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The International Skeletal Society is now fifteen years old and as measured in human terms has outgrown its childhood. During this time the ISS has earned worldwide respect and praise for successful work. The International Skeletal Society is an interdisciplinary working group concerned with skeletal diseases, their pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment at all ages. At the Annual Closed Meetings of the ISS prominent scientists representing many countries from all over the world gather to exchange ideas in the fields of radiology, pathology, orthopedic surgery, nephrology, and endocrinology. Follow ing these meetings Refresher Courses are offered for students, physicians in train ing, and interested collegues from the various medical specialities. The purpose of these courses is to present the latest developments in clinical practice and research with regard to skeletal diseases. The Society's internationally well-known journal "Skeletal Radiology," which is published by Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, adds in exchanging updated developments in the field of skeletal disorders. The hereby presented first Book of Members contains a record summarizing the most important milestones and events of the history of the International Skeletal Society up to 1987 in the form of short biographies regarding the members of the Society. The task of gathering all important informations for this book was accom plished by one of the members during his term as President of the ISS. The other one - honorary member - took upon himself the tasks related to publication."
Scientists and engineers have been involved in medical radiology from the very beginning. At times advances in this field occur at a tremen dously fast pace. Developments in radiological diagnostics have - technologically and medically speaking - focused on morphology. At present, computer-aided tomography (CAT) is at a high point in deve1opment, medical application, and validation. The preconditions for this success were rapid advances in electronics and computer technology - in hardware and in software - and an unexpected cost reduction in these fields; the co operation of various scientific disci plines was also essential. Functional radiological diagnosis has been neglected in part, owing to the emphasis on morphology, but alone the synthesis of morphology and function prornises further advances. Apart from the limited capabilities ofuItrasonic techniques there is no way other than using X-rays to carry out functional studies of organs and their systems through an intact body surface. It is frequently necessary to do further processing and evaluation of image series which have been recorded from the morphological viewpoint. This further picture processing may be of selected points (pixels) in the image, of certain regions of interest (ROI), or of the overall picture. For the measure ment of rapid phenomena, such as the blood flow in the main arteries, high image-frame rates are required, and at the moment these can only be achieved with cinemascopic techniques. For slower processes, other techniques such as videography have some advan tages.
Radiology Today 3 presents papers and panel discussions from a multi national faculty at the biannual Salzburg Symposium, which this time covered three important topics: critical diagnostic pathways in gastro" intestinal and genitourinary radiology, interventional radiology of the abdomen, and cost containment in radiology. The choice of these topics illustrates the changing role of the radiolo gist in the practice of medicine today and in the foreseeable future. He will have to serve as a consultant more than ever before, assuming in creasing responsibility for sequencing of imaging procedures and par ticipating more and more in therapeutic intervention. In order to pro vide meaningful assistance, the imaging consultant must be aware of the efficacy and the limitations of every procedure. In this context, cost containment is a worldwide public concern, and the most appropriate procedures must be identified. Radiology Today 3 demonstrates how the radiologist functions as a member of diagnostic and management teams to provide optimal in formation and efficient, low-risk patient care at the lowest possible cost. Martin W. Donner Friedrich H. W. Heuck Contents Critical Diagnostic Pathways Abdomen 3 G. MARCHAL, A L. BAERT, K. GEBOES, E. PONETTE, 1. FEVERY The Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer ............ 3 W. REICHARDT Localization Techniques for Hormonally Active Pancreatic Tumors ........... . 7 AR. MARGULIS, S. MCCARTHY Hepatic Mass Lesions .... 12 M. KORMANO, K. PARTANEN, 1. KUIKKA Dynamic Liver CT and New Contrast Agents ....... . 17 W. FROMMHOLD, J. PIRSCHEL 20 Gallbladder Diseases: Imaging Sequences 1.A KIRKPATRICK, Jr."
The biennial symposium 'Radiology Today' continues its original mission to bring together European and American radiologists to discuss advances in the field. This volume presents material by well-known experts in cardiovascular and skeletal radiology. Its aim is to provide an overview of each major topic, trends in clinical development, and current interests in research. The future holds much promise for cardiovascular and skeletal radiology, primarily because of new techniques and procedures, but also because of the development of imaginative approaches to clinical problems. Ideas are born on both sides of the Atlantic, and we believe that it is important to ensure a rapid exchange of new information and to determine how it fits into today's medical care, keeping in mind the quality of patients' care, their safety and comfort, as well as cost. The traditional role of radiologists as consultants has increased greatly over time, with new responsibilities being continuously added. We radiologists are challenged to determine the diagnostic pathway appropriate to each patient. To arrive at the diagnosis quickly, safely, and at the lowest possible cost is as important as our participation in determining the patient's management. Some therapeutic procedures are even carried out by diagnostic radiol ogists themselves, employing ultrasound, computed tomography, or fluoroscopy and intracavitary catheters. Abscesses can be drained, and blood vessels dilated or blocked. In diagnosis and therapy, events are moving quickly, and advances are made at a rapid pace."
