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15 matches in All Departments
Data Analytics in Football provides students, researchers and
coaches with a firm grounding in the principles of modern
performance analysis. It offers an insight into the use of
positional data, exploring how it can be collected, modelled,
analysed and interpreted. Introducing cutting-edge methods, the
book challenges long-held assumptions and encourages a new way of
thinking about football analysis. The book seeks to define the role
of positional data in football match analysis by exploring topics
such as: • What is positional data analysis and how did it emerge
from conventional match analysis? • How can positional data be
collected, and which technologies can be used? • What Key
Performance Indicators based on positional data should be used? •
How can traditional match analysis be complemented by using
positional data and advanced KPIs? • How can these new methods
evolve in the future? Based on data collected from active leagues
and fully revised for the new second edition, the text now also
examines data collection in relation to other sports, how a
data-driven approach in decision-making is achieved by professional
teams and how big is the potential of the new methods of data
collection and how could they evolve in the future. Accessibly
written, packed full of examples from elite football and
supplemented with expert interviews, Data Analytics in Football is
a thought- provoking, rigorously evidence-based guide to the use of
data analytics in football performance analysis. As such, it is a
vital resource for any student, researcher or coach interested in
performance analysis and skill acquisition, or anyone interested in
football more generally.
First book to examine game analysis, modern didactic reflections on
learning, and big data in a key topic in science and society today.
Provides understanding on how to use game analysis when applied to
different sports and how to use the approach for video, event and
positional data. Presents translational work that has implications
for academics, programmers and applied practitioners.
Data Analytics in Football provides students, researchers and
coaches with a firm grounding in the principles of modern
performance analysis. It offers an insight into the use of
positional data, exploring how it can be collected, modelled,
analysed and interpreted. Introducing cutting-edge methods, the
book challenges long-held assumptions and encourages a new way of
thinking about football analysis. The book seeks to define the role
of positional data in football match analysis by exploring topics
such as: • What is positional data analysis and how did it emerge
from conventional match analysis? • How can positional data be
collected, and which technologies can be used? • What Key
Performance Indicators based on positional data should be used? •
How can traditional match analysis be complemented by using
positional data and advanced KPIs? • How can these new methods
evolve in the future? Based on data collected from active leagues
and fully revised for the new second edition, the text now also
examines data collection in relation to other sports, how a
data-driven approach in decision-making is achieved by professional
teams and how big is the potential of the new methods of data
collection and how could they evolve in the future. Accessibly
written, packed full of examples from elite football and
supplemented with expert interviews, Data Analytics in Football is
a thought- provoking, rigorously evidence-based guide to the use of
data analytics in football performance analysis. As such, it is a
vital resource for any student, researcher or coach interested in
performance analysis and skill acquisition, or anyone interested in
football more generally.
Creativity is an essential component of sport performance. The
player who can make decisions that are both unexpected - and
therefore less easily predicted by his/her opponent - and
appropriate is the player who is likely to be successful. In this
ground-breaking new book Daniel Memmert explores the concept of
tactical creativity, introducing a new theoretical framework based
on extensive empirical research. He argues for the importance of
encouraging divergent thinking abilities at an early age, and
explains how tactical creativity sits alongside conventional
approaches to 'teaching games for understanding'. The book outlines
essential rules for environmental and training conditions, and
suggests a wide range of game forms for teaching and coaching
tactical creativity to children and young people. This is important
to all students, researchers, coaches and teachers working in
physical education, sports coaching, sport psychology or skill
Creativity is an essential component of sport performance. The
player that can make decisions that are both unexpected - and
therefore less easily predicted by their opponent - and appropriate
is the player that is likely to be successful. In this
groundbreaking new study, Daniel Memmert explores the concept of
tactical creativity, introducing a new theoretical framework based
on extensive empirical research. He argues for the importance of
encouraging divergent thinking abilities at an early age and
explains how tactical creativity sits alongside conventional
approaches to teaching games for understanding . The book outlines
essential rules for environmental and training conditions, and
suggests a wide range of game forms for teaching and coaching
tactical creativity to children and young people. This is important
reading for all students, researchers, coaches and teachers working
in physical education, sports coaching, sport psychology or skill
First book to examine game analysis, modern didactic reflections on
learning, and big data in a key topic in science and society today.
Provides understanding on how to use game analysis when applied to
different sports and how to use the approach for video, event and
positional data. Presents translational work that has implications
for academics, programmers and applied practitioners.
In den letzten Jahren ist die Sportinformatik extrem gewachsen, vor
allem weil immer mehr und neuere Daten verfügbar wurden.
