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The Heinz Nixdorf Museum Forum (HNF) is the world's largest c-
puter museum and is dedicated to portraying the past, present and
future of information technology. In the "Year of Informatics 2006"
the HNF was particularly keen to examine the history of this still
quite young discipline. The short-lived nature of information
technologies means that individuals, inventions, devices,
institutes and companies"age" more rapidly than in many other
specialties. And in the nature of things the group of computer
pioneers from the early days is growing smaller all the time. To
supplement a planned new exhibit on "Software and Inform- ics" at
the HNF, the idea arose of recording the history of informatics in
an accompanying publication.
Mysearchforsuitablesourcesandauthorsveryquickly cameupwith the
right answer, the very rst name in Germany: Friedrich L. Bauer,
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at the TU in Munich, one of the -
thers of informatics in Germany and for decades the indefatigable
author of the"Historical Notes" column of the journal Informatik
Spektrum. Friedrich L. Bauer was already the author of two works on
the history of informatics, published in different decades and in
different books. Both of them are notable for their knowledgeable,
extremely comp- hensive and yet compact style. My obvious course
was to motivate this author to amalgamate, supplement and
illustrate his previous work.
For some years, specification of software and hardware systems has
been influenced not only by algebraic methods but also by new
developments in logic. These new developments in logic are partly
based on the use of algorithmic techniques in deduction and proving
methods, but are alsodue to new theoretical advances, to a great
extent stimulated by computer science, which have led to new types
of logic and new logical calculi. The new techniques, methods and
tools from logic, combined with algebra-based ones, offer very
powerful and useful tools for the computer scientist, which may
soon become practical for commercial use, where, in particular,
more powerful specification tools are needed for concurrent and
distributed systems. This volume contains papers based on lectures
by leading researchers which were originally given at an
international summer school held in Marktoberdorf in 1991. The
papers aim to give a foundation for combining logic and algebra for
the purposes of specification under the aspects of automated
deduction, proving techniques, concurrency and logic, abstract data
types and operational semantics, and constructive methods.
In today's unsafe and increasingly wired world cryptology plays
a vital role in protecting communication channels, databases, and
software from unwanted intruders. This revised and extended third
edition of the classic reference work on cryptology now contains
many new technical and biographical details. The first part treats
secret codes and their uses - cryptography. The second part deals
with the process of covertly decrypting a secret code -
cryptanalysis, where particular advice on assessing methods is
given. The book presupposes only elementary mathematical knowledge.
Spiced with a wealth of exciting, amusing, and sometimes personal
stories from the history of cryptology, it will also interest
general readers.
The development of the internationally standardized language ALGOL
has made it possible to prepare procedures which can be used
without modification whenever a computer with an ALGOL translator
is available. Volume Ia in this series gave details of the
restricted version of ALGOL which is to be employed throughout the
Handbook, and volume Ib described its implementation on a computer.
Each of the subsequent volumes will be devoted to a presentation of
the basic algorithms in some specific areas of numerical analysis.
This is the first such volume and it was feIt that the topic Linear
Algebra was a natural choice, since the relevant algorithms are
perhaps the most widely used in numerical analysis and have the
advantage of forming a weil defined dass. The algorithms described
here fall into two main categories, associated with the solution of
linear systems and the algebraic eigenvalue problem respectively
and each set is preceded by an introductory chapter giving a
comparative assessment.
For some years, specification of software and hardware systems has
been influenced not only by algebraic methods but also by new
developments in logic. These new developments in logic are partly
based on the use of algorithmic techniques in deduction and proving
methods, but are alsodue to new theoretical advances, to a great
extent stimulated by computer science, which have led to new types
of logic and new logical calculi. The new techniques, methods and
tools from logic, combined with algebra-based ones, offer very
powerful and useful tools for the computer scientist, which may
soon become practical for commercial use, where, in particular,
more powerful specification tools are needed for concurrent and
distributed systems. This volume contains papers based on lectures
by leading researchers which were originally given at an
international summer school held in Marktoberdorf in 1991. The
papers aim to give a foundation for combining logic and algebra for
the purposes of specification under the aspects of automated
deduction, proving techniques, concurrency and logic, abstract data
types and operational semantics, and constructive methods.
