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This is the first volume of a modern introduction to quantum field theory which addresses both mathematicians and physicists, at levels ranging from advanced undergraduate students to professional scientists. The book bridges the acknowledged gap between the different languages used by mathematicians and physicists. For students of mathematics the author shows that detailed knowledge of the physical background helps to motivate the mathematical subjects and to discover interesting interrelationships between quite different mathematical topics. For students of physics, fairly advanced mathematics is presented, which goes beyond the usual curriculum in physics.
For more than 70 years, quantum field theory (QFT) can be seen as a driving force in the development of theoretical physics. The developed ideas and techniques of QFT have been successfully applied, in particular, within the phenomenological description of particle physics and solid state physics. Equally fascinating is the fruitful impact which QFT had in rather remote areas of mathematics, like Gromov-Witten and Donaldson-Witten invariants of low dimensional manifolds and for modular forms in relation to string theory. More recent developments in QFT also attack the problem to formulate a quantum version of gravity. However, there is no 'QFT as such', but instead there are only various mathematical approaches, aiming to make the basic ideas of QFT more rigorous. Such a rigorous understanding seems indispensable, in particular, to get a better understanding of how a physically reasonable quantum theory of gravity may look like. The present book features some of the different approaches, different physical viewpoints and techniques used to make the notion of quantum field theory more precise. This concerns algebraic, analytic, geometric, and stochastic aspects. For example, there will be discussed deformation theory, and the holographic AdS/CFT correspondence. The book also contains more recent developments like the use of category theory and topos theoretic methods to describe QFT. This volume emerged from the 3rd 'Blaubeuren Workshop: Recent Developments in Quantum Field Theory', held in July 2007 at the Max Planck Institute of Mathematics in the Sciences in Leipzig/Germany. All of the contributions to the volume are peer reviewed and committed to the idea of this workshop series: 'To bring together outstanding experts working in the field of mathematics and physics to discuss in an open atmosphere the fundamental questions at the frontier of theoretical physics'.
The first part of a self-contained, elementary textbook, combining linear functional analysis, nonlinear functional analysis, numerical functional analysis, and their substantial applications with each other. As such, the book addresses undergraduate students and beginning graduate students of mathematics, physics, and engineering who want to learn how functional analysis elegantly solves mathematical problems which relate to our real world. Applications concern ordinary and partial differential equations, the method of finite elements, integral equations, special functions, both the Schroedinger approach and the Feynman approach to quantum physics, and quantum statistics. As a prerequisite, readers should be familiar with some basic facts of calculus. The second part has been published under the title, Applied Functional Analysis: Main Principles and Their Applications.
In this third volume of his modern introduction to quantum field theory, Eberhard Zeidler examines the mathematical and physical aspects of gauge theory as a principle tool for describing the four fundamental forces which act in the universe: gravitative, electromagnetic, weak interaction and strong interaction. Volume III concentrates on the "classical aspects "of gauge theory, describing the four fundamental forces by the curvature of appropriate fiber bundles." "This must be supplemented by the crucial, but elusive quantization procedure. The book is arranged in four sections, devoted to realizing the universal principle "force equals curvature: " Part I: The Euclidean Manifold as a Paradigm Part II: Ariadne's Thread in Gauge Theory Part III: Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity Part IV: Ariadne's Thread in Cohomology For students of mathematics the book is designed to demonstrate that detailed knowledge of the physical background helps to reveal interesting interrelationships among diverse mathematical topics. Physics students will be exposed to a fairly advanced mathematics, beyond the level covered in the typical physics curriculum. "Quantum Field Theory" builds a bridge between mathematicians and physicists, based on challenging questions about the fundamental forces in the universe (macrocosmos), and in the world of elementary particles (microcosmos). "
The second part of an elementary textbook which combines linear functional analysis, nonlinear functional analysis, and their substantial applications. The book addresses undergraduates and beginning graduates of mathematics, physics, and engineering who want to learn how functional analysis elegantly solves mathematical problems which relate to our real world and which play an important role in the history of mathematics. The books approach is to attempt to determine the most important applications. These concern integral equations, differential equations, bifurcation theory, the moment problem, Cebysev approximation, the optimal control of rockets, game theory, symmetries and conservation laws, the quark model, and gauge theory in elementary particle physics. The presentation is self-contained and requires only that readers be familiar with some basic facts of calculus.
