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Enjeux criminologiques contemporains confronte certaines des
questions pressantes relatives aux pratiques pe nales et carce
rales, a la criminologie " clinique ", et au contro le du crime et
ses conse quences. Cet ouvrage pre sente des the ories et des me
thodes a la ne pointe de la recherche, dans le but explicite de
contribuer au de veloppement de politiques qui promeuvent la se
curite et l'inclusion sociale. Les approches et the ories critiques
explore es dans cet ouvrage servent de contrepoint aux approches
d'ordre administratif ou manage rial et aux politiques et pratiques
e tatiques punitives, fonde es sur l'exclusion. De cline en deux
volumes - l'un en franc ais et l'autre en anglais -, ce live
rassemble autant des experts e minents que des chercheurs e
mergents qui, ensemble, o rent une importante contribution a
l'avancement de la recherche et des politiques publiques. Ce livre
est publie en Anglais.
In true Celtic fashion, Rev. Dr. David Moffett-Moore views life as
a celebration to be shared and a pilgrimage to be explored, tracing
his roots to the O'Mordha clan of ancient Ireland and the McQueen's
and MacLean's of the Scottish highlands. In Life as Pilgrimage, Dr.
Moffett-Moore offers us the image of pilgrimage as a basis for
spiritual health. Using the Peregrine falcon as an archetype for
pilgrimage, this volume explores the roots of our ancient past to
discover meaning for our modern lives. Celtic pilgrimage is about
the journey rather than the destination: life is a pilgrimage from
the place of our birthing to the place of our rising. This second
edition is expanded and revised.
What we believe about God as creator impacts our theology and
action in many ways. In this book, Dr. David Moffett-Moore will
examine some of these implications by looking at topics as diverse
as quantum physics and chaos theory, hermeneutics, ethics, and how
we tell stories of faith. Can one accept the major theories of
science, including evolution and still be a faithful believer? What
do these findings of science mean for the way we do theology in the
21st century? Dr. Moffett-Moore not only believes that we can
accept the findings of science and still be faithful Christians, he
believes that discoveries in fields such as physics and biology can
help us talk about God in a more relevant and compelling way than
we ever have before. And when we talk about God in this new way, we
will also find a new call to live in a way that is faithful both to
the wonders of the physical Creation, and also to scripture.
"When I was a boy, I had a really wicked temper. It was short and
it was brutal. I would get in fights every recess." With that
personal beginning, Dr David Moffett-Moore escorts each student
into their own personal study of The Spirit's Fruit: A
Participatory Study Guide. We are called together as Christians to
a fruit-filled life. While God blesses us with one or more gifts as
He wills, none of us receive all the gifts. But all of us are
encouraged to live a Christ-led life in which all the fruit of the
Spirit may grow in abundance. Dr. Moffett-Moore gives us wonderful
tools for discussion and prayer to break up any hard ground and
pour Christ's Living Water into our spirits so the study itself
aids more fruitful growth. The Participatory Study Series from
Energion Publications is designed to invite Bible students to
become a part of the community of faith that produced the texts we
now have as scripture by studying them empathetically and with an
aim to learn and grow spiritually. Each author is free to emphasize
different resources in the study, and individual students, group
leaders, and teachers are encouraged to enhance their study through
the use of additional resources.
It will come as no surprise to pastors and their families that the
vocation of a minister involves stress. In fact, it involves a
great deal of stress. Unfortunately, when many pastors encounter
stress they tend to hunker down in the hopes of just surviving. All
too frequently the stressful situations that have not been dealt
with continue to build up, and the result is fatigue and burnout.
In Wind and Whirlwind, Dr. David Moffett-Moore presents a better
way. He has survived the whirlwind in his own ministry, and more
importantly, with the help of many others he has learned to turn
the stress into an opportunity for growth, both for himself and for
the congregations he serves. In a series of 16 short chapters, he
will help you identify the sources of stress, discover ways to
manage it spiritually and emotionally, and point you to spiritual
disciplines and practices that will help make you a better person
and bring success to your ministry. While the chapters are short,
they do not present easy, trite answers to complex problems.
Rather, they will help you strengthen yourself, so you can discern
the way God is working in your life and ministry. Each chapter
presents topics for meditation and questions for discussion. It is
designed to be used by clergy peer groups.