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Exploring how family life has radically changed in recent decades,
this comprehensive Research Handbook tracks the latest developments
and trends in scholarly work on the family. With a particular focus
on the European context, it addresses current debates and offers
insights into key topics including: the division of housework,
family forms and living arrangements, intergenerational
relationships, partner choice, divorce and fertility behaviour.
Bringing together contributions from leading family sociologists,
the Research Handbook examines important questions: have family
patterns across different countries become more similar, or have
differences between countries and social groups increased over
time? How diverse are family forms across different countries? How
do conventional theories explain these patterns? And what are the
major innovations in theorising and describing family behaviour? In
order to resolve these key points, the chapters provide an overview
of past and present developments in scholarly work on European
families. They also present concise overviews of theories, methods,
critical debates, empirical findings and pathways for future
research. Its analysis of important areas of research in the field
will make this Research Handbook a valuable resource for scholars
and students of sociology, demography, and family and gender
policy. It will also be beneficial for policy experts in these
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Intimately tied to the tenets of the Enlightenment, Romanticism
arose as a sort of reaction to that trend, most noticeably in the
arts. The movement, which originated in Europe in the late 18th
century and lasted until the mid- 19th century, focused on emotion,
imagination, an attachment to nature, nostalgia, and spirituality.
The art, music and literature produced by that period have been
some of history's most influential, and the tenets of the movement
spilled over into politics, especially in nationalistic causes.
This accessibly written volume is rounded out by primary source
documents, biographies of key figures, and a selected bibliography
of print and nonprint sources-an ideal resource for students being
introduced to the philosophies, works, and artists of the era.
Intimately tied to the tenets of the Enlightenment, Romanticism
arose as a sort of reaction to that trend, most noticeably in the
arts. The movement, which originated in Europe in the late 18th
century and lasted until the mid-19th century, focused on emotion,
imagination, an attachment to nature, nostalgia, and spirituality.
The art, music and literature produced by the period have been some
of history's most influential, and the tenets of the movement
spilled over into politics, especially in nationalistic causes.
This accessibly written volume explores the most critical aspects
of the Romantic movement, including its origins as a reaction to
the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment, its artistic
works-poetry, prose, drama, painting, and music-and its
environmentalistic and nationalistic legacies. Primary source
documents, biographies of key figures, and a selected bibliography
of print and nonprint sources make this work an ideal reference
source for students and general readers being introduced to the
philosophies, works, and artists of the era.
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Based on the German case, this open access book highlights the
increasing flows of migration and the internationalisation of
individual life courses. It analyses the experiences of migration
across four central domains - employment and income, partners and
families, health and wellbeing, as well as friends and social
participation - which potentially have far-reaching consequences
for social inequalities and life chances. The book showcases
results from an innovative probability sample that is
representative of German emigrants who recently moved abroad and
remigrants who recently returned from abroad and compares their
international experiences with the sedentary population in Germany.
Stays abroad, whether temporary or permanently, have become the new
normal for increasing numbers of people from highly developed
welfare states. Unnoticed from mainstream migration studies, these
countries are today not only major immigration countries but also
important sources of international mobility. By providing an
empirically founded prism of the global lives of German migrants,
this book is a valuable resource for students and researchers of
migration, social inequality, and the life course and provides
practitioners with insights into these regularly overlooked aspects
of international migration.
Since 1984, when the second volume of Women in Western European
History became available, a significant amount of new material has
been published that will be of importance to researchers and
students with an interest in women's status and experiences in
European history. This new bibliography, which encompasses the
period from antiquity to the present, supplements and udpates the
earlier volumes. In addition to new and recently discovered works,
later editions and translations of previously cited works are
This book represents the first interdisciplinary text on the
emerging field of rehabilitative surgery, in which state of the art
procedures from multiple surgical specialties are combined. It
proposes a completely new framework for understanding,
coordinating, and providing treatment for paralyzed or severely
neurologically impaired patients and explains the potentially
critical impact of surgery in creating a new baseline of functional
status, thereby improving the patient's daily life. Every major
aspect of reconstructive surgical treatment is considered,
including anesthesia, orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery,
neurosurgery, general surgery, vascular surgery, and
otolaryngology. The most up-to-date and evidence-based surgeries
are clearly described and evaluated, with coverage of treatment of
pressure sores, placement of feeding tubes, and upper extremity
interventions to improve function and hygiene. Cutting-edge
protocols are presented for the surgical treatment of severe nerve
injuries, spinal cord injuries, and stroke or cerebrovascular
accidents, and a first description and evaluation of phrenic nerve
repair to assist weaning of paralyzed patients from ventilators is
provided. Both surgical and nonsurgical readers will find this book
to be an ideal guide and reference.
