Textanalyse. Die
Berucksichtigung der historischen Verortung der Daten und der
Sprachkontaktsituation Spanisch-Quechua im Jauja-Tal, die diese
Studie durch eine qualitative Analyse gewahrleistet, erweist sich
als Schlussel zu einer angemessenen Interpretation der Texte.
Este volumen cubre lagunas en la investigacion linguistica sobre el
espanol del siglo XVII, cenido hasta ahora fundamentalmente a obras
literarias y autores prestigiosos, en conjuncion con el XVI.
Tomando como eje transversal a Cervantes y su legado, estos
trabajos comparten la idea de la existencia de un modelo
linguistico distinto, que va transformandose, no solo en el plano
morfosintactico, sino tambien en el discursivo, y desemboca en el
"espanol moderno". La lengua de este periodo se analiza desde
perspectivas de analisis diferentes y una gran variedad de corpus,
que logran aproximar al lector a la complejidad del espacio
variacional de la epoca a ambos lados del Atlantico y a las
concepciones teoricas sobre la lengua del XVII, subyacentes a la
codificacion normativa.
Este volumen constituye la primera monografia que aborda el haz
entero de construcciones en las que, a lo largo de la historia, ha
participado el auxiliar mas conocido del espanol, HABERE >
haber. Catorce especialistas de universidades europeas y americanas
trazan, desde muy diversas opticas teoricas (linguistica de area,
gramatica formal, gramatica de construcciones, sociolinguistica,
dialectologia o gramaticalizacion), una perspectiva de conjunto,
exhaustiva en los detalles y novedosa en sus hipotesis, sobre los
distintos caminos que historicamente ha emprendido el verbo 'haber'
y hoy caracterizan su comportamiento en espanol (y otras lenguas
romanicas aqui abordadas: catalan, frances, portugues...),
adentrandose igualmente en aspectos generales de la variacion y el
cambio morfosintacticos.