One of the most challenging problems of contemporary theoretical physics is the mathematically rigorous construction of a theory which describes gravitation and the other fundamental physical interactions within a common framework. The physical ideas which grew from attempts to develop such a theory require highly advanced mathematical methods and radically new physical concepts. This book presents different approaches to a rigorous unified description of quantum fields and gravity. It contains a carefully selected cross-section of lively discussions which took place in autumn 2010 at the fifth conference "Quantum field theory and gravity - Conceptual and mathematical advances in the search for a unified framework" in Regensburg, Germany. In the tradition of the other proceedings covering this series of conferences, a special feature of this book is the exposition of a wide variety of approaches, with the intention to facilitate a comparison. The book is mainly addressed to mathematicians and physicists who are interested in fundamental questions of mathematical physics. It allows the reader to obtain a broad and up-to-date overview of a fascinating active research area.
And God said, Let there be light; and there was light. Genesis 1,3 Light is not only the basis of our biological existence, but also an essential source of our knowledge about the physical laws of nature, ranging from the seventeenth century geometrical optics up to the twentieth century theory of general relativity and quantum electrodynamics. Folklore Don't give us numbers: give us insight! A contemporary natural scientist to a mathematician The present book is the second volume of a comprehensive introduction to themathematicalandphysicalaspectsofmodernquantum?eldtheorywhich comprehends the following six volumes: Volume I: Basics in Mathematics and Physics Volume II: Quantum Electrodynamics Volume III: Gauge Theory Volume IV: Quantum Mathematics Volume V: The Physics of the Standard Model Volume VI: Quantum Gravitation and String Theory. It is our goal to build a bridge between mathematicians and physicists based on the challenging question about the fundamental forces in * macrocosmos (the universe) and * microcosmos (the world of elementary particles). The six volumes address a broad audience of readers, including both und- graduate and graduate students, as well as experienced scientists who want to become familiar with quantum ?eld theory, which is a fascinating topic in modern mathematics and physics.
One of the most challenging problems of contemporary theoretical physics is the mathematically rigorous construction of a theory which describes gravitation and the other fundamental physical interactions within a common framework. The physical ideas which grew from attempts to develop such a theory require highly advanced mathematical methods and radically new physical concepts. This book presents different approaches to a rigorous unified description of quantum fields and gravity. It contains a carefully selected cross-section of lively discussions which took place in autumn 2010 at the fifth conference "Quantum field theory and gravity - Conceptual and mathematical advances in the search for a unified framework" in Regensburg, Germany. In the tradition of the other proceedings covering this series of conferences, a special feature of this book is the exposition of a wide variety of approaches, with the intention to facilitate a comparison. The book is mainly addressed to mathematicians and physicists who are interested in fundamental questions of mathematical physics. It allows the reader to obtain a broad and up-to-date overview of a fascinating active research area.
The first part of a self-contained, elementary textbook, combining linear functional analysis, nonlinear functional analysis, numerical functional analysis, and their substantial applications with each other. As such, the book addresses undergraduate students and beginning graduate students of mathematics, physics, and engineering who want to learn how functional analysis elegantly solves mathematical problems which relate to our real world. Applications concern ordinary and partial differential equations, the method of finite elements, integral equations, special functions, both the Schroedinger approach and the Feynman approach to quantum physics, and quantum statistics. As a prerequisite, readers should be familiar with some basic facts of calculus. The second part has been published under the title, Applied Functional Analysis: Main Principles and Their Applications.
The second part of an elementary textbook which combines linear functional analysis, nonlinear functional analysis, and their substantial applications. The book addresses undergraduates and beginning graduates of mathematics, physics, and engineering who want to learn how functional analysis elegantly solves mathematical problems which relate to our real world and which play an important role in the history of mathematics. The books approach is to attempt to determine the most important applications. These concern integral equations, differential equations, bifurcation theory, the moment problem, Cebysev approximation, the optimal control of rockets, game theory, symmetries and conservation laws, the quark model, and gauge theory in elementary particle physics. The presentation is self-contained and requires only that readers be familiar with some basic facts of calculus.