This book encompasses the proceedings of a very successful post graduate course entitled "Radiology Today" held in Salzburg in June 1980. It was organised by Dr. Martin W. Donner of Baltimore and Dr. F. H. W. Heuck of Stuttgart. It was attended by 230 radiologists from 17 countries. The aim was to select a certain number of subjects in diagnostic radiology and in each to have a broad spectrum overview reviewing recent advances presented by an acknowledged expert, followed by a series of rather more detailed papers on various aspects of that field, again given by acknowledged experts drawn from countries throughout Europe and also from the United States of America. This series of presentations on a theme was then followed later the same day by a "workshop" discussion at which the speakers, sometimes joined by other experts from collateral fields of interest, acted as a panel for discussion with the over-view speaker acting as moderator.
This book reflects the views of an international faculty and provides an authoritative appraisal of modern radiology. It represents the sec ond volume in a planned series of competent overviews, and is mod eled on the successful first volume, Radiology Today, which was enthu siastically received by an international readership. We were encour aged by the comments we received to continue blending the latest ad vances in radiology with comprehensive teaching material concerning modern radiological practice. The Radiology Today 1982 meeting again brought together outstanding radiologists from Europe and North America for the purpose of sharing their experiences and their viewpoints of the current position and opportunities of imaging in medicine. Updating his/her knowledge of advances in medical imaging has be come an integral part of continuing medical education for every radiol ogist. Because all imaging modalities are continuously being refined, new clinical applications develop and frequently replace more com plex or more invasive procedures. Also, the relationship of imaging procedures to each other changes constantly, and with it the configura tion of critical diagnostic pathways for investigation of clinical signs and symptoms. To recognize this trend is important, because it is ex panding the role of the radiologist: our involvement in active guidance to the point of the patient's diagnostic workup has increased signifi cantly where it has become strategic."
Das Buch enthalt Beitrage uber die funktionelle Anpassung des Knochens an seine mechanischen Beanspruchungen, neuere Resultate der Forschung uber genetische Erkrankungen des Skeletts, die Fortschritte in der Diagnostik und Therapie primarer Knochentumoren und Neues aus der Prothesenforschung. Die vorgelegten Ergebnisse aus den vielschichtigen Bereichen der Osteologie zeigen, dass sich ein so weites Feld der wissenschaftlichen und klinischen Medizin nicht einem einzigen Fachgebiet zuordnen lasst, sondern nur interdisziplinare Teamarbeit die besten Forschungsresultate zu bringen vermag. Dieser Handbuchband enthalt Beitrage uber die Thoraxerkrankungen des Neugeborenen, Sonderformen der Pneumonien auf immunologischer Basis und die Pneumonie bei atypischen Masern. Abhandlungen uber die pathomorphologischen Grundlagen der Roentgenmorphologie von Lungenfibrosen und die pleuralen Roentgenbefunde bei Pneumokoniosen sind dem Kapitel uber die Cer-Pneumokoniose und Beitragen uber seltene iatrogen oder exogen bedingte Lungenerkrankungen vorangestellt. Eine umfassende UEbersicht der Lungenveranderungen bei Erkrankungen des Blutes und des retikuloendothelialen Systems sowie die subtile Darstellung von Technik und Aussagewert der Feinnadelbiopsie der Lunge zur Klarung unklarer Lungenveranderungen schliessen diesen Band ab. Ein sorgfaltig ausgewahltes Bildmaterial und ein umfassendes Sachregister machen diesen Handbuchband nicht nur fur Radiologen, sondern auch fur Pulmologen, Internisten sowie den Facharzt benachbarter Fachdisziplinen zu einem hervorragenden Nachschlagewerk und Standardwerk der Thorax-Radiologie.
Das Buch bietet AErzten und Juristen vielseitige Hilfen zur Erstellung von Gutachten auf allen Fachgebieten der Medizin, die als Fundament fur eine Rechtsprechung geeignet sind. Die diagnostische Radiologie hat heute eine grosse Sicherheit und Reproduzierbarkeit der Ergebnisse erreicht. Diese Informationen helfen, die Einschatzung von Folgezustanden nach Unfallen und Krankheiten objektivieren zu koennen. Mit diesem Band erhalten Gutachter aller Fachgebiete der Medizin, Juristen im Sozial- und Arbeitsrecht ferner Berufsgenossenschaften, Versicherungen, Rententrager und Politiker wertvolle Orientierungs- und Entscheidungshilfen.
Einleitung durch den Entdecker des Calcitonin D.H.Copp mit der 'calcitonin story'. A-bersichtsreferate und neue For- schungsergebnisse }ber normales undgest]rtes Skelettwachs- tum, osteologische Aspekte der Endoprothetik, Kortikoid- effekte am Bewegungsapparat und aktuelle Fragen der Osteolo- gie, unter besonderer Betonung des interdisziplin{ren Cha- rakters der Osteologie.
Namhafte Wissenschaftler beschreiben, anhand ausgewahlter Beispiele, die in den zuruckliegenden 100 Jahren durch die Entdeckung der Rontgenstrahlen ausgelosten Forschungen und Entwicklungen in der Medizin (Radiologische Diagnostik, Strahlentherapie, Interventionelle Radiologie, Strahlenbiologie, Dosimetrie, Rontgenstrahlen in der Veterinarmedizin und in der Rechtsmedizin) sowie in den Natur- und Technikwissenschaften (Physik, Kristallographie, Chemie, Biochemie, Astronomie, Materialwissenschaften und -technik, Spektroskopie, Makro- und Mikroanalytik, Materialprufung, Rontgenlithographie). Ausserdem werden Anwendungen der Rontgenstrahlen in der Archaologie, Palaontologie und in der Kunst dargestellt."
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