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The world we live in presents plenty of tricky, impactful, and
hard-tomake decisions to be taken. Sometimes the available options
are ample, at other times they are apparently binary, either way,
they often confront us with dilemmas, paradoxes, and even denial of
values.In the dawn of the age of intelligence, when robots are
gradually taking over most decision-making from humans, this book
sheds a bit of light on decision rationale. It delves into the
limits of these decision processes (for both humans and machines),
and it does so by providing a new perspective that is somehow
opposed to orthodox economics. All Economics reflections in this
book are underlined and linked to Artificial Intelligence.The
authors hope that this comprehensive and modern analysis, firmly
grounded in the opinions of various groundbreaking Nobel laureate
economists, may be helpful to a broad audience interested in how
decisions may lead us all to flourishing societies. That is,
societies in which economic blunders (caused by over simplification
of problems and super estimation of tools) are reduced
This book reviews the geochemical and petrological characteristics
of potassic igneous rock complexes, and investigates the various
tectonic settings in which these rocks occur. The authors provide
an overview and classification of these rocks and elucidate the
geochemical differences between barren and mineralized potassic
igneous complexes. High-K rocks are genetically associated with a
number of epithermal gold and porphyry copper-gold deposits. In
recent years, there has also been growing recognition of an
association of such rocks with iron-oxide copper-gold (IOCG)
deposits, intrusion-related gold deposits (IRGDs) and Carlin-type
gold deposits. This fifth updated and expanded edition incorporates
new data and references from world-class copper and gold deposits
worldwide. It also includes the latest publications on the
petrogenesis of high-K magmatism and related mineral deposits.
Numerous new representative ore photographs of the mineral deposits
described are also included in the new edition. As such, the book
offers a valuable guide not only for academic petrologists working
on alkaline rocks, but also for exploration geologists prospecting
for epithermal gold and/or porphyry copper-gold deposits in modern
and ancient terrains.
Integrative Rheumatology offers a new and much-needed perspective
in disease and symptom management, blending conventional medicine
with alternative approaches not typically included in a Western
medical practice. While conventional treatments can provide
considerable symptomatic relief and can even slow the progression
of many rheumatologic conditions, integrative treatment
incorporating lifestyle interventions, mind-body approaches, and
practices such as acupuncture and meditation into conventional
medical therapies can improve quality of life, reduce medication
dosages, and are generally better tolerated. In this book,
researchers and clinicians highlight specific gaps in conventional
rheumatologic care and examine how alternative approaches may be
ideally suited to address these missed opportunities. Here, the
authors introduce topics not typically addressed in conventional
rheumatology texts, including nutritional therapies, exercise,
herbal medicine, mind/body approaches, Ayurveda, and energy
medicine. The contributors, all of whom have a background in
academic medicine, share the approaches that they have found most
effective in their own practices, basing their work on the best
scientific evidence available. Ultimately, an understanding of
complementary and alternative approaches to healing can help
clinicians care for their patients using the best proven therapies
to modify disease progress and relieve pain and disability.
