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Our health system resembles a repair service which treats illness
and suffering. But in many cases it would seem much simpler to
avoid health problems. Why do we wait until the illnesses have
developed? Young and expectant families are particularly interested
in maintaining the health of their children and their whole family.
Since prevention must begin long before the emergence of illness,
there can be no better time to start than the beginning of life.
This book presents a range of contributions that not only encourage
theoretical reflection about the topics discussed but also provide
practical suggestions.
COMPARED WITH the first five Jerusalem Symposia on Quantum
Chemistry and Biochem istry, this sixth Symposium represents a step
into a new and largely uncharted area: that of Chemical and
Biochemical Reactivity. While the previous Symposia dealt
principally with the 'static' data, describing molecules-even large
ones-of chemical and biological in terest, the present Symposium
attempts to deal with 'dynamic' phenomena and the factors which
determine their course. The complexities of these systems and the
ensuing theoreti cal (and experimental) difficulties are,
obviously, much more pronounced. Nevertheless, we hope that the
present volume of Proceedings makes a positive contribu tion to the
very interesting field of Reactivity: the lively discussions which
followed every paper seem to us a good indication that our hope is
justified. As last year, we have includ ed in these Proceedings
only those portions of the discussions which the participants
themselves formulated in writing, and, of course, the replies given
by the speakers, to whom we transmitted the written formulations.
We must apologize to the participants in the Symposium for the long
delay in publishing this volume. The October 1973 War, and, even
more, its aftermath, made it impossible for us to produce the work
by our scheduled date of April 1, 1974, as Israel's manpower,
especially its technically skilled manpower, was not always free
for its normal occupation."
The seventh Jerusalem Symposium has tried to penetrate into a field
of research towards which the efforts of a large number of the most
variegated modern techniques are conversing: molecular and quantum
pharmacology. The hope to elucidate the mode of action of drugs, to
establish correlations between the electronic and con formational
structures of drugs and their mode of action and level of activity,
to derive from these data the nature of the cellular receptors and
an understanding of the interaction of the drugs with those
receptors - is a strong stimulus to enlarge and deepen the research
efforts with the ultimate view to rationalize the design of more
efficient and more specific drugs. The Symposium represents an
attempt to survey the progress made so far in this respect and the
methods and efforts employed in order to arrive at even greater
achievements. The presentation of this Symposium differs somewhat
from that of the preceding ones. Owing to the political events
which disturbed the peace in the Middle East and therefore the
normal activities of commerce and industry in Israel at least
temporarily, the printing and distribution of this volume were
entrusted to the Reidel Publishing Company. We wish to thank them
for their very efficient col1aboration and for all their efforts to
publish this volume with a minimum delay."
Recent advances in molecular biology have shown GTPases and
phosphoproteins to be the paramount molecular switches utilized
intracellularly in biological systems. The origins of the GTPase
switch appear to be almost as ancient as life itself, and through
evolution nature has adapted this switch to a variety of purposes.
In this two-volume work a broad survey of the major classes of
GTPases is presented. The role of GTPases in ensuring accuracy
during protein translation, a new look at the trimeric G-protein
cycle, the molecular function of ARF in vesicle coating, the
emerging role of the dynamin family in vesicle transfer, GTPases
which activate GTPases during nascent protein translocation, and
the many roles of ras-related proteins in growth, cytoskeletal
polymerization, and vesicle transfer, are all described in 80
chapters by the leading authorities in their fields. Both detailed
knowledge of specific systems or proteins and general principles of
structure and function are offered. Much of this information has
never been published before. At the rate the extended family of
GTPases is growing it becomes increasingly unlikely that we will
again get it to sit for a group portrait such as this. Therefore,
the volume has the chance to become "the" reference work for
The seventh Jerusalem Symposium has tried to penetrate into a field
of research towards which the efforts of a large number of the most
variegated modern techniques are conversing: molecular and quantum
pharmacology. The hope to elucidate the mode of action of drugs, to
establish correlations between the electronic and con formational
structures of drugs and their mode of action and level of activity,
to derive from these data the nature of the cellular receptors and
an understanding of the interaction of the drugs with those
receptors - is a strong stimulus to enlarge and deepen the research
efforts with the ultimate view to rationalize the design of more
efficient and more specific drugs. The Symposium represents an
attempt to survey the progress made so far in this respect and the
methods and efforts employed in order to arrive at even greater
achievements. The presentation of this Symposium differs somewhat
from that of the preceding ones. Owing to the political events
which disturbed the peace in the Middle East and therefore the
normal activities of commerce and industry in Israel at least
temporarily, the printing and distribution of this volume were
entrusted to the Reidel Publishing Company. We wish to thank them
for their very efficient col1aboration and for all their efforts to
publish this volume with a minimum delay."