This book represents the first interdisciplinary text on the
emerging field of rehabilitative surgery, in which state of the art
procedures from multiple surgical specialties are combined. It
proposes a completely new framework for understanding,
coordinating, and providing treatment for paralyzed or severely
neurologically impaired patients and explains the potentially
critical impact of surgery in creating a new baseline of functional
status, thereby improving the patient's daily life. Every major
aspect of reconstructive surgical treatment is considered,
including anesthesia, orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery,
neurosurgery, general surgery, vascular surgery, and
otolaryngology. The most up-to-date and evidence-based surgeries
are clearly described and evaluated, with coverage of treatment of
pressure sores, placement of feeding tubes, and upper extremity
interventions to improve function and hygiene. Cutting-edge
protocols are presented for the surgical treatment of severe nerve
injuries, spinal cord injuries, and stroke or cerebrovascular
accidents, and a first description and evaluation of phrenic nerve
repair to assist weaning of paralyzed patients from ventilators is
provided. Both surgical and nonsurgical readers will find this book
to be an ideal guide and reference.
In the past 10-15 years marked progress has been made in the
surgical treatment of congenital anomalies of the hand. More and
more, the reluctance to operate on these deformities has been
abandoned. One reason for this - at least in the German-speaking
countries - was the thalidomide catastrophe (1959-1962), which
involved the birth of many children with deformed upper limbs.
These previously rare severe abnormalities resulted in many
problems and required new ways of thinking in terms of their
treatment by all persons concerned with their care. At the same
time hand surgery was beginning to come of age and the combination
of these two events increased the interest in the field of hand
anomalies, particularly by orthopaedic surgeons who had always been
involved in it. The idea and preparation for this book go back to
1964. Since that time nearly all operations on anomalous hands were
systematically charted by us. They were photographically recorded
from skin incision to wound closure. Regular follow-up examinations
were performed. This atlas represents our experience gained in over
a thousand operations. The book has been written by practitioners.
We hope that a hand surgeon looking for additional advice will find
answers in regard to therapy and surgical suggestions. This intent
influenced the book's compilation and structure: - Only those
operations that have given us good long-term results will be
Based on the German case, this open access book highlights the
increasing flows of migration and the internationalisation of
individual life courses. It analyses the experiences of migration
across four central domains - employment and income, partners and
families, health and wellbeing, as well as friends and social
participation - which potentially have far-reaching consequences
for social inequalities and life chances. The book showcases
results from an innovative probability sample that is
representative of German emigrants who recently moved abroad and
remigrants who recently returned from abroad and compares their
international experiences with the sedentary population in Germany.
Stays abroad, whether temporary or permanently, have become the new
normal for increasing numbers of people from highly developed
welfare states. Unnoticed from mainstream migration studies, these
countries are today not only major immigration countries but also
important sources of international mobility. By providing an
empirically founded prism of the global lives of German migrants,
this book is a valuable resource for students and researchers of
migration, social inequality, and the life course and provides
practitioners with insights into these regularly overlooked aspects
of international migration.
This documentation of Remarque's (1898-1970) AAll Quiet on the
Western FrontA combines the features expected of a commentary
edition with an analysis of the marketing strategies connected with
the novel's publication and a discussion of the reactions of the
press in the period 1928 to 1930. Genesis, publication, and early
reception of Remarque's anti-war novel are presented for the first
time in the way they interconnect. Accordingly, the study's scope
extends beyond the individual case of this one novel to encompass a
large portion of the literature on the First World War by
indicating the evaluation criteria drawn upon in the Weimar
Republic to deal with this genre. - Appended is a CD-ROM with
synoptic editions of different stages of the text.