The greatest mathematicians, such as Archimedes, Newton, and Gauss, always united theory and applications in equal measure. Felix Klein There exists the remarkable possibility that one can master a subject mathemati cally, without really understanding its essence. Albert Einstein Don't give us numbers: give us insight A contemporary natural scientist to a mathematician Numerous questions in physics, chemistry, biology, and economics lead to nonlinear problems; for example, deformation of rods, plates, and shells; behavior of plastic materials; surface waves of fluids; flows around objects in fluids or gases; shock waves in gases; movement of viscous fluids; equilibrium forms of rotating fluids in astrophysics; determination of the shape of the earth through gravitational measu- ments; behavior of magnetic fields of astrophysical objects; melting processes; chemical reactions; heat radiation; processes in nuclear reactors; nonlinear oscillation in physics, chemistry, and biology; 2 Introduction existence and stability of periodic and quasiperiodic orbits in celestial mechanics; stability of physical, chemical, biological, ecological, and economic processes; diffusion processes in physics, chemistry, and biology; processes with entropy production, and self-organization of systems in physics, chemistry, and biology; study of the electrical potential variation in the heart through measure ments on the body surface to prevent heart attacks; determining material constants or material laws (e. g."
Als mehrbandiges Nachschlagewerk ist das Springer-Handbuch der Mathematik in erster Linie fur wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken, akademische Institutionen und Firmen sowie interessierte Individualkunden in Forschung und Lehregedacht. Es erganzt das einbandige themenumfassende Springer-Taschenbuch der Mathematik (ehemaliger Titel Teubner-Taschenbuch der Mathematik), das sich in seiner begrenzten Stoffauswahl besonders an Studierende richtet.Teil IV des Springer-Handbuchs enthalt die folgenden Zusatzkapitel zum Springer-Taschenbuch: Hohere Analysis, Lineare sowie Nichtlineare Funktionalanalysis und ihre Anwendungen, Dynamische Systeme, Nichtlineare partielle Differentialgleichungen, Mannigfaltigkeiten, Riemannsche Geometrie und allgemeine Relativitatstheorie, Liegruppen, Liealgebren und Elementarteilchen, Topologie, Krummung und Analysis.
Als mehrbandiges Nachschlagewerk ist das Springer-Handbuch der Mathematik in erster Linie fur wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken, akademische Institutionen und Firmen sowie interessierte Individualkunden in Forschung und Lehregedacht. Es erganzt das einbandige themenumfassende Springer-Taschenbuch der Mathematik (ehemaliger Titel Teubner-Taschenbuch der Mathematik), das sich in seiner begrenzten Stoffauswahl besonders an Studierende richtet. Teil I des Springer-Handbuchs enthalt neben dem einfuhrenden Kapitel und dem Kapitel 1 des Springer-Taschenbuchs zusatzliches Material zur hoheren komplexen Funktionentheorie und zur allgemeinen Theorie der partiellen Differentialgleichungen.
Als mehrbandiges Nachschlagewerk ist das Springer-Handbuch der Mathematik in erster Linie fur wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken, akademische Institutionen und Firmen sowie interessierte Individualkunden in Forschung und Lehregedacht. Es erganzt das einbandige themenumfassende Springer-Taschenbuch der Mathematik (ehemaliger Titel Teubner-Taschenbuch der Mathematik), das sich in seiner begrenzten Stoffauswahl besonders an Studierende richtet. Teil III des Springer-Handbuchs enthalt neben den Kapiteln 5-9 des Springer-Taschenbuchs zusatzliches Material zu stochastischen Prozessen.
The greatest mathematicians, such as Archimedes, Newton, and Gauss, always united theory and applications in equal measure. Felix Klein There exists the remarkable possibility that one can master a subject mathemati cally, without really understanding its essence. Albert Einstein Don't give us numbers: give us insight A contemporary natural scientist to a mathematician Numerous questions in physics, chemistry, biology, and economics lead to nonlinear problems; for example, deformation of rods, plates, and shells; behavior of plastic materials; surface waves of fluids; flows around objects in fluids or gases; shock waves in gases; movement of viscous fluids; equilibrium forms of rotating fluids in astrophysics; determination of the shape of the earth through gravitational measu- ments; behavior of magnetic fields of astrophysical objects; melting processes; chemical reactions; heat radiation; processes in nuclear reactors; nonlinear oscillation in physics, chemistry, and biology; 2 Introduction existence and stability of periodic and quasiperiodic orbits in celestial mechanics; stability of physical, chemical, biological, ecological, and economic processes; diffusion processes in physics, chemistry, and biology; processes with entropy production, and self-organization of systems in physics, chemistry, and biology; study of the electrical potential variation in the heart through measure ments on the body surface to prevent heart attacks; determining material constants or material laws (e. g."