Sportinformatische Tools – sei es im Training zur
Gegnervorbereitung, im Wettkampf oder in der Wissenschaft – sind
im Sport heute auf unterschiedlichen Expertise-Ebenen
unverzichtbar. Durch den Einsatz in den vier großen
Anwendungsfeldern Vereine und Verbände, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft
sowie Medien ist ein völlig neuer Markt entstanden, der innerhalb
der universitären Forschungs- und Lehraktivitäten zunehmend an
Bedeutung gewinnt. Dieses Lehrbuch möchte der mittlerweile breiten
Vielfalt der Sportinformatik gerecht werden, indem mehr als 30
Autorinnen und Autoren aus ihrem Spezialgebiet berichten und
neueste Erkenntnisse prägnant zusammenfassen. Das Werk gliedert
sich in vier Hauptabschnitte: Datensätze, Modellbildung,
Simulation sowie Datenanalyse. Neben Hintergründen zu
Programmiersprachen und zur Visualisierung wird es von der Historie
und einem Ausblick eingerahmt. Studierende mit Bezug zur
Sportwissenschaft erhalten einen umfassenden Einblick in die
Sportinformatik, unterstützt durch ein didaktisch ausgefeiltes
Konzept, das eine einfache Vermittlung der Lerninhalte ermöglicht.
Zahlreiche digitale Übungsfragen untermauern den Lerneffekt und
gewährleisten eine optimale Prüfungsvorbereitung. Für
Fortgeschrittene bietet die vertiefende Diskussion von Zeitreihen
Data Mining, künstlichen neuronalen Netzwerken, Convolution
Kernel, Transfer Learning und Random Forests einen zusätzlichen
Not only are top players like Kevin De Bruyne or Luka Modric able
to perceive everything that is happening around them, but they are
also able to foresee the next game situations and react to them.
This “mental speed” lays the foundation to building master
performances in extremely complex game situations. The Mental Game
outlines a theoretical framework in which anticipation, perception,
attention, and memory processes play a big role in helping coaches
and players better understand complex game situations and how to
react in them. It also provides practical examples and more than 70
games for training sessions that will develop players’ cognitive
abilities. With sharper minds, players will win the mental game and
become better players on the field.
Penalty kicks play a significant role in determining the outcome of
a match. Because of this-and because they don't happen in every
game-fans, media, and even athletes and trainers are fascinated by
penalty kicks. Over the past 30 years, there have been more than
130 scientific studies which identify the motivational, strategic,
anticipatory, and attention- and perception-based factors that can
mean a successful or failed penalty kick. This book presents the
information from these studies in such a way that it is useful for
the athletes, trainers, managers, and even the soccer fans. All the
information on penalty kick methods is based on sport psychology
and movement science. The authors have also included anecdotes of
the biggest and most important penalties in the history of soccer.
They connect these actual events with the scientific findings,
creating real life examples which make it easier to understand the
science. Furthermore, they examine the penalty kick from both the
kicker's and the goalkeeper's perspectives to explain shooting and
saving techniques from every angle. A successful penalty kick takes
more than just luck, and The Penalty Kick demystifies the science
so that the reader knows how to win every penalty kick
Dieses Sachbuch hilft Ihnen dabei, die moderne Spielanalyse von Big
Data im Profisport besser zu verstehen, um in Sekundenschnelle
mithilfe von Positionsdaten relevante Informationen aus den Spielen
herauszulesen. Anhand von zahlreichen Abbildungen und
Videobeispielen erklaren die Autoren die spannenden Ergebnisse, die
den Fussball auf der Basis der Spielanalyse 4.0 verandert haben. Im
Zentrum des Buchs stehen die Erkenntnisse, die uns die moderne
Spielanalyse heute liefert. Anhand von zahlreichen Beispielen aus
der Fussball-Bundesliga, anderen Ligen des europaischen
Spitzensports und der Champions League wird anschaulich gezeigt,
wie taktische Aspekte modelliert, einzelne Spiele oder ganze
Saisons per Mausklick analysiert und anschliessend interpretiert
werden koennen. Die zweite Auflage des Buchs ist aktualisiert,
erganzt, unterhaltsam, leicht lesbar und richtet sich sowohl an
Fussball- wie alle Sportspielfans, die sich fur neue Entwicklungen
und Trends in der Analyse von Sportspielen interessieren.
Beispielsweise kommen folgende Experten zu Wort: - Ralf Rangnick
(RB Leipzig), - Urs Siegenthaler (Deutsche Nationalmannschaft), -
Dr. Holger Broich (FC Bayern Munchen), - Ernst Tanner (Philadelphia
Union), - Lars OD Christensen (FC Midtjylland), - Dr. Hendrik Weber
(Deutsche Fussball Liga), - Johannes Holzmuller (FIFA). Zu den
Autoren Univ.-Prof. Dr. Daniel Memmert ist geschaftsfuhrender
Institutsleiter und Professor am Institut fur Trainingswissenschaft
und Sportinformatik (ITS) an der Deutschen Sporthochschule Koeln
(DSHS). Das Institut kooperiert mit verschiedenen
Fussball-Bundesligisten, europaischen und amerikanischen
Top-Mannschaften und der Deutschen Fussball-Nationalmannschaft.
Seit 2015 organisiert es den ersten Masterstudiengang im Bereich
Spielanalyse. Dominik Raabe ist auch am ITS an der DSHS tatig und
u.a. mit der Leitung eines von der DFL gefoerderten Projekts zum
Thema "Positionsdatenanalyse im Profifussball" betraut.