Korea and Germany are commonly described as emblematic examples of
divided nations. But while Korea is still divided Germany has gone
through a peaceful unification. The book offers a unique
comparative study on the demographic change in these divided
countries. It also investigates the developments after Germany's
unification. Based on this demographic insights of a merged society
it asks about their use and limits for a possible Korean scenario
of reunification.
English summary: The contributions to this volume range from eye
witness reports on 11th September, 2001 back to the wars of the
17th century. The volume includes a study of the mass media
presentation of the contemporary myth about the achievements of the
naval cruiser Emden in the First World War, analyses of Max
Frisch's The Chinese Wall (Die Chinesische Mauer) and works by Pat
Barker. The volume offers a diversity of approaches and
nevertheless only represents a small spectrum in the range of
possible topics. It is completed by critical reviews of recent
publications and a bibliography of academic publications from the
year 2005. German & English text. German description:
Augenzeugenberichte zum 11. September 2001 und zu den Kriegen des
17. Jahrhunderts spannen den Bogen der Beitrage des vorliegenden
Bandes. Eine Untersuchung der massenmedialen Darstellung der Taten
des Kreuzers Emden im Ersten Weltkrieg - eine der zeitgenossischen
Mythen - steht neben Analysen von Max Frischs Die Chinesische Mauer
und den Schriften Pat Barkers. Der Band zeichnet sich durch eine
Vielfalt von Ansatzen aus und reprasentiert dennoch nur ein kleines
Spektrum der Bandbreite moglicher Themen. Erganzt werden die
Beitrage durch Rezensionen zu einschlagigen Neuerscheinungen sowie
durch eine Bibliographie wissenschaftlicher Publikationen aus dem
Jahr 2005.
Job-related spatial mobility is a subject of great importance in
Europe. But how mobile are Europeans? What are the consequences of
professional mobility for quality of life, family life, and social
relationships? For the first time, these questions are analyzed on
the basis of the findings of a large-scale European survey. The
contributions in Volume I are directed at the diversity and the
extent of mobility in six European countries - Germany, Spain,
France, Poland, Switzerland, and Belgium. In Volume II (due early
in 2009), the causes and determinants of job mobility and their
individual and social consequences are analyzed in cross-national
Job-related spatial mobility is a subject of great importance in
Europe. But how mobile are the Europeans? What are the consequences
of professional mobility for quality of life, family life, and
social relationships? For the first time, these questions are
analyzed on the basis of the data of a large-scale European survey.
This volume analyzes the causes and determinants of job mobility
and the individual and societal consequences in cross-national
comparison. Contents include: Theoretical Framework *
Methodological Issues * Historical Perspective * Phenomenology of
Mobile Living * The Process of Becoming Mobile * Family Life and
Job Mobility * Job Careers and Job Mobility * Social Integration
and Job Mobility * Job Mobility and Quality of Life * Advantages
and Disadvantages of Being Mobile * Mobility Culture * Motility *
Life Course Perspective * Gender and Job Mobility * Social Class
and Job Mobility * Support and Coping Strategies * Recommendations
for Politics and Economy * Job Mobility in Europe.
In den vergangenen 10-15 Jahren konnten grosse Fortschritte in der
ope rativen Behandlung angeborener Fehlbildungen der Hand erzielt
werden. Mehr und mehr wurde die bis dahin noch weit verbreitete
Zuruckhaltung gegenuber chirurgischen Eingriffen aufgegeben.
