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Das Sammeln ist als produktives Werkzeug des Entwerfens in der
Architektur bislang kaum erforscht worden. Dabei kennt die
Architekturgeschichte zahlreiche Formen wie Muster-, Vorbild- oder
Objektsammlungen, die immer neue Wissens- und Materialgrundlagen
zuganglich machten. In diesem Buch gelingt erstmals eine fundierte
Aufarbeitung dieses besonderen Entwurfswerkzeugs und seiner
Operativitat, theoretisch begrundet und an Fallbeispielen der
Geschichte und der Gegenwart belegt. Im Zentrum stehen dingliche
Sammlungsgegenstande, die auf jeweils eigene Weise zu
Referenzobjekten werden. Die Einzeldarstellungen widmen sich dem
Sammeln im Entwurfsvorgang bei Ernoe Goldfinger, Renaat Braem,
Rudolf Olgiati und Aldo Rossi sowie bei AFF Architekten und Vogt
Within the architectural design, planning, and construction
processes, new valuations and revaluations are constantly taking
place. Every decision is made based on existing reference values,
even if the respective action is future-oriented and geared towards
the creation of the new. At the same time, the preservation or
further development of building structures is based on traditional
thought patterns and continuously internalized value systems. This
means that values are never static, even in building, but are
subject to a process. This interdisciplinary volume focuses on
processes of value appropriation, value internalization, and value
formation. These processes are illustrated using selected examples
from the history of building and planning from modern times to the
Transformation instead of demolition and new construction,
continuing development instead of rupture: the principle of
continuing the building process as an antidote to the modernist
new-build paradigm is increasingly moving into focus in
architecture and construction technology. It understands a building
not so much as a product to be completed, but as a continuing
process; it focuses on the continuity of places and buildings and
poses new questions as to their completeness and authentic
authorship, their durability and sustainability. The volume focuses
on the technical and artistic processes of conversion and
adaptation, as well as on the changing values and interpretation
patterns of society that are expressed in the new orientation of
existing buildings by the continuation of the construction process.