Problem oriented programming languages as they have developed over
the last ten years essentially serve two purposes which somewhat
crudely can be described by the terms man-man communication and
man-machine communication, respectively. As a carrier of
information between humans, the problem oriented programming
language is designed to express the essence of an algorithm in a
way which is un ambiguous and concise as well as independent of
(and therefore meaning ful without any reference to) the changing
details of computing machine ry. As a carrier of information from
man to computer, the language permits the human programmer to
express his computational needs in a compact way adapted to the
general characteristics of computers, but freed from the burdening
details of specific computer facilities. This presupposes the
existence of algorithms, or programs, which permit the computer
itself to transform efficiently programs written in the problem
oriented language into machine programs. Thus the entire computing
community profits from the work of the individual programmer. The
primary purpose of the Handbook is to present a set of algorithms
of broad utility from the domain of numerical mathematics written
in the problem oriented language ALGOL 60. Therefore, volumes I a
and I b are in a sense supplementary as they serve to introduce
this language. Volume I a gives a description of the language
proper and of its use for writing correct programs. Thus, volume I
a primarily covers the aspect of man-man communication by means of
Automatic computing has undergone drastic changes since the
pioneering days of the early Fifties, one of the most obvious being
that today the majority of computer programs are no longer written
in machine code but in some programming language like FORTRAN or
ALGOL. However, as desirable as the time-saving achieved in this
way may be, still a high proportion of the preparatory work must be
attributed to activities such as error estimates, stability
investigations and the like, and for these no programming aid
whatsoever can be of help. In this respect, ALGOL, as an
internationally standardized notation which avoids
computer-oriented concepts, provides another advantage, not often
mentioned, but one which was already the guiding principle at the
very beginning of the programming language venture: indeed, a
correct ALGOL program is the abstractum of a computing process for
which the necessary analyses have already been performed. It is the
very purpose of this Handbook to establish such abstract
formulations of certain computing processes. Therefore, numerical
methods given in this Hand book in the form of ALGOL procedures may
be put to immediate use wherever ALGOL is known and understood; in
fact, application of such a method reduces to little more than
calling the corresponding procedure."
The Marktoberdorf Summer Schools on Informatics were started in
1970, with the intention to convene every second or third year a
group of top researchers in computing, devoted to preach their most
recent results to an elite of advanced students - young and most
promising people - and prepared to stand their questions, criticism
and suggestions. The themes of these Advanced Study In stitutes
under the sponsorship of the NATO Scientific Affairs Division
varied slightly over the years, oscillating more or less around
Programming Methodo logy, as the following list shows: 1970 Data
Structures and Computer Systems 1971 Program Structures and
Fundamental Concepts of Programming 1973 Structured Programming and
Programmed Structures 1975 Language Hierarchies and Interfaces 1978
Program Construction 1981 Theoretical Foundations of Programming
Methodology 1984 Control Flow and Data Flow: Concepts of
Distributed Programming 1986 Logic of Programming and Calculi of
Discrete Design 1988 Constructive Methods in Computing Science 1989
Logic, Algebra, and Computation Logic, Algebra, and Computation is
the theme of the summer school to which this volume is devoted. It
is the tenth in succession, but it is also the first in a new
series (the "blue" series) that is intended to alternate in future
with the traditional (the "red" series) arrangement; in fact the
tenth summer school in the "red" series with the title "Programming
and Mathematical Method" , held in 1990, was the subject of
celebrating both its serial number and the twenty years of
Marktoberdorf Summer Schools altogether.
In today's extensively wired world, cryptology is vital for
guarding communication channels, databases, and software from
intruders. Increased processing and communications speed, rapidly
broadening access and multiplying storage capacity tend to make
systems less secure over time, and security becomes a race against
the relentless creativity of the unscrupulous. The revised and
extended third edition of this classic reference work on cryptology
offers a wealth of new technical and biographical details. The book
presupposes only elementary mathematical knowledge. Spiced with
exciting, amusing, and sometimes personal accounts from the history
of cryptology, it will interest general a broad readership.
Der erste funktionsfahige Computer wurde von Konrad Zuse gebaut. Er
war 1941 betriebsbereit. Der Erfinder dieser ersten
vollautomatischen, programmgesteuerten, frei programmierbaren, in
binarer Gleitpunktzahlrechnung arbeitenden Rechenanlage ware am 22.