In einer Besprechung eines der letzten Bande dieses Handbuches
bemangelt ein Kritiker, da/3 das Erscheinen der einzelnen Bande
sich zeitlich so weit hinaus ziehe, da/3 das Handbuch als Ganzes
bei dem raschen Fortschritte der Forschung auf dem Gebiete der
Speziellen Pathologie den Stand unseres Wissens in bezug auf die
Organerkrankungen kaum mehr einheitlich darstelle. Dies ist
richtig; aber gegenuber dieser Forderung ist zu sagen, da/3 das
Handbuch sie nie zu erfullen beabsichtigt hat, schon aus dem
einfachen Grunde, da/3 es technisch undurchfuhrbar gewesen ware,
einen solchen Stoff binnen weniger Jahre zu bewaltigen; hinzukommt,
da/3 mit wechselnden menschlichen Schicksalen und Arbeitsweisen
gerechnet werden mu/3. Der Tod und manche andere Macht lichtet die
Reihen der Mitarbeiter; der eine liefert punktlich seinen Beitrag,
vom anderen ist er nach 20 Jahren noch nicht zu erhalten. Aber man
darf ein solches Werk auch nicht allein vom Standpunkt des
gegenwartigen Bedurfnisses ansehen. Auch wenn sich seine
Herausgabe, wie vorauszusehen in einer Zeit wie der unsrigen, uber
P/2 Jahrzehnte hinauszieht, so ist diese Zeitspanne fUr ein Werk
nicht zu viel, das die Aufgabe hat und wohl auch erfullt, den Stand
unserer Wissenschaft auf lange Zeit hinaus zusammen zufassen. Ich
weiB, welchen Muhen sich OTTO LUBARSCH, mein Vorganger im Amt und
in der Herausgabe dieses Handbuches, mit der Schriftleitung unter
zogen hat und welches Verdienst ihm gerade in der Hinsicht einer
moglichsten Beschleunigung des Erscheinens zukommt."
Dieses Buch ist aus Skripten der Autoren zu ihrer Vorlesung "Mathe-
matische Logik (fUr Informatiker)" entstanden. Diese sechssttindige
Lehrveranstaltung, die seit dem Sommersemester 1974 jahrlich an der
Technischen Universitat Berlin im Fachbereich Informatik ab-
gehalten wird, will Informatik-Studenten etwa yom 4. Semester an
mit Logik-Methoden vertraut machen und gleichzeitig einen" Bei-
trag zur Mathematik-Ausbildung fUr Informatiker leisten. Dement-
sprechend handelt es sich urn einen einfUhrenden Text fUr "krasse"
Anfanger in der Logik, der mit elementaren Mathematik -Kenntnissen
lesbar ist und an Informatik-Voraussetzungen nur einfachste Kon-
zepte von Programmiersprachen benotigt. Anliegen des Buches, das
sich gleichermaBen an Mathematik- und Informatik-Studenten wen-
det, ist es, einerseits eine mathematisch zufriedenstellende
Darstellung der Anfangsgrtinde der Pradikatenlogik der ersten Stufe
zu geben, andererseits aber auch Anwendungen dieser Logik innerhalb
der Informatik einheitlich in die Logik-Darstellung einzubeziehen.
Der Versuch, ein Buch tiber Logik mit Informatik-Anwendungen zu
schreiben, ist nicht ohne Probleme, da die Auswahl der Verbin-
dungen von Logik und Informatik eine subjektive Entscheidung
bleibt, so daB tiber den hier vorliegenden Text hinaus Raum fUr
andere Bertihrungspunkte und fUr eine intensivere Gestaltung der
hier im Text angefUhrten Anwendungen besteht. Man kann dabei z. B.
an engere Verbindungen zur theoretischen Informatik denken oder an
eine systematische Abhandlung der angesprochenen Anwen-
dungsgebiete. Dieser Text will dazu anregen, Informatik und Lo- gik
so aufeinander zu beziehen, daB Logik als Hilfsmittel fUr die
Informatik angesehen werden darf, d. h. als eine fruchtbare, Infor-
matik-Ergebnisse hervorbringende Methode.
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer
Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfangen des Verlags
von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv
Quellen fur die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche
Forschung zur Verfugung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext
betrachtet werden mussen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor
1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen
Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
Economic motivations are generally the major driving force for the
formation of free trade agreements among countries, but there are
other reasons countries enter into FTAs, including political and
security factors. Trade agreements were also expected to improve
investor confidence, attract foreign investment, and create jobs.
Mexico may have other reasons for entering into FTAs, such as
expanding market access and decreasing its reliance on the United
States as an export market. This book provides an overview of the
North American Free Trade Agreement, the current functions of the
free trade agreement, and the effects of this agreement which have
affected both countries over the last five years.
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