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This book addresses the possibilities of analyzing the modern
international through the thought of Michel Foucault. The broad
range of authors brought together in this volume question four of
the most self-evident characteristics of our contemporary
world-'international', 'neoliberal', 'biopolitical' and 'global'-
and thus fill significant gaps in both international and Foucault
studies. The chapters discuss what a Foucauldian perspective does
or does not offer for understanding international phenomena while
also questioning many appropriations of Foucault's work. This
transdisciplinary volume will serve as a reference for both
scholars and students of international relations, international
political sociology, international political economy, political
theory/philosophy and critical theory more generally.
In The Security Principle, French philosopher Frederic Gros takes a
historical approach to the concept of "security", looking at its
evolution from the Stoics to the social network. With lucidity and
rigour, Gros's approach is fourfold, looking at security as a
mental state, as developed by the Greeks; as an objective situation
and absence of all danger, as prevailed in the Middle Ages; as
guaranteed by the nation state and its trio of judiciary, police
and military; and finally "biosecurity", control, regulation and
protection in the flux of contemporary society. In this deeply
thought-provoking account, Gros's exploration of security shines a
light both on its past meanings as well as its present uses,
exposing the contemporary abuses of security and the pervasiveness
of it in everyday life in the Global North.
The world is out of joint, so much so that disobeying should be an
urgent act for everyone. In this provocative essay, Frederic Gros
explores the roots of political obedience, social conformity,
economic subjection, respect for authorities, constitutional
consensus. Examining the various styles of obedience provides tools
to study, invent and induce new forms of civic disobedience and
lyrical protest. Nothing can be taken for granted: neither supposed
certainties nor social conventions, economic injustice or moral
conviction. Thinking philosophically requires us to never accept
truths and generalities that seem obvious-it restores a sense of
political responsibility. At a time when the decisions of experts
are presented as the result of icy statistics and anonymous
calculations, disobeying becomes an assertion of humanity. To
philosophise is to disobey. This book is a call for critical
democracy and ethical resistance.
This book addresses the possibilities of analyzing the modern
international through the thought of Michel Foucault. The broad
range of authors brought together in this volume question four of
the most self-evident characteristics of our contemporary
world-'international', 'neoliberal', 'biopolitical' and 'global'-
and thus fill significant gaps in both international and Foucault
studies. The chapters discuss what a Foucauldian perspective does
or does not offer for understanding international phenomena while
also questioning many appropriations of Foucault's work. This
transdisciplinary volume will serve as a reference for both
scholars and students of international relations, international
political sociology, international political economy, political
theory/philosophy and critical theory more generally.
In The Security Principle, French philosopher Frederic Gros takes a
historical approach to the concept of "security", looking at its
evolution from the Stoics to the social network. With lucidity and
rigour, Gros's approach is fourfold, looking at security as a
mental state, as developed by the Greeks; as an objective situation
and absence of all danger, as prevailed in the Middle Ages; as
guaranteed by the nation state and its trio of judiciary, police
and military; and finally "biosecurity", control, regulation and
protection in the flux of contemporary society. In this deeply
thought-provoking account, Gros's exploration of security shines a
light both on its past meanings as well as its present uses,
exposing the contemporary abuses of security and the pervasiveness
of it in everyday life in the Global North.
"The Hermeneutics of the Subject" is the third volume in the
collection of Michel Foucault's lectures at the College de France,
where faculty give public lectures on any topic of their choosing.
Attended by thousands, Foucault's lectures were seminal events in
the world of French letters, and his ideas expressed there remain
benchmarks of contemporary critical inquiry. Foucault's
wide-ranging lectures at this school, delivered throughout the
1970s and early 1980s, clearly influenced his groundbreaking books,
especially "The History of Sexuality" and "Discipline and Punish,"
In the lectures comprising this volume, Foucault focuses on how the
"self" and the "care of the self" were conceived during the period
of antiquity, beginning with Socrates. The problems of the ethical
formation of the self, Foucault argues, form the background for our
own questions about subjectivity and remain at the center of
contemporary moral thought. This series of lectures continues to
throw new light on Foucault's final works, and shows the full depth
of his engagement with ancient thought. Lucid and provocative, "The
Hermeneutics of the Subject" reveals Foucault at the height of his
Das Hauptproblem vieler Projektentwickler liegt darin, dass sie
aufgrund der teilweisen 'chronischen Unterkapitalisierung' nicht in
der Lage sind, die von den Banken geforderten Eigenkapitalmittel
zur Realisierung der Projektentwicklung zu erbringen. Zur
Schliessung dieser Finanzierungslucke mussen die Banken und die
Projektentwickler in Zukunft neue innovative Wege bei der Art und
Struktur der Finanzierung gehen. In diesem Zusammenhang haben
insbesondere angelsachsisch gepragte, Eigenkapital ersetzende
Finanzierungsformen sehr stark an Bedeutung gewonnen.
