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This Polish-English collection of essays, poems and interviews,
appearing to coincide with All Saints Day, is devoted to poets and
artist who passed away but who live on in the memories of those who
stay, in their works and in the inspiration they offered to the
next generations. Tomasz Niedokos
Legendary - Contemporary Writers of Poland. The book consists of
two parts: Contemporary written words from our invited
international guests. It is a pleasure and an honor for us to
invite great writers from all over the world to participate in the
anthology. The second part: a piece of history of Poland after
World War II. This book is dedicated to Leszek Szymanski, the
legendary founder of "wspolczesnosc", the first independent
literature magazine published in 1956. His magazine was a Big Bang
of freedom, word, honesty and wisdom published in a politically
difficult time, in the chaos following the death of Stalin and
Communism's apparatus still dramatized its deadly power.
I'm glad that I may present the anthology The Other Side of the
Screen, edited by Alicja Kuberska. This is an extraordinary
publication showing a diversity of literature, its subject matter,
and form. The book's title explains much and suggests its origin.
It all started through the Internet from meetings on Facebook,
which in some cases grew into friendships. This book is based on
Alicja's poetic travels, summits, and engagements. Danuta Blaszak -
Editor of the series Contemporary Writers of Poland
Editor of the book - Anna Maria Mickiewicz and Danuta Blaszak
Editor of the series "Contemporary Writers of Poland" - Danuta
Blaszak This new volume Flying Between Words published by the
Contemporary Writers of Poland is a unique anthology, a collection
of poems, short stories and memoirs, dedicated to aviation. The
writers try to go beyond the stratosphere, to look through the eyes
of poetry - as pilots, as navigators. They approach alien planets
that may evoke our fears but also allow us to question the mundane
and ponder our existence. They go into a state of poetic
weightlessness, which becomes a unique creative challenge. Many of
the works in the collection refer to dramatic moments from history,
in which - inspired by universal values - aviators played a
significant and heroic role. Anna Maria Mickiewicz London 2015
This is the newest in an outgoing series dedicated to the
courageous people of Poland who fought always to defend and
preserve the Polish identity and cultural heritage throughout long
periods of oppression - so beautifully represented here in Polish
Literature Anthologies.
Dedicated to the courageous people of Poland who fought always to
defend and preserve the Polish identity as oppressed through its
cultural heritage; so beautifully represented here in this third
Polish Literature Anthology.
Zapraszamy serdecznie czytelnikow do naszej nowej ksiazki. Tym
razem, tematem przewodnim sa wspomnienia o tworcach, ktorzy
odeszli. Otrzymalysmy szereg ciekawych, czesto bardzo osobistych
wspomnien w formie esejow, wywiadow i wierszy. Prezentujemy zatem
wieloraka tworczosc poswiecona artystom, ktorych nie ma juz wsrod
Ksi__ka "Kosmos literat w" przedstawia kierunki i grupy literackie,
kt re zwi_zane s_ z miastem literat w+++. Prezentuje r wnie_ wsp
_czesnych autor w oraz ich tw rczo__. Miasto literat w +++ to jeden
z najstarszych polskich portali po_wi_conych tw rczo_ci
literackiej. Na uwag_ zas_uguje fakt, _e zosta_ powo_any na
emigracji, w USA, przez osoby prywatne. Strony internetowe na
_wiecie rozwija_y si_ bardzo szybko, do__czy_y do nich autorskie,
prywatne i wydawnicze, instytucjonalne. Zacz__o to by_ miejsce
wymiany interaktywnej tw rczo_ci i my_li. R wnolegle toczy_a si_
dyskusja, czy nie stanie si_ tak, _e internet ca_kowicie pozbawi
prawa do istnienia wydawnictw ksi__kowych, papierowych. Czy nie
zast_pi ksi__ki? Troch_ tak si_ sta_o. Dlatego te_, pomys_odawcy
portalu miasta literat w +++ postanowili poszerzy_ sw_ dzia_alno__
i za_o_yli wydawnictwo ksi__kowe, seri_ wydawnicz_ w 2005 roku,
Contemporary Writers of Poland. Obecnie ksi__ki redaguj_ Danuta
B_aszak (Orlando) i Anna Maria Mickiewicz (Londyn).
This is a love story, in Polish. A nice, heart warming story.