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How postcolonial are the literatures of postcommunist countries
such as Poland, Russia, and Ukraine? Are they postcolonial on the
level of sociopolitical conditions, postcolonial modes of
representation, or of a (post-)colonial mind? The contributors
consider and respond to the heuristic questions and to the claim
for accuracy which purports that Slavic literatures after communism
are indeed postcolonial - in a no more metaphorical way than the
"classic" cases of postcolonial literatures, whose postcoloniality
can be traced to the colonialism of overseas empires. The
contributions to this volume deal with the exploration of literary
representation and hence of postcolonial textuality.
Vladimir Sorokin is the most prominent and the most controversial
contemporary Russian writer. Having emerged as a prose writer in
Moscow's artistic underground in the late 1970s and early 80s, he
became visible to a broader Russian audience only in the mid-1990s,
with texts shocking the moralistic expectations of traditionally
minded readers by violating not only Soviet ideological taboos, but
also injecting vulgar language, sex, and violence into plots that
the postmodernist Sorokin borrowed from nineteenth-century
literature and Socialist Realism. Sorokin became famous when the
Putin youth organization burned his books in 2002 and he picked up
neo-nationalist and neo-imperialist discourses in his dystopian
novels of the 2000s and 2010s, making him one of the fiercest
critics of Russia's "new middle ages," while remaining steadfast in
his dismantling of foreign discourses.
Vladimir Sorokin is the most prominent and the most controversial
contemporary Russian writer. Having emerged as a prose writer in
Moscow's artistic underground in the late 1970s and early 80s, he
became visible to a broader Russian audience only in the mid-1990s,
with texts shocking the moralistic expectations of traditionally
minded readers by violating not only Soviet ideological taboos, but
also injecting vulgar language, sex, and violence into plots that
the postmodernist Sorokin borrowed from nineteenth-century
literature and Socialist Realism. Sorokin became famous when the
Putin youth organization burned his books in 2002 and he picked up
neo-nationalist and neo-imperialist discourses in his dystopian
novels of the 2000s and 2010s, making him one of the fiercest
critics of Russia's "new middle ages," while remaining steadfast in
his dismantling of foreign discourses.
Postkoloniale Konstellationen lassen sich nicht (mehr) in das
Eigene und das Andere, in das Originare und das Nachgeahmte, in ein
Hier und Dort auseinanderdividierenden. Sie sind gepragt von
Verflechtungen, Hybri-disierungen und wechselseitigen
Aneignungsprozessen. In diesem Band analysiert die Autorin Texte
von Jurij Brezan, Irena Brezna, Mascha Dabic, Roza Domascyna, Olga
Grjasnowa, Barbi Markovic, Olga Martynova und Aleksandar Tisma. Sie
zeigt auf, dass alle Werke sich mit multiplen Zuge-hoerigkeiten,
Mehrsprachigkeit und UEbersetzung auseinandersetzen. Die Texte
dekonstruieren Grenzen sprachlicher und kultureller Zugehoerigkeit,
thematisieren aber auch Diskriminierung, Rassismus und
Antisemitismus. Damit beschreiben sie mehrsprachige Welten jenseits
von hegemonialer Einsprachigkeit.
Die Beitrage dieses Bandes belegen, dass der Begriff des
Orientalismus zu einem wichtigen Arbeits- und Erkenntnisinstrument
der kulturwissenschaftlich erneuerten Slavistik geworden ist. Der
Plural "Orientalismen" oeffnet das Feld fur sehr verschiedenartige
Konstellationen, die vom Kaukasus in der russischen Romantik uber
die AEgypten-Bilder der russischen Moderne bis zu den Filmschulen
Mittelasiens und zum Tschetschenien-Konflikt, vom polnischen
Barockzeitalter bis zum Avantgarde-Roman der Zwischenkriegszeit und
zu neueren polnischen Russland-Bildern, von der kroatischen
Literatur der Romantik bis zu bosnischen Identitatsdiskursen der
neunziger Jahre des vergangenen Jahrhunderts reichen. Dabei werden
Verfahren, Symbole, Metaphern und Diskurse vorgestellt, die zur
Konstruktion von Orient in slavischen Kulturen und Literaturen
beigetragen haben - zum 'Osten des Ostens'.
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