Elite tennis players like Rodger Federer or Rafael Nadal not only
perceive everything that is happening around them, but they also
foresee the next game situations. This “mental speed” lays the
foundation to build master performances in extremely complex
situations. This book offers a theoretical framework in which
anticipation, perception, attention, and memory processes play a
big role in a tennis player’s ability to win on the court. The
diagnostic tools and useful examples aid the training of cognitive
abilities. With more than 50 on-court practice drills to build game
intelligence, every tennis player will strengthen their mental game
and win their matches.
Creativity is a topic that has gained increasing interest over the
past decades and, unlike other topics which have sudden "moments of
glory" and then quickly become neglected, it is an issue that
continues to attract the attention of researchers and
practitioners, overcoming the fluctuating fashions and curiosity of
the moment. For this reason, it can be useful to consider
periodically what is new about creativity. The aim of this book is
to discuss recent developments in the field of creativity. More
precisely, attention has been paid to four aspects. Firstly, the
concept of creativity changes as a consequence of transformations
in the social and cultural environment. Thus, the way creativity is
meant needs to be always updated by referring it to new requests
and goals. Secondly, new theoretical constructs are proposed or
unsuspected links between creativity and other notions are
explored, so as to revise the old concepts. Thirdly, new research
methods and instruments are devised and investigators have new
opportunities to shed light on further aspects of creativity.
Finally, both researchers and professionals discover new fields
where creativity can be cultivated and trained, broadening the
range of possible applications. A variety of subjects are addressed
by following different approaches and by considering different
aspects of creativity. Hopefully this should allow readers to have
an updated view of what is currently debated and investigated in
the field of theory and research about the psychological processes
involved in creativity.
Enge Fussballspiele und knappe Titelkampfe werden nur selten durch
technische Fahigkeiten von Spielern oder taktische Massnahmen ihrer
Trainer entschieden. Die bedeutsamsten Impulse kommen aus einem
Bereich, der oft erwahnt wird, aber nur schwer greifbar ist: Grosse
Champions sprechen nach besonderen Siegen eher uber mentale
Starken, Persoenlichkeitsmerkmale und den Zusammenhalt in ihren
Teams. Dieses Buch beschreibt anhand aktueller wissenschaftlicher
Kenntnisse und durch viele Beispiele illustriert die mentalen und
kognitiven Prozesse, die uber Sieg und Niederlage im Fussball
entscheiden. Interviews mit Trainern wie Ralf Rangnick, Ottmar
Hitzfeld und Christian Streich, Sportmanagern wie Fredi Bobic und
ehemaligen Spielern wie Matthias Sammer erganzen diese Erkenntnisse
aus der Wissenschaft in Interviews uber wegweisende Momente und
pragende Erfahrungen in ihren Karrieren. Es geht um Phanomene wie
den Heimvorteil, Kreativitat, emotionale Extremsituationen, die
Grenzen der Wahrnehmung, gruppendynamische Prozesse, moderne
Fuhrung und Mythen des Spiels, die sich oft widerlegen lassen. Fur
jeden Fussballinteressierten wird so schnell ersichtlich, welche
Phanomene tatsachlich spielentscheidend sein koennen und welche
Professionelle Spielanalysen - sei es im Training zur
Gegnervorbereitung, im Wettkampf oder zur Nachbereitung - sind in
Mannschafts- und Ruckschlagsportarten heute auf unterschiedlichen
Expertise-Ebenen unverzichtbar. Durch den Einsatz in den vier
grossen Anwendungsfeldern Vereine und Verbande, Wirtschaft,
Wissenschaft sowie Medien ist ein voellig neuer Markt entstanden,
der innerhalb der universitaren Forschungs- und Lehraktivitaten
zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnt. In diesem pragnanten Lehrbuch
stellen uber 30 Autoren die historischen, wissenschaftlichen,
praktischen und kommunikativen Aspekte von Spielanalysedaten vor.
Zudem werden die vielfaltigen Anwendungsmoeglichkeiten von
Videodaten in den Sportarten American Football, Beach-Volleyball,
Cricket, Eishockey, Handball, Hockey, Rugby, Squash, Tennis,
Tischtennis und Volleyball praxisnah erlautert. Studierende mit
Bezug zur Sportwissenschaft erhalten einen umfassenden Einblick in
die Spielanalytik auf der Basis von Video-, Event- und
Positionsdaten und unterstutzt durch ein didaktisch ausgefeiltes
Konzept, das eine einfache Vermittlung der Lerninhalte ermoeglicht.
Zahlreiche digitale Lernkarten untermauern den Lerneffekt und
gewahrleisten eine optimale Prufungsvorbereitung. Fur
Fortgeschrittene bietet die vertiefende Diskussion von
Leistungsparametern in Bezug auf Geschlecht, Scouting oder
Gegenpressing einen zusatzlichen Mehrwert.
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