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What will you learn from this book? You know you don't want to
reinvent the wheel, so you look to Design Patterns: the lessons
learned by those who've faced the same software design problems.
With Design Patterns, you get to take advantage of the best
practices and experience of others so you can spend your time on
something more challenging. Something more fun. This book shows you
the patterns that matter, when to use them and why, how to apply
them to your own designs, and the object-oriented design principles
on which they're based. Join hundreds of thousands of developers
who've improved their object-oriented design skills through Head
First Design Patterns. What's so special about this book? If you've
read a Head First book, you know what to expect: a visually rich
format designed for the way your brain works. With Head First
Design Patterns, 2E you'll learn design principles and patterns in
a way that won't put you to sleep, so you can get out there to
solve software design problems and speak the language of patterns
with others on your team.
Tired of reading HTML books that only make sense after you're an
expert? Then it's about time you picked up "Head First HTML with
CSS & XHTML" and really learned HTML. You want to learn HTML so
you can finally create those Web pages you've always wanted, so you
can communicate more effectively with friends, family, fans and
fanatic customers. You also want to do it right so you can actually
maintain and expand your Web pages over time, and so your Web pages
work in all the browsers and mobile devices out there. Oh, and if
you've never heard of CSS, that's okay - we won't tell anyone
you're still partying like it's 1999 - but if you're going to
create Web pages in the 21st century then you'll want to know and
understand CSS. Learn the real secrets of creating Web pages, and
why everything your boss told you about HTML tables is probably
wrong (and what to do instead). Most importantly, hold your own
with your co-worker (and impress cocktail party guests) when he
casually mentions how his HTML is now strict, and his CSS is in an
external style sheet. With "Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML",
you'll avoid the embarrassment of thinking Web-safe colors still
matter, and the foolishness of slipping a font tag into your pages.
Best of all, you'll learn HTML and CSS in a way that won't put you
to sleep. If you've read a "Head First" book, you know what to
expect: a visually-rich format designed for the way your brain
works. Using the latest research in neurobiology, cognitive
science, and learning theory, this book will load HTML, CSS, and
XHTML into your brain in a way that sticks. So what are you waiting
for? Leave those other dusty books behind and come join us in
Webville. Your tour is about to begin.
Tired of reading HTML books that only make sense after you're an
expert? Then it's about time you picked up Head First HTML and
really learned HTML. You want to learn HTML so you can finally
create those web pages you've always wanted, so you can communicate
more effectively with friends, family, fans, and fanatic customers.
You also want to do it right so you can actually maintain and
expand your web pages over time so they work in all browsers and
mobile devices. Oh, and if you've never heard of CSS, that's
okay--we won't tell anyone you're still partying like it's
1999--but if you're going to create web pages in the 21st century
then you'll want to know and understand CSS.Learn the real secrets
of creating web pages, and why everything your boss told you about
HTML tables is probably wrong (and what to do instead). Most
importantly, hold your own with your co-worker (and impress
cocktail party guests) when he casually mentions how his HTML is
now strict, and his CSS is in an external style sheet.With Head
First HTML, you'll avoid the embarrassment of thinking web-safe
colors still matter, and the foolishness of slipping a font tag
into your pages. Best of all, you'll learn HTML and CSS in a way
that won't put you to sleep. If you've read a Head First book, you
know what to expect: a visually-rich format designed for the way
your brain works. Using the latest research in neurobiology,
cognitive science, and learning theory, this book will load HTML
and CSS into your brain in a way that sticks.So what are you
waiting for? Leave those other dusty books behind and come join us
in Webville. Your tour is about to begin.
HTML has been on a wild ride. Sure, HTML started as a mere
markup language, but more recently HTML's put on some major muscle.
