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An awakening has been happening across our society. People
increasingly recognize how long-standing, systemic issues have
prevented many from flourishing. But often Christians are not sure
how best to engage. Does it help to march and hold signs? What can
we do to contribute and not further complicate things? Faith-rooted
justice advocate and activist Michelle Ferrigno Warren equips
Christians to join Christ's restorative work in the world. In
nearly three decades of experience, she left much of her privilege
to work alongside the poor and marginalized in the restoration of
individuals and communities, collaborating with community leaders,
marching in streets, and meeting with and speaking truth to power.
She says, "How you show up is just as important as showing up."
From the grassroots to the grass tops, Warren invites us to
understand our place in this moment and learn from those who have
gone before: the poets and prophets who call us to resist
oppression and injustice. Biblical, historical, and contemporary
examples give us ways to walk in God's righteousness, truth, and
peace. We can better understand our shared solidarity, persevere in
the midst of struggle, bring people along, and remain rooted in joy
as we continue the good work of kingdom justice.
Learn to leverage privilege. Privilege is a social consequence of
our unwillingness to reckon with and turn from sin. But properly
stewarded, it can help us see and participate in God's inbreaking
kingdom. Scripture repeatedly affirms that privilege is real and
declares that, rather than exploiting it for selfish gain or
feeling immobilized by it, Christians have a responsibility to
leverage it. Subversive Witness asks us to grapple with privilege,
indifference, and systemic sin in new ways by using biblical
examples to reveal the complex nature of privilege and Christians'
responsibility in stewarding it well. Dominique DuBois Gilliard
highlights several people in the Bible who understood this kingdom
call. Through their stories, you will discover how to leverage
privilege to: Resist Sin Stand in Solidarity with the Oppressed
Birth Liberation Create Systemic Change Proclaim the Good News
Generate Social Transformation By embodying Scripture's subversive
call to leverage--and at times forsake--privilege, readers will
learn to love their neighbors sacrificially, enact systemic change,
and grow more Christlike as citizens of God's kingdom.
IVP Readers' Choice Award Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year
The United States has more people locked up in jails, prisons, and
detention centers than any other country in the history of the
world. Mass incarceration has become a lucrative industry, and the
criminal justice system is plagued with bias and unjust practices.
And the church has unwittingly contributed to the problem.
Dominique Gilliard explores the history and foundation of mass
incarceration, examining Christianity's role in its evolution and
expansion. He then shows how Christians can pursue justice that
restores and reconciles, offering creative solutions and
highlighting innovative interventions. The church has the power to
help transform our criminal justice system. Discover how you can
participate in the restorative justice needed to bring authentic
rehabilitation, lasting transformation, and healthy reintegration
to this broken system.
Dominique Dubois nous propose d'explorer les courants esoteriques
de la fin du XIXe siecle et les societes discretes influentes dans
la region du Bas-Languedoc. Car on a voulu faire de Berenger
Sauniere un adepte de la Franc-Maconnerie et de la Rose-Croix,
ainsi qu'en temoignent les nombreux ecrits traitant de la
decoration de l'eglise du village. On lui a prete, par le biais
d'une relation aussi hypothetique que sulfureuse avec Emma Calve,
des liens avec les cercles esoteriques de la capitale. On est meme
alle jusqu'a lui trouver une residence secrete a Lyon ou il aurait
frequente certains milieux martinistes. Passons sur les travaux
d'autres chercheurs qui voient dans le pasteur castelrennais
l'agent d'une dangereuse secte manicheenne Une enquete erudite et
passionnee par l'auteur d'une biographie de Jules Bois.