This book provides a comprehensive review of the biogeochemistry in
the Baltic Sea. It is based on the fact that biogeochemical
processes that are relevant for the ecological state of the Baltic
Sea (and other sea areas), are all in some way related to the
production and mineralization of organic matter (biomass) and thus
are associated with the consumption or release of CO2. The
significant progress with regard to our chemical analytical
capabilities concerning the marine CO2 system has facilitated new
approaches to study the Baltic Sea biogeochemistry, in particular
with regard to a quantitative process understanding. To demonstrate
this, the authors present the fundamentals of the marine CO2 system
in a theoretically sound, but still intelligible way. This is
followed by a comprehensive presentation of our current knowledge
about the CO2 system in the Baltic Sea and the implications for our
understanding of biogeochemical processes such as
production/mineralization of organic matter and the stoichiometry
involved, nitrogen fixation, denitrification, and phosphate
transformations at varying redox conditions. Finally, the CO2 gas
exchange balance and related problems such as acidification are
This book reviews the geochemical and petrological characteristics
of potassic igneous rock complexes, and investigates the different
tectonic settings in which these rocks occur. The authors provide
an overview and classification of these rocks and elucidate the
geochemical differences between barren and mineralized potassic
igneous complexes. High-K rocks host a number of epithermal gold
and porphyry copper-gold deposits. In recent years, there has also
been growing recognition of an association of such rocks with
iron-oxide copper-gold (IOCG) deposits, intrusion-related gold
deposits (IRGDs) and possibly even Carlin-type gold deposits. This
book is not only relevant to academic petrologists working on
alkaline rocks, but also to exploration geologists prospecting for
epithermal gold and/or porphyry copper-gold deposits in modern and
ancient terrains. This fourth, updated and expanded edition
incorporates new data and references from Africa, Australia,
Brazil, China, Greece, Iran, Mongolia, North America, Russia and
Turkey, including new maps and sections and new color plates of
high-grade gold-copper ore from major deposits hosted by potassic
igneous rocks.
The first objective of this study is to derive a multidimensional
research framework simultaneously outlining and concretising
particular aspects being relevant to and surrounding the
elicitation and evaluation of VLE design characteristics. Based on
this, the second objective of this study is to elicit for the first
time a holistic set of well-defined, simultaneously detailed and
operative VLE design characteristics systematically. In reply to a
recently articulated call for research (Venkatesh & Bala,
2008), the third objective of this study is to evaluate for the
first time the impact of the desired set of VLE design
characteristics to be elicited on crucial behavioural determinants
of users' behavioural intention to use and actual use of a VLE in
terms of the VLE success measures of this study. Such an
investigation may reveal further, more detailed and operative,
knowledge about design-related and behavioural drivers of users'
current VLE use/refusal.
Two events have recently improved the prospects of protecting fish
and their environment in Switzerland: the acceptance of a new
Federal Water Protection Law in the plebiscite of May 17th 1992,
and the new Federal Legislation on Fisheries, in force since
January 1st 1994. With this legal framework, the possibilities for
protection of nature and landscape have now considerably improved
in Switzerland. The most important aims of the Federal Law on Water
Protection are to safeguard the natural habitats of the native
flora and fauna and water as the habitat of aquatic organisms. This
includes not only the preservation or restoration of water quality
in lakes and rivers, but also, in rivers used for hydroelectricity,
irrigation or as industrial or other water supplies, the
maintenance of sufficient water to fulfill the minimal requirements
for fish. However, good quality water in sufficient quan tities
alone is not enough to guarantee the survival of fish. Intact fish
habitats comprise various phYsical structures including plenty of
hiding places, hunting grounds, reproduction and nursery areas
within suitable distances from each other. This third aspect of
conservation and restoration of aquatic habitats is a central point
in the new Federal Law on Fisheries. Whereas the former versions of
this law were more concerned with fishery regulations, the recent
legislation defines new areas of responsibility for the federal and
the cantonal governments."