Wesentlichen Anstoss zu die ser Entwicklung gab, zumindest im
deutschsprachigen Raum, die Thalido mid-Katastrophe (1959-1962), in
deren Verlauf eine uberaus grosse Anzahl von Kindern mit Schaden an
den oberen Gliedmassen zur Welt kam. Die durchweg schweren, zudem
sehr seltenen Deformitaten brachten eine Fulle von Problemen mit
sich und stellten damit eine grosse Herausforderung an alle dar,
die sich mit der Behandlung solcher Missbildungen befassten. Von
hier gingen viele Impulse aus, die auf eine in Ausweitung
begriffene Handchirurgie trafen und auf das Gesamtgebiet der
Handfehlbildungen fort wirkten, mit dem sich gerade die Orthopadie
seit jeher besonders eng verbun den fuhlte. Idee und Vorarbeit zum
vorliegenden Atlas reichen bis zum Jahre 1964 zuruck. Seither
wurden nahezu alle Operationen an missgebildeten Handen
systematisch festgehalten: Von der Hautincision bis zum
Wundverschluss fotografiert und regelmassig nachkontrolliert. So
liegen dem Atlas Erfahrun gen von mehr als tausend eigenen
Eingriffen zugrunde. Das Buch ist aus der Praxis fur die Praxis
geschrieben; es moechte dem handchirurgisch Ratsuchenden eine
Entscheidungshilfe fur sein Vorgehen und eine moeglichst
umfassende, praxisnahe Operationsanleitung geben. Aus dieser
Absicht ergaben sich fur die Zusammenstellung und den Aufbau des
Atlas bestimmte Grundsatze: Es sollten nur Operationsmethoden
Eingang finden, die sich bei uns bewahrt haben. Die kritische
Beurteilung langfristiger Ergebnisse war hier fur ausschlaggebend.
Mit einem hohen Pro-Kopf-Verbrauch von uber 101 Alkohol pro Jahr
zahlt Deutschland immer noch zu den Spitzenreitern bei den Landern
mit dem meisten Alkoholkonsum, auch wenn hier seit den 90er Jahren
eine kontinu ierliche Abnahme zu verzeichnen ist. Die negativen
Auswirkungen des uberhohten Konsums, besonders des langfristigen
und chronischen Ge brauchs, zeichnen sich in allen fur die
Personlichkeit wichtigen Bereichen ab: Korperliche, soziale und
psychologische Beeintrachtigungen sind die Fol ge. Die wesentlichen
alkoholinduzierten Storungen und Folgeerkrankungen wurden anhand
der in den modernen Diagnosesystemen, DSM-IV und vor allem ICD-lO,
enthaltenen deskriptiven diagnostischen Kriterien und ihrer
Symptomatik vorgestellt und jeweils differentialdiagnostisch
abgegrenzt. Unter den akuten Alkoholfolgestorungen ist die
Intoxikation zu nennen, der besonders im Falle eines abnormen bzw.
besonders erheblichen Rausch zustandes forensische Bedeutung
zukommt. Bei den chronischen Storungen unterscheidet man den
schadlichen Gebrauch von Alkohol und die Alkohol abhangigkeit. Die
Abhangigkeit ist vor allem durch physische und psy chische
Abhangigkeit sowie Toleranzentwicklung und Entzugssymptomatik
gekennzeichnet. Chronischer Alkoholkonsum kann ferner zu
neuropsychi atrischen Folgeerkrankungen fuhren wie
alkoholinduzierten Psychosen, ko gnitiven Storungen
(Wernicke-Korsakow-Syndrom, Demenz) und weiteren Personlichkeits-
oder Verhaltensstorungen. Die Beurteilung der Schuldfahigkeit 4 bei
akuter Alkoholintoxikation und Alkoholabhangigkeit KLAUS FOERSTER
und MARTIN LEONHARDT 4. 1 Allgemeine und kriminologische Aspekte .
55 4. 2 Einschatzung der Alkoholeffekte . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . 56 4. 3 Bedeutung des Blutalkoholgehaltes .
57 4. 4 Alkoholabhangigkeit? . 59 4. 5 Terminologische Probleme .
59 4. 6 Einschatzung der Taterpersonlichkeit . 61 4. 7 Praktisches
Vorgehen bei der Schuldfahigkeitsbeurteilung . 62 4. 8 Einschatzung
einer Erinnerungslucke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 64 4. 9 Beurteilung bei Alkoholabhangigkeit ."
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