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This volume breaks new ground in addressing a number of critical
issues confronting contemporary comparative politics, including the
increasing interdependence of countries in the era of enhanced
globalization, different levels of political authority and
structures of governance, the search for elegant parsimonious
explanation and the possibilities for a real accumulation of
knowledge. The contributions all problematize comparative politics
in ways that have not been done before and add remarkable insight
for scholars in the field. This is highly recommended.' - Todd
Landman, University of Nottingham, UK and author of Issues and
Methods in Comparative Politics (Routledge 2000, 2003, 2008,
2016)'The challenges that comparative politics faces have, in most
cases, been discussed as fragmented and separate treatments. Rarely
are they presented systematically and in an encompassing manner, as
in the present volume, which covers a variety of subdisciplines.
The editors and contributors should be complimented for offering
methodologists and empirical comparativists a structured and
integrated volume in which the various challenges are not only
discussed in depth, but also linked together, rather than in
isolation.' - Daniele Caramani, University of Zurich, Switzerland
What are the conceptual and methodological challenges facing
comparative politics today? This informative book discusses four
main challenges that create stress for disciplinary reproduction
and advancement, while providing potential solutions. In seven
chapters, the contributors cover the most pressing issues: the
dissolution of the nation-state as the main objective of inquiry;
the increasing complexity of concepts and methods; the capacity to
accumulate knowledge; and the tensions between parsimonious and
contextually rich explanations. Scholars and students of
comparative politics, international relations and political science
will be interested in the up-to-date overview of pertinent
conceptual problems, as well as the possible ways forward.
Practitioners and decision-makers will find the real-world examples
provided in this book useful to their work. Contributors: D. Braun,
O.Giraud, D. Jahn, D. Kuebler, M. Maggetti, S. Stephan
The Global Financial Crisis has led to a renewed attention for the
management of public debt and deficits of advanced and developing
industrial states. To successfully deal with such problems of
public finances raises particular concerns in federal states where
fiscal competencies are split between two levels of government.
This book offers comparative in-depth knowledge of political
struggles related to fiscal consolidation policies in eleven
federal states since the 1990s, including the Global Financial
Crisis and its aftermath. It identifies conditions that lead to
"robust" solutions that can both commit federal actors to prudent
fiscal policy-making and avoid conflicts between federal actors
that cause federal instability. This text will be of key interest
to scholars and students of political economy and comparative
politics in general and comparative federalism and EU Politics in
Das Buch widmet sich – aus einer ideengeschichtlichen Perspektive
– dem Erscheinen einer neuen autoritären Regimeform im
Transformationsprozess von monarchischen zu republikanischen
Regierungen, oft als Cäsarismus angedeutet, die im neunzehnten und
beginnenden zwanzigsten Jahrhundert viele politische Diskussionen
entfachte. Als Rezeptionsgeschichte und ideengeschichtliche
Abhandlung bietet dieses Buch relevantes Material für Studierende
und Lehrende in der Politikwissenschaft, ideengeschichtlich
Interessierte und Politikwissenschaftler*innen in der
vergleichenden Regimeforschung allgemein und der
Autokratieforschung im Besonderen.Â
Delegation is an ubiquitous social phenomenon linked to the
growing differentiation of modern societies. Delegation is one of
several different modes of organisation that exist to make
collective action successful, but has been overlooked and
Using a rational choice institutional analysis and principal agent
models, this book brings literature on delegation to bureaucracy,
electorate to legislature to government within representative
democracy together with literature on new forms of delegation such
as non-majoritarian institutions, to provide a more complete and
synthetic analysis of delegation in political systems.
With a broad and comparative approach, this is an important volume
for advanced students, researchers and professionals concerned with
delegation in the areas of public policy, public administration and
democratic theory.
The Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science series is
published in association with the European Consortium for Political
Research - the leading organisation concerned with the growth and
development of political science in Europe. The series presents
high-quality edited volumes on topics at the leading edge of
current interest in political science and related fields, with
contributions from European scholars and others who have presented
work at ECPR workshops and research groups. Delegation is a
ubiquitous social phenomenon linked to the growing differentiation
of modern societies. Delegation is one of several different modes
of organisation that exist to make collective action successful,
but has been overlooked and under-researched. Using a rational
choice institutional analysis and principal agent models, this book
brings literature on delegation to bureaucracy,
This title was first published in 2003.Investigating the impact of
federal structure on fiscal policy-making in four country cases,
this book answers the question as to what extent federal structures
hinder or, on the contrary, enhance a state's decision and
co-ordination capacity in the field of fiscal policy. It questions
the common assumption that federal structures restrain the
co-ordination and hence macroeconomic management capacity.
Well-documented and meticulously presented, this book will be
useful for all those working in the field of policy research, and
more generally for those who wish not only to attain a deeper and
more comprehensive view on fiscal policy making or federalism, but
on the territorial dimension of fiscal policy.
Why, in the last decades of the twentieth century, did
industralized nations witness recurring vast public deficits, even
in times of peaceful international relations and economic growth?
The essays in Politics, Institutions, and Fiscal Policy chart
answers sought by economists, political scientists, and government
officials. This groundbreaking book looks at states within five
industrialized federations Canadian provinces, Swiss cantons,
Belgian regions, German lander, and American states as case studies
of variation in budget balances since 1980. The work s conclusion
compares deficit levels between the federations studied. Politics,
Institutions, and Fiscal Policy sheds new light on the role of such
factors as spending and taxation levels and electoral and partisan
cycles within the budget balancing process. Neatly written and
theoretically grounded, this volume contributes greatly to our
understanding of public finance and public administration."
