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Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not
used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad
quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are
images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to
keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the
original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain
imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made
available for future generations to enjoy.
Originally published in 1922, this early works on Myths and Legends
of China is extensively illustrated throughout and will appeal
greatly to any student or historian. Many of the earliest books,
particularly those dating back to the 1900's and before, are now
extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republishing
these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions,
using the original text and artwork.
The voices of the children and teenagers who witnessed the events
that transformed the colonies to an independent nation have seldom
been heard in historical accounts of the American Revolution. This
book tells the story of the "forgotten" youngsters who engaged in
the boycott of British goods and the battles that led up to the
Declaration of Independence: the story of their courageous exploits
in eight years of warfare on land and sea, and the story of the
social forces that shaped and transformed their post-war lives. The
Revolution challenged the notions of patriarchal authority. It
introduced serious risks and disruptions in the lives of the young,
but it also gave them an unprecedented degree of autonomy and a
sense of responsibility that allowed them to seize the
opportunities that they gained with their independence. The book is
based on the eye-witness accounts of one hundred children and
teenagers who were between the ages of five and sixteen when they
first observed the events recorded in their diaries, journals,
letters, or memoirs. One-third of the accounts are from girls, most
of whom lived in cities; two-thirds are from boys, most of whom
lived rural areas. They include reports from black as well as white
boy soldiers, from teenagers imprisoned on land and on prison
ships, from slave children and youngsters held hostage by Indians,
and from children of loyalists and pacifists who opposed the war
with Britain for political or religious reasons. Also included are
the viewpoints of Hessian teenagers who fought in the American
Revolutionary War for the British. The book follows the chronology
of the American Revolution across two decades from 1770, when the
boycott of Britishgoods throughout the American colonies gained
momentum, to 1789, when George Washington was sworn in as the first
president of a new and independent nation. It sets the experiences
of the children and teenagers who lived and wrote in that time in a
historical context. It focuses on the major milestones of the
American Revolution, and the contribution of young people to its
progress and ultimate success.
Among the several distinct ways of formulating and quantizing a
Hamiltonian system, the light cone approach enjoys special status
because it has the largest stability group. The aim of this volume
is to present recent achievements and open problems in this rather
unusual quantization framework to a large audience. The formulation
is set up in a comprehensive introduction where the issues are also
clearly indicated with specific examples: vacuum structure,
signature of non-perturbative effects, chiral symmetry breaking,
light cone gauge theories, etc. The following chapters address
these topics through a selection of the most relevant contributions
presented at Les Houches.
This volume should prove valuable to newcomers in the field, and
graduates and academics.
No Surrender
E Werner
Discovery Miles 6 200
Save R64 (9%)
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
The Northern Light
E Werner
Discovery Miles 6 040
Save R63 (9%)
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
In den zuruckliegenden Jahren haben in London (1973),
Louvain-Ia-Neuve (1975) und New York (1977) 3 Symposien uber die
Biochemie der beiden Eisenstoffwechselproteine Ferritin und
Transferrin stattgefunden. Die rasche Aufeinanderfolge der Tagungen
zu einem so eng umrissenen Themenkreis dokumentiert ein neu
erwachtes Interesse an den bioche- mischen und
biologisch-medizinischen Aspekten dieser eisenspezifischen
Proteine. Zu dieser Intensivierung des Interesses verschiedener
wissenschaftlicher Fachgebiete hat die Entdeckung beigetragen, dass
Ferritin entgegen fruherer Auffassung in geringer Konzen- tration
ein normaler Bestandteil des zirkulierenden Blutes ist und sich als
Mass fur die Beurteilung der Koerpereisenreserven eignet. Das
Serumferritin ist damit zu einem fur die medizinische Diagnostik
wertvollen Para- meter geworden und hat Eingang in die
Routinediagnostik auf verschiedenen Gebieten der klinischen Medizin
gefunden. Das vorliegende Buch fasst die Beitrage zu einem am 13.
und 14. Oktober 1978 in Frank- furt am Main unter der
Schirmherrschaft der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Hamatologie und
Onkologie durchgefuhrten Internationalen Symposium uber methodische
und klini- sche Aspekte des Serumferritins zusammen. Die
Herausgeber haben sich bemuht, die in den Referaten und in der
Diskussion sicht- bar gewordenen Differenzen zu zahlreichen
Problemen der Serumferritinbestimmung in ihrer kontroversen Form
wiederzugeben, da dem Symposium das Ziel gesetzt war, eine erste
Zusammenfassung vor allem der klinischen Erfahrungen mit dem neuen
Eisen- stoffwechselparameter Serumferritin zu geben. Es hat sich
gezeigt, dass trotz unterschied- licher Auffassungen in der
Beurteilung der Wertigkeit des Serumferritins in der klinischen
Anwendung diesem Parameter schon jetzt ein bedeutender Stellenwert
fur die Bewertung des Koerpereisenstatus zukommt.
In a companion volume to their highly acclaimed book Overcoming the
Odds, Emmy E. Werner and Ruth S. Smith continue their longitudinal
study of approximately five hundred men and women who were born in
1955 on the Hawaiian island of Kauai. A third of these individuals
had been considered "at risk" because of birth complications,
parental mental illness, family dysfunction, and adverse early
conditions such as poverty. Werner and Smith examine the long-term
impact of these influences on the individuals' later adaptation to
life.Drawing on data collected by a team of psychologists,
pediatricians, social workers, and public health nurses across four
decades, Werner and Smith chronicle the development of these men
and women from birth to midlife: infancy, early and middle
childhood, late adolescence, and early and middle adulthood. Their
book focuses on protective factors within the individual, the
extended family, and the community that allowed most of the men and
women to be successful and to be satisfied with their lives by age
forty. Most important, the authors document the remarkable
resilience and capacity for recovery displayed by the majority of
these baby boomers, who approached middle age as competent,
confident, and caring adults. Journeys from Childhood to Midlife
highlights key turning points in the third and fourth decades of
life, and shows why more women than men succeeded in overcoming the
odds. The work addresses the policy implications of the research
and the need to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of current
intervention programs for children.
Fickle Fortune (Paperback)
Elisab Burstenbinder (Aka E Werner)
Discovery Miles 5 220
Save R57 (10%)
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
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