Projektentwicklungsfonds gehoren zu diesen neuen
Finanzierungsinstrumenten und werden derzeit sowohl hinsichtlich
ihrer Marktfahigkeit als auch aufgrund ihres Konzeptes kritisch
diskutiert. Das Ziel der Untersuchung ist es, zunachst die Struktur
von Projektentwicklungsfonds zu analysieren und danach zum einen
die Chancen von Projektentwicklungsfonds und zum anderen aber auch
die Risiken, derer sich die verschiedenen Parteien bewusst sein
mussen, kritisch zu beleuchten. Bei der Analyse sollen insbesondere
die unterschiedlichen Vor- und Nachteile aus Sicht der
Projektentwickler, der Fondsinitiatoren und der Investoren
aufgezeigt werden
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich BWL - Investition und
Finanzierung, Note: 1,5, European Business School - Internationale
Universitat Schloss Reichartshausen Oestrich-Winkel (Lehrstuhl fur
Immobilienokonomie), 117 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache:
Deutsch, Abstract: Die Immobilienbranche sowie der Bankensektor
befinden sich seit einigen Jahren in einer tief greifenden
Umbruchsphase. Basel II sowie das gestiegene Risikobewusstsein der
Banken haben die Finanzierung mehr denn je zum Dreh- und Angelpunkt
in der Immobilienwirtschaft gemacht. Die Zeiten, in denen
Projektentwicklungen noch problemlos mit bis zu 100 Prozent
Fremdkapital finanziert werden konnten, sind ein fur alle Mal
vorbei. Das Hauptproblem vieler Projektentwickler liegt darin, dass
sie aufgrund der teilweisen chronischen Unterkapitalisierung" nicht
in der Lage sind, die von den Banken geforderten Eigenkapitalmittel
zur Realisierung der Projektentwicklung zu erbringen. Mit Hilfe von
Projektentwicklungsfonds, die u.a. in den USA bereits seit einigen
Jahren sehr erfolgreich Anwendung finden, kann diese
Finanzierungslucke geschlossen wer-den. Sie befahigen zum einen den
Projektentwickler, eine Projektentwicklung zu realisieren, die er
unter Umstanden ohne fremde Unterstutzung nicht durchfuhren konnte.
Zum anderen ermoglichen sie es der Bank, nicht nur am Risiko zu
partizipieren, sondern auch vom Erfolg der Projektentwicklung zu
profitieren. Aus Sicht der Investoren bieten sie die Chance, sich
am ertragsstarksten Teil der Wertschopfungskette einer Immobilie zu
beteiligen. Jedoch sind mit Projektentwicklungsfonds auch
erhebliche Risiken verbunden. Demzufolge werden sie derzeit in
Deutschland sowohl hinsichtlich ihrer Marktfahigkeit als auch
aufgrund ihres Konzeptes kritisch diskutiert. Das Ziel dieser
Diplomarbeit ist es, zunachst die Struktur von
Projektentwicklungsfonds zu analysieren und danach zum einen die
Chancen von Projektentwicklungsfonds und zum anderen aber auch die
"The working hypothesis is this: it is true that sexuality as
experience is obviously not independent of codes and systems of
prohibitions, but it needs to be recalled straightaway that these
codes are astonishingly stable, continuous, and slow to change. It
needs to be recalled also that the way in which they are observed
or transgressed also seems to be very stable and very repetitive.
On the other hand, the point of historical mobility, what no doubt
change most often, what are most fragile, are modalities of
experience." - Michel Foucault In 1981 Foucault delivered a course
of lectures which marked a decisive reorientation in his thought
and of the project of a History of Sexuality outlined in 1976. It
was in these lectures that arts of living became the focal point
around which he developed a new way of thinking about subjectivity.
It was also the moment when Foucault problematized a conception of
ethics understood as the patient elaboration of a relationship of
self to self. It was the study of the sexual experience of the
Ancients that made these new conceptual developments possible.
Within this framework, Foucault examined medical writings, tracts
on marriage, the philosophy of love, or the prognostic value of
erotic dreams, for evidence of a structuration of the subject in
his relationship to pleasures (aphrodisia) which is prior to the
modern construction of a science of sexuality as well as to the
Christian fearful obsession with the flesh. What was actually at
stake was establishing that the imposition of a scrupulous and
interminable hermeneutics of desire was the invention of
Christianity. But to do this it was necessary to establish the
irreducible specificity of ancient techniques of self. In these
lectures, which clearly foreshadow The Use of Pleasures and The
Care of Self, Foucault examines the Greek subordination of gender
differences to the primacy of an opposition between active and
passive, as well as the development by Imperial stoicism of a model
of the conjugal bond which advocates unwavering fidelity and shared
feelings and which leads to the disqualification of homosexuality.