Juni 2010 hundert Jahre alt geworden. In diesem Buch erzahlt er die
Geschichte seines Lebens, das wie kaum ein anderes mit der
Geschichte der bedeutendsten technischen Entwicklung seines
Jahrhunderts verbunden ist - einer Entwicklung, die mit der
"Abneigung" des Bauingenieurstudenten Zuse gegen die statischen
Rechnungen begonnen hat... "Von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite
ist diese Autobiographie eine faszinierende Lekture, weil aus jeder
Zeile das personliche Erleben des Autors spricht. Diese
Unmittelbarkeit macht Buch und Autor sympathisch." (ntz
Nachrichtentechnische Zeitschrift) ..".Fur entspannende und
erholsame Stunden, informativ und allgemeinbildend, eigentlich
genau das, was im Zusammenhang mit dem Thema Computer sehr oft
gefragt und verlangt wird... Unser Tipp: Sehr empfehlenswert
Die Informatik selbst ist eine junge Wissenschaft, ihre Wurzeln
aber reichen weit in die Vergangenheit zuruck. Der Autor zeigt dies
auf unterhaltsame Weise und gleichzeitig mit mathematischer Strenge
anhand zahlreicher Facetten aus der Geschichte der Informatik. Die
Beitrage sind uber viele Jahre in der Zeitschrift Informatik
Spektrum erschienen und erscheinen nun erstmals gesammelt als
The Heinz Nixdorf Museum Forum (HNF) is the world's largest c-
puter museum and is dedicated to portraying the past, present and
future of information technology. In the "Year of Informatics 2006"
the HNF was particularly keen to examine the history of this still
quite young discipline. The short-lived nature of information
technologies means that individuals, inventions, devices,
institutes and companies"age" more rapidly than in many other
specialties. And in the nature of things the group of computer
pioneers from the early days is growing smaller all the time. To
supplement a planned new exhibit on "Software and Inform- ics" at
the HNF, the idea arose of recording the history of informatics in
an accompanying publication.
Mysearchforsuitablesourcesandauthorsveryquickly cameupwith the
right answer, the very rst name in Germany: Friedrich L. Bauer,
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at the TU in Munich, one of the -
thers of informatics in Germany and for decades the indefatigable
author of the"Historical Notes" column of the journal Informatik
Spektrum. Friedrich L. Bauer was already the author of two works on
the history of informatics, published in different decades and in
different books. Both of them are notable for their knowledgeable,
extremely comp- hensive and yet compact style. My obvious course
was to motivate this author to amalgamate, supplement and
illustrate his previous work.
Die Kryptologie, eine jahrtausendealte "Geheimwissenschaft,"
gewinnt zusehends praktische Bedeutung fur den Schutz von
Kommunikationswegen, Datenbanken und Software. Neben ihre Nutzung
in rechnergestutzten offentlichen Nachrichtensystemen ("public
keys") treten mehr und mehr rechnerinterne Anwendungen, wie
Zugriffsberechtigungen und der Quellenschutz von Software. - Der
erste Teil des Buches behandelt die Geheimschriften und ihren
Gebrauch - die Kryptographie. Dabei wird auch auf das aktuelle
Thema "Kryptographie und Grundrechte des Burgers" eingegangen. Im
zweiten Teil wird das Vorgehen zum unbefugten Entziffern einer
Geheimschrift - die Kryptanalyse - besprochen, wobei insbesondere
Hinweise zur Beurteilung der Verfahrenssicherheit gegeben werden.
Mit der vorliegenden dritten Auflage wurde das Werk auf den
neuesten Stand gebracht. - Das Buch setzt nur mathematische
Grundkenntnisse voraus. Mit einer Fulle spannender, lustiger und
bisweilen anzuglicher Geschichten aus der historischen Kryptologie
gewurzt, ist es auch fur Laien reizvoll zu lesen."
Die Kryptologie, eine jahrtausendealte "Geheimwissenschaft,"
gewinnt zusehends praktische Bedeutung in Verbindung mit dem Schutz
von Kommunikationswegen, Datenbanken und Software. Neben ihrer
Nutzung in rechnergestutzten offentlichen Nachrichtensystemen
("offentliche Schlussel") treten zusehends rechnerinterne
Anwendungen, die sich auch auf Zugriffsberechtigungen und den
Quellenschutz von Software erstrecken.
