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This book of friends (liber amicorum) is a tribute to Professor JC
Sonnekus by colleagues and friends from Europe and South Africa to
celebrate his more than 40 years in the academy and his
contribution to law and its development. Authors from Belgium, the
Netherlands, Germany and South Africa make contributions on the
multitude of subjects and areas of jurisdiction to which professor
Sonnekus contributed over the years. Subjects that are discussed,
are divided under a general heading, the recognition and
enforcement of judgments, prescription, uncertainty regarding
common law rules and how the courts sometimes act in a law-making
capacity, conditional cession and `who has the King's voice' -
looking back at the convictions of the people and the legal
convictions in the nineteenth century and how it could still lead
to new insights. The law of delict leads to contributions on
accountability of children, the law concerning liability in general
and liability for an omission. The law of succession contains
contributions on wills and trustees; the section on estoppel and
enrichment touches on aspects of estoppel and the Turquand rule, as
well as Ponzi schemes and pyramid schemes. International
developments are discussed in the section on the law of marriage
and family law with contributions on marriage contracts and the
consequences of divorce under German law, general matrimonial
property law in Europe and the influence of the Belgian
constitutional court on family law. Insolvency law includes
business rescue and the actio Pauliana and the law of contract
contains a potpourri of contributions on the interpretation of
contracts, perpetual contracts, evictions and independent
warranties. The law of things (property) section contains
contributions on property law and habitatio, credit security law,
fragmented property, syndicated loans, servitudes and digital
assets. This collection of essays concludes with two contributions
on insurance law relating to self-steering and distance-steered
vehicles and the sources of insurance law.
In hierdie werk word gekonsentreer op die gemene onderliggende
beginsels van enersyds die verskillende vorme van saaklike
sekerheidsregte waar telkens sprake is van 'n bepaalde saak as
vermoensobjek waarop die skuldeiser 'n beperkte saaklike
sekerheidsreg vestig en in sommige gevalle, danksy sodanige
beperkte saaklike sekerheidsreg oor die aldus geidentifiseerde saak
van die skuldenaar, 'n preferente en versekerde aanspraak op
verhaal uit die opbrengs van daardie sekerheidsobjek het ter
voldoening van sy uitstaande skuldvordering. 'n Skuldeiser kan
andersyds ook met sy skuldenaar ooreenkom om vermoensobjekte,
anders as die objekte van saaklike regte van die skuldenaar, as
sekerheidsobjekte te identifiseer. Die vestiging van 'n saaklike
sekerheidsreg verander nie die saldo van boedelbates van die
skuldenaar waarteen sy skuldeisers verhaal kan neem nie - dit plaas
hoogstens 'n kordon om die verhaalbare waarde van die
geidentifiseerde sekerheidsobjekte ten gunste van die versekerde
preferente skuldeiser. By persoonlike sekerheidsregte word
daarteenoor verhaal geneem op bates wat aan 'n ander regsubjek as
die primere skuldenaar behoort en wat dus nie deel van die saldo
van die skuldenaar se bates vorm nie.
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