In recent years, there has been increasing interest from
geoscientists in potassic ig- neous rocks. Academic geoscientists
have been interested in their petrogenesis and their potential
value in defining the tectonic setting of the terranes into which
they were intruded, and exploration geoscientists have become
increasingly interested in the association of these rocks with
major epithermal gold and porphyry gold-copper deposits. Despite
this current interest, there is no comprehensive textbook that
deals with these aspects of potassic igneous rocks. This book
redresses this situation by elucidating the characteristic features
of po- tassic (high-K) igneous rocks, erecting a hierarchical
scheme that alIows interpreta- tion of their tectonic setting using
whole-rock geochemistry, and investigating their associations with
a variety of gold and copper-gold deposits, worldwide. About half
of the book is based on a PhD thesis by Dr Daniel MillIer which was
produced at the Centre for Strategic Mineral Deposits (former ARC
Key Centre) within the Depart- ment of Geology and Geophysics at
The University of Western Australia under the supervision of
Professor David Groves, the late Dr Nick Rock, Professor Eugen
Stumpf}, Dr Wayne Taylor, and Dr Brendan Griffin. The remainder of
the book was compiled from the literature using the collective
experience of the two authors. The book is dedicated to the memory
of Dr Rock who initiated the research project but died before its
11 Was macht fur Pottker den Beruf Journalismus aus? Konstitutiv
ist zunachst einmal, im Sinne der Berufsdefinition Max Webers, eine
typische Spezifizierung, Spezialisierung und Kombination von
Leistungen einer Person [ ], welche fur sie die Grundlage einer
kontinuierlichen Versorgungs- und Erwerbschance ist (Weber 1972:
80). Mit anderen Worten: Journalisten sollen fur ihre spezielle
Tatigkeit und die dafur erworbenen Kom- tenzen ein regelmassiges
und zum Leben ausreichendes Einkommen erwarten (konnen). Daruber
hinaus ist der Journalistenberuf mit einer ihm eigenen Aufgabe
bewusst verm- det Pottker den systemtheoretisch konnotierten
Funktionsbegriff verbunden: dem Herst- len von Offentlichkeit (vgl.
u. a. Pottker 1999). Als Kernelement des journalistischen -
rufsethos lasst sich damit ein Drang zum An-den-Tag-bringen
beschreiben, der bereits in der Berufsbezeichnung Journalist
erkennbar wird, in der das franzosische Nomen le jour (der Tag)
enthalten ist: Journalisten bringen an den Tag, was nicht
verschwiegen werden darf, damit ihre Rezipienten sich in der
Gesellschaft, in der sie leben, zurechtfinden konnen. Aus der
Offentlichkeitsaufgabe ergibt sich eine journalistische
Grundpflicht zum P- lizieren, von der im Prinzip kein Gegenstand
und kein Thema ausgenommen ist (ebd.: 221). Pottker vergleicht
diese Grundnorm oft anschaulich mit ahnlichen bei Arzten, die
menschliches Leben erhalten, oder Rechtsanwalten, die fur ihre
Mandanten das rechtlich Mogliche herausholen sollen. Sollte es
Grunde geben, die gegen eine Befolgung dieser Gebote sprechen, so
mussen diese besonders stark ausgepragt sein. Nach dieser Argumen-
tion ist das Nicht-Veroffentlichen von bestimmten Themen ein
schwerer wiegender Verstoss gegen die journalistische
Professionalitat als eine Verfalschung publizierter Informationen."
This book reviews the geochemical and petrological characteristics
of potassic igneous rock complexes, and investigates the various
tectonic settings in which these rocks occur. The authors provide
an overview and classification of these rocks and elucidate the
geochemical differences between barren and mineralized potassic
igneous complexes. High-K rocks are genetically associated with a
number of epithermal gold and porphyry copper-gold deposits. In
recent years, there has also been growing recognition of an
association of such rocks with iron-oxide copper-gold (IOCG)
deposits, intrusion-related gold deposits (IRGDs) and Carlin-type
gold deposits. This fifth updated and expanded edition incorporates
new data and references from world-class copper and gold deposits
worldwide. It also includes the latest publications on the
petrogenesis of high-K magmatism and related mineral deposits.
Numerous new representative ore photographs of the mineral deposits
described are also included in the new edition. As such, the book
offers a valuable guide not only for academic petrologists working
on alkaline rocks, but also for exploration geologists prospecting
for epithermal gold and/or porphyry copper-gold deposits in modern
and ancient terrains.
Seminar paper from the year 2010 in the subject Politics -
International Politics - Region: Near East, Near Orient, grade:
1,7, University of Haifa (-), course: Political Economy of the
Middle East, language: English, abstract: The Shah of Persia is
dethroned - the Islamic Republic proclaimed. A pre-eminent Western
ally becomes an archenemy of the USA. In this setting, the paper
focuses on the economic implications of the revolution. It deals
with the underlying principles for an Islamic economy and their
implications. However, the Iran-Iraq War throws a curve in an even
economic development. The paper also provides an analysis of the
impact of the war on the economy. The question of economic
transition toward Islamic state capitalism is still on the agenda.
