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Peatlands (or mires) cover at least 550 million ha globally, of
which the greater part is situated between 50 and 70 N. Although
the majority of peatlands are not used for human needs, there are
large areas where agriculture, peat or wood production has been
practiced. The suitability of peatlands for forestry differs from
country to country depending on climatic conditions, raw wood
demand, silvicultural management practice and tradition, as weH as
the infrastructure in the remote areas considered. Peatland
utilization for forestry may be divided into three efficiency
catego- ries: (1) exploitation (harvesting oftrees with inadequate
attention to regenera- tion) leading to reduction in the renewable
resouree; (2) silvicultural manage- ment (harvesting of trees with
natural or artificial regeneration) aimed at main- taining the
renewable resource in a sustainable way; and (3) progressive rorest
management (drainage, fertilization, afforestation, thinning, ditch
maintenance, final harvest and regeneration) aimed at increasing
the renewable resource. In North America, forestry utilization is
changing from exploitation towards a kind of silvicultural
management whereas progressive forest amelioration activities on
forested peatlands and waterlogged mineral soils are part of the
normal forestry practiees in Fennoscandinavia, the Baltic countries
and Russia. In the British Isles afforestation of open peatlands is
associated with drainage. This monograph is a review and synthesis
of peatland forestry on northern peatland (mire) ecosystems. It
covers peat soH properties, mire hydrology, car- bon and nutrient
cycling, and classification of mire sites.
Peatlands (or mires) cover at least 550 million ha globally, of
which the greater part is situated between 50 and 70 N. Although
the majority of peatlands are not used for human needs, there are
large areas where agriculture, peat or wood production has been
practiced. The suitability of peatlands for forestry differs from
country to country depending on climatic conditions, raw wood
demand, silvicultural management practice and tradition, as weH as
the infrastructure in the remote areas considered. Peatland
utilization for forestry may be divided into three efficiency
catego- ries: (1) exploitation (harvesting oftrees with inadequate
attention to regenera- tion) leading to reduction in the renewable
resouree; (2) silvicultural manage- ment (harvesting of trees with
natural or artificial regeneration) aimed at main- taining the
renewable resource in a sustainable way; and (3) progressive rorest
management (drainage, fertilization, afforestation, thinning, ditch
maintenance, final harvest and regeneration) aimed at increasing
the renewable resource. In North America, forestry utilization is
changing from exploitation towards a kind of silvicultural
management whereas progressive forest amelioration activities on
forested peatlands and waterlogged mineral soils are part of the
normal forestry practiees in Fennoscandinavia, the Baltic countries
and Russia. In the British Isles afforestation of open peatlands is
associated with drainage. This monograph is a review and synthesis
of peatland forestry on northern peatland (mire) ecosystems. It
covers peat soH properties, mire hydrology, car- bon and nutrient
cycling, and classification of mire sites.
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