Now we've got a language tuned for building web applications with
Web storage, 2D drawing, offline support, sockets and threads, and
more. And to speak this language you've got to go beyond HTML5
markup and into the world of the DOM, events, and JavaScript
APIs.Now you probably already know all about HTML markup (otherwise
known as structure) and you know all aboutCSS style (presentation),
but what you've been missing is JavaScript (behavior). If all you
know about are structure and presentation, you can create some
great looking pages, but they're still just pages. When you add
behavior with JavaScript, you can create an interactive experience;
even better, you can create full blown web applications."Head First
HTML5 Programming" is your ultimate tour guide to creating web
applications with HTML5 and JavaScript, and we give you everything
you need to know to build them, including: how to add interactivity
to your pages, how to communicate with the world of Web services,
and how to use the great new APIs being developed for HTML5.Here
are just some of the things you'll learn in "Head First HTML5
Programing" Learn how to make your pages truly interactive by using
the power of the DOM.Finally understand how JavaScript works and
take yourself from novice to well-informed in just a few
chapters.Learn how JavaScript APIs fit into the HTML5 ecosystem,
and how to use any API in your web pages.Use the Geolocation API to
know where your users are.Bring out your inner artist with Canvas,
HTML5's new 2D drawing surface.Go beyond just plugging a video into
your pages, and create custom video experiences.Learn the secret to
grabbing five megabytes of storage in every user's browser.Improve
your page's responsiveness and performance with Web workers.And
much more.
What will you learn from this book? It's no secret the world around
you is becoming more connected, more configurable, more
programmable, more computational. You can remain a passive
participant, or you can learn to code. With Head First Learn to
Code you'll learn how to think computationally and how to write
code to make your computer, mobile device, or anything with a CPU
do things for you. Using the Python programming language, you'll
learn step by step the core concepts of programming as well as many
fundamental topics from computer science, such as data structures,
storage, abstraction, recursion, and modularity. Why does this book
look so different? Based on the latest research in cognitive
science and learning theory, Head First Learn to Code uses a
visually rich format to engage your mind, rather than a text-heavy
approach that puts you to sleep. Why waste your time struggling
with new concepts? This multi-sensory learning experience is
designed for the way your brain really works.
Als neueste Version der Markup-Sprache ist HTML5 vor allem
praxisorientiert und auf die Entwicklung echter Webapplikationen
abgestimmt - es erleichtert die Gestaltung von Webseiten mit
lokaler Speicherung, macht 2-D-Zeichnungen, Geolocation und
Offline-Unterstutzung fur Webanwendungen moglich, und unterstutzt
das Einbinden von Video- und Audio-Dateien ohne zusatzliches
Plug-in. "HTML5-Programmierung von Kopf bis Fu" vermittelt in
bewahrter Von Kopf bis Fu-Tradition anhand zahlreicher praktischer
Beispiele, grafischer Elemente und Ubungen auf kluge und
spielerische Art die Neuerungen, die HTML5 so spannend machen und
sorgt gleichzeitig dafur, dass Ihnen das Lernen nicht nur Spa
macht, sondern Sie auch behalten, was Sie gelesen haben. Dieses
Buch wendet sich hierbei an Entwickler von Webanwendungen, die
bereits HTML- und CSS-Kenntnisse mitbringen und die ihre
Konzentration voll auf die Neuerungen und Verbesserungen von HTML5
richten wollen.
Scripture tells us that we should praise God and honor people with
our words. This is a great goal to which we should all aspire, but
it has proven difficult to obtain. It is far too easy to praise God
and criticize individuals that are made in His image. You are not
alone if you have experienced these inconsistencies. Thankfully,
the Bible gives us some clear instruction on how to have
consistency in our speech. This book will explore the connection
between the human heart and the words that flow from the mouth,
explain why there is discrepancy in speech and give practical
applications to help you gain control over your words.
Each person is given the opportunity to respond to popular culture
in a variety of ways. They can condemn, critique, consume or copy.
Not only do individuals have this choice, each church has to choose
its response to culture as well. What if we were never designed to
passively respond to culture, but to create it? God specifically
created each person to build a culture that honors Him. We are
called to create a culture around us based upon the worship of God.
The purpose of this culture is help people engage in worship beyond
the corporate worship service. To teach them how to hear and see
what God is doing and carry it out in every relationship and
situation they encounter. To present something new and more
compelling to the world than what they have seen before. This book
will help you discover how to create culture by examining Jesus'
example and then give you practical application on how to apply it
to your life. This book is an invitation to come and discover the
path towards creating a culture that acknowledges and worships God.