This title was first published in 2003. Investigating the impact of
federal structure on fiscal policy-making in four country cases,
this book answers the question as to what extent federal structures
hinder or, on the contrary, enhance a state's decision and
co-ordination capacity in the field of fiscal policy. It questions
the common assumption that federal structures restrain the
co-ordination and hence macroeconomic management capacity.
Well-documented and meticulously presented, this book will be
useful for all those working in the field of policy research, and
more generally for those who wish not only to attain a deeper and
more comprehensive view on fiscal policy making or federalism, but
on the territorial dimension of fiscal policy.
The Global Financial Crisis has led to a renewed attention for the
management of public debt and deficits of advanced and developing
industrial states. To successfully deal with such problems of
public finances raises particular concerns in federal states where
fiscal competencies are split between two levels of government.
This book offers comparative in-depth knowledge of political
struggles related to fiscal consolidation policies in eleven
federal states since the 1990s, including the Global Financial
Crisis and its aftermath. It identifies conditions that lead to
"robust" solutions that can both commit federal actors to prudent
fiscal policy-making and avoid conflicts between federal actors
that cause federal instability. This text will be of key interest
to scholars and students of political economy and comparative
politics in general and comparative federalism and EU Politics in
By gathering institutional details on funding and health research
systems in a comparative perspective, Structure and Dynamics of
Health Research and Public Funding offers, for the first time, a
comprehensive and systematic view of the options and restrictions
to which scientists, clinicians and administrators are subject when
seeking to establish a productive health research enterprise. The
Structure and Dynamics of Health Research and Public Funding
provides the reader with a comparative institutional analysis of
problems of application in health research. In assessing the
cognitive, social and institutional structuring of health research,
explanations for the origin and variation of problems are
presented. The study extensively discusses the capacities of
funding agencies to contribute to a higher practical diffusion of
health research knowledge. It is thus addressed to all individuals
and institutions who are involved in the promotion of, or are
concerned with, the future of health research.
Wahrend die normative Begrundung von Demokratie seit der Antike ein
zentrales Thema der politischen Ideengeschichte darstellt, erhalt
die Rechtfertigung autoritarer Herrschaft bisher relativ wenig
Aufmerksamkeit. Diese Diskrepanz soll mit diesem Buch beseitigt
werden. UEbersichtsweise werden die relevanten Beitrage politischer
Philosophen und Vertreter religioeser und ideologischer Stroemungen
abgehandelt und zu sieben Autoritatstypen zusammengefasst: den
sittlichen, religioesen, schutzenden, vernunftigen, ideologischen,
elitaren und populistischen Autoritarismus.
Das Buch bietet eine systematische und an Originaltexten
orientierte, kritische Einfuhrung in die Grundlagen der Modelle
rationaler Wahlhandlungen aus der Sicht der Politikwissenschaft."
Aueh wenn es immer mehr ErkHirungen fiber Ursaehen und Verlauf der
Arbeitslosigkeit gibt, lohnt es sieh, angesiehts der
gesellsehaftliehen Tragweite und der Beharrliehkeit dieses
Problems, weiterzuforsehen. Politikwissenschaft- liche Ansatze
scheinen dabei in erster Instanz wenig zu konkreten Hand-
lungsempfehlungen beitragen zu konnen. Dies liegt nieht zuletzt
daran, daj3 sie hiiufig wenig kurzfristig beeinfluj3bare Faktoren
in den Vordergrund schieben wie Institutionen und
MachtverhaItnisse, wabrend okonometrische Berechnungen der
Wirtschaftswissenschaften scheinbar konkret und pranse die
Parameter angeben konnen, deren Einhaltung zu den gewiinschten
Resul- taten fiihren sollen. Daj3 dies nicht genfigt, zeigen 15
Jahre Arbeitslosigkeit in den Niederlanden. Der springende Punkt
ist, daj3 okonomische Aggregat- groj3en wie Investitionen, Konsum,
Staatsausgaben, Lohnentwicklungen usw. nicht ohne handelnde
Personen in Bewegung gesetzt werden konnen. Die aktive Beseitigung
der Arbeitslosigkeit durch die Politik bedeutet zuerst die
Beeinflussung des Verhaltens von Akteuren, deren Interessen
einerseits gruppengebunden sind und andererseits kulturell und
institutionell struktu- riert werden. Vnd an dieser Stelle kann die
Politikwissenschaft und insbe- sondere die jfingere (vergleichende)
Policy - Forschung eine fruchtbare Erganzung der
Wirtschaftswissenschaften darstellen. Sie kann den politischen
Entscheidungstragem sowohl die politikimmanenten wie die extemen
Hand- lungsspielraume vor Augen fiihren und damit die
Erreichbarkeit der politi- schen Ziele begreiflich machen. Wissen
um die Mogliehkeiten und Restrik- tionen des eigenen Handelns
bedeutet aber immer eine erhOhte Fahigkeit zur Planung und so
moglicherweise zur Pravention des erkannten drohenden Unheils.
By gathering institutional details on funding and health research
systems in a comparative perspective, Structure and Dynamics of
Health Research and Public Funding offers, for the first time, a
comprehensive and systematic view of the options and restrictions
to which scientists, clinicians and administrators are subject when
seeking to establish a productive health research enterprise. The
Structure and Dynamics of Health Research and Public Funding
provides the reader with a comparative institutional analysis of
problems of application in health research. In assessing the
cognitive, social and institutional structuring of health research,
explanations for the origin and variation of problems are
presented. The study extensively discusses the capacities of
funding agencies to contribute to a higher practical diffusion of
health research knowledge. It is thus addressed to all individuals
and institutions who are involved in the promotion of, or are
concerned with, the future of health research.
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