Als mehrbandiges Nachschlagewerk ist das Springer-Handbuch der Mathematik in erster Linie fur wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken, akademische Institutionen und Firmen sowie interessierte Individualkunden in Forschung und Lehregedacht. Es erganzt das einbandige themenumfassende Springer-Taschenbuch der Mathematik (ehemaliger Titel Teubner-Taschenbuch der Mathematik), das sich in seiner begrenzten Stoffauswahl besonders an Studierende richtet.Teil II des Springer-Handbuchs enthalt neben den Kapiteln 2-4 des Springer-Taschenbuchs zusatzliches Material zu folgenden Gebieten: multilineare Algebra, hohere Zahlentheorie, projektive Geometrie, algebraische Geometrie und Geometrien der modernen Physik.
This is the first volume of a modern introduction to quantum field theory which addresses both mathematicians and physicists, at levels ranging from advanced undergraduate students to professional scientists. The book bridges the acknowledged gap between the different languages used by mathematicians and physicists. For students of mathematics the author shows that detailed knowledge of the physical background helps to motivate the mathematical subjects and to discover interesting interrelationships between quite different mathematical topics. For students of physics, fairly advanced mathematics is presented, which goes beyond the usual curriculum in physics.
Das Vieweg+Teubner Taschenbuch der Mathematik erfullt aktuell,
umfassend und kompakt alle Erwartungen, die an ein mathematisches
Nachschlagewerk gestellt werden. Es vermittelt ein lebendiges und
modernes Bild der heutigen Mathematik. Als Taschenbuch begleitet es
die Bachelor-Studierenden vom ersten Semester bis zur letzten
Prufung und der Praktiker nutzt es als standiges und
unentbehrliches Nachschlagewerk in seinem Berufsalltag. Das
Taschenbuch bietet alles, was in Bachelor-Studiengangen im Haupt-
und Nebenfach Mathematik benotigt wird. Der Text fur diese Ausgabe
wurde stark uberarbeitet. Zu spezielle Inhalte wurden
herausgenommen und dafur Themen der Wirtschaftsmathematik und
Algorithmik hinzugenommen. Das Vieweg+Teubner Handbuch der
Mathematik (eAusgabe) enthalt daruberhinaus erganzendes und
weiterfuhrendes Material fur das
Das Teubner-Taschenbuch der Mathematik erfullt aktuell, umfassend und kompakt alle Erwartungen, die an ein mathematisches Nachschlagewerk gestellt werden. Es vermittelt ein lebendiges und modernes Bild der heutigen Mathematik. Als Handbuch begleitet es die Studierenden vom ersten Semester an und der Praktiker nutzt es als unentbehrliches Nachschlagewerk. Der Teil II dieses erfolgreichen Werkes behandelt die vielfaltigen Anwendungen der Mathematik in Informatik, Operations Research und mathematischer Physik. Das thematische Spektrum reicht von Tensoranalysis, Masstheorie und Funktionalanalysis uber Dynamische Systeme und Variationsrechnung bis zu Mannigfaltigkeiten, Riemannscher Geometrie, Liegruppen und Topologie.
The Oxford Users' Guide to Mathematics is one of the leading handbooks on mathematics available. It presents a comprehensive modern picture of mathematics and emphasises the relations between the different branches of mathematics, and the applications of mathematics in engineering and the natural sciences. The Oxford User's Guide covers a broad spectrum of mathematics starting with the basic material and progressing on to more advanced topics that have come to the fore in the last few decades. The book is organised into mathematical sub-disciplines including analysis, algebra, geometry, foundations of mathematics, calculus of variations and optimisation, theory of probability and mathematical statistics, numerical mathematics and scientific computing, and history of mathematics. The book is supplemented by numerous tables on infinite series, special functions, integrals, integral transformations, mathematical statistics, and fundamental constants in physics. It also includes a comprehensive bibliography of key contemporary literature as well as an extensive glossary and index. The wealth of material, reaching across all levels and numerous sub-disciplines, makes The Oxford User's Guide to Mathematics an invaluable reference source for students of engineering, mathematics, computer science, and the natural sciences, as well as teachers, practitioners, and researchers in industry and academia.
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