Der erste Teil des Buches handelt in elf Kapiteln von den
Geheimschriften und ihrem Gebrauch - von der Kryptographie. Im
zweiten Teil wird in elf weiteren Kapiteln das Vorgehen zum
unbefugten Entziffern einer Geheimschrift - die Kryptanalyse -
besprochen, wobei sich insbesondere Hinweise fur die
Verfahrensbeurteilung ergeben.
Das Buch setzt nur elementare mathematische Kenntnisse voraus. Mit
einer Fulle spannender, lustiger und bisweilen anzuglicher
Geschichten aus der historischen Kryptologie gewurzt, ist es auch
fur den Laien reizvoll zu lesen."
Informatik. Eine einfuhrende Ubersicht hat sich als Standardwerk
fur das Studium der Informatik bewahrt. Der vorliegende zweite Teil
steht unter dem Leitgedanken "Strukturen," der das Grundthema
"Algorithmen" des ersten Teils erganzt. Zunachst werden
Programmstrukturen und Datenstrukturen einschliesslich der
Techniken ihrer Implementierung behandelt. Sodann werden formale
(Sprach-)Systeme, die zur Beschreibung solcher Strukturen dienen,
auf relationentheoretischer Grundlage dargestellt. Ein weiteres
Kapitel behandelt die Formalisierung der Syntax und der Semantik
algorithmischer Sprachen, mit einem Abschnitt uber abstrakte
Datentypen. Den Abschluss bilden die Anhange "Korrespondenzen und
Funktionen," "Datenendgerate" und "Zur Geschichte der Informatik"
sowie Syntaxdiagramme fur die ALGOL 68- und die PASCAL-Notation,
die im Buch verwendet werden."
Dieses Buch uber elementare Aussagenlogik (wie auch seine geplante
Fortsetzung uber Elementare Pradikatenlogik und Universelle
Algebra) ist aus Vorlesungen an der Technischen Universitat Munchen
entstanden. Es basiert auf der Uberzeugung, dass fur Studierende
der Informatik nicht nur ein anderer Aufbau des mathematischen
Grundstudiums geboten ist als etwa fur Ingenieure oder Physiker,
sondern auch ein anderes Menu, als es sich an unseren Universitaten
nach den GAMM-NTG-Empfehlungen der siebziger Jahre eingeburgert
hat. Neben den unentbehrlichen Einfuhrungsvorlesungen in Mathematik
sind fur die Informatiker vor dem Vordiplom handwerkliche
Grundkenntnisse in Logik und Universeller Algebra erforderlich -
als Grundlage fur die Praktische und die Theoretische Informatik im
zweiten Studienabschnitt. Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Buchern
uber Logik ist dieses fur den Anfanger der Informatik geschrieben
und didaktisch auf sein Niveau eingestellt. Dabei sind sonst eher
ausserhalb der Aussagenlogik liegende Gegenstande wie die
Schaltlogik systematisch einbezogen worden, wo immer es moglich
war: von dem fur die Programmiersprachen so wichtigen Gebiet der
dyadischen Fallunterscheidungen uber die Resolventenmethode, die
den Anschluss an die Pradikatenlogik vorbereitet, bis zu modalen
Aussagenlogiken. Die eingestreuten Ubungsaufgaben greifen haufig
Gedanken auf, die im Text nur nebenbei erwahnt sind, und stellen
Querbezuge her. Die Losungshinweise am Ende des Buches bieten
manche Uberraschungen.
L 'INFORMA TIQVE: Science de traitement rationnel, notamment par
machines automatiques, de I'information consideree comme Ie support
des connaissan- ces humaines et des communications, dans les
domaines techniques, economiques et so- cials (Academie Franraise)
Ober 50 Jahre sind vergangen, seit die Entwicklung der modernen
computer begann - in Deutschland durch KONRAD ZUSE im Jahre 1934.
Die Fortschritte der Technik seit den filnfziger Jahren, als die
ersten kommerziell gefertigten Rechenanlagen verfilgbar wurden,
sind eindrucksvoll: Einer standigen Steige- rung der
Geschwindigkeit und des Speicherumfangs steht ein Rilckgang der
Anschaffungs- und Betriebskosten gegenilber. Glaubte man 1956, von
der da- mals groBten (amerikanischen) Anlage konnte aus
finanziellen Grilnden in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland filr
wissenschaftliche Zwecke hochstens ein Ex- emplar angeschafft und
betrieben werden - wozu ein ganzes Rechenzentrum eingerichtