Comprised of 230 entries written by 104 international scholars
well-known in the field, this is the definitive resource on one of
the most influential educators of the second half of the last
century. The entries are more properly themes (or using Freirean
language, generative themes) from Paulo Freire's work and include:
Action-Reflection, Alienation, Otherness , Illiteracy, Activism,
the Classroom, Autonomy, Authority, Authoritarianism, Evaluation,
Citizenship, Culture circles, Social class, Coherence, Trust,
Knowledge/knowing, Contradiction, Conflict, Popular culture,
Epistemological curiosity, Decency, Human rights, Ecology,
Professional education, State, Ethics, Exile, Existence,
Experience, Family, Feminism, Phenomenology, Globalization,
Indignation, Intersubjectivity, Cultural invasion,
Interdisciplinarity, Freedom, Liberation Theology, Leadership,
Marx/Marxism, Modernity/Post-modernity, Human nature,
Participation, Pedagogy, Praxis, Teacher, Racism,
Rigor/rigorousness (Methodological), Transcendence, Utopia,
Violence, Ontological vocation.