In the wake of the Arab revolutions both present and history will
present examples. The Islamic Republic of Iran is among them.
Research Paper (Pre-University) from the year 2007 in the subject
English - Applied Geography, grade: 1,0, Hochfranken-Gymnasium
Naila, language: English, abstract: The paper deals with the
emergence of modern Zionism, spurred by pogroms and persecution
directed against European Jewry. It highlights the situation in
Palestine under Ottoman rule, before and after Jewish mass
immigration. The decades before the foundation of the Jewish state
are of particular interest. The British Mandate period illustrates
the competing struggle of two ethnic groups, i.e. Arabs and Jews,
for sovereignty in the entity called Palestine. A superpower (Great
Britain) attempts to contain sparking violence and works hard on
equitable and fair solutions, e.g. various partition plans
(two-state solutions). Modern-day politicians and conflict analysts
should take this history into account.
Seminar paper from the year 2011 in the subject Business economics
- Marketing, Corporate Communication, CRM, Market Research, printed
single-sided, grade: 1,0, University of Applied Sciences Hof,
course: Business English, language: English, abstract: The last two
decades have witnessed an unprecedented flow of services toward
Asia. India, in particular, appears to have been the chief
beneficiary for qualified services. According to the A.T. Kearney
Global Services Location Index, 2011, India ranks highest as
offshoring destination. Given the immense poverty of a large
percentage of the population, it seems worthwhile to inves-tigate
how India managed to become a solicited provider for high-tech
services. However, there are alternatives for investment. Other
Asian nations court investors with lower prices and an improving
quality. Among them is China that attempts to supersede India as
most popular service offshoring destination. Where will be the
back-office of the future?
Electricity markets world-wide are undergoing a transformation, as
state-owned and vertically integrated monopolies are being replaced
by competitive dynamics and private participation. Policy reforms
driving this transformation include the corporatization and
restructuring of state-owned utilities; the unbundling of
generation, transmission, and distribution; the creation of
independent regulators; and the promotion of private sector
involvement in investment and management. This study reviews
international reform trends and best practice in sector policy,
with specific reference to Latin America. It documents how
regulatory reform, privatization, and cross-border integration are
unfolding throughout the European Single Market, triggered by EU
legislation. This study also shows that sector performance and
sector reforms in the southern Mediterranean countries are lagging
considerably behind international trends. Finally, it argues that a
number of reform initiatives at the national and regional level
should be taken to promote policy reforms and cross-border
integration in this sector. This would help the countries of North
Africa and the Middle East to increase economic efficiency,
consolidate public finances, attract foreign direct investment, and
to more effectively 'plug into' the European Single Market on the
northern shore of the Mediterranean Sea.
Sprache ist das wichtigste Handwerkszeug des Journalisten, sie
gekonnt zu handhaben die Grundlage fur seinen Beruf und die
Bewaltigung seiner Aufgabe: das Herstellen von OEffentlichkeit.
Dieses Lehrbuch ist die derzeit umfassendste Darstellung der
journalistischen Stilkunde. Alle wichtigen Bereiche des
journalistischen Sprachgebrauchs werden behandelt: Von der Wortwahl
uber die Satz- und Textgestaltung bis zu Stilverfahren bestimmter
Genres wie Nachricht oder Kommentar und zum Jargon von Politikern.
Die Stilistik ist fur die journalistische Aus- und Weiterbildung
sowie als Handbuch fur den Gebrauch im Arbeitsalltag gedacht.
Ausserdem kann sie denjenigen nutzlich sein, die in anderen
Berufszusammenhangen das Schreiben lernen oder lehren wollen.
Jenseits von vereinfachten oder einseitigen Stilrezepten dient das
Lehrbuch als Grundlage fur eine verantwortungsvolle
Sprachverwendung in der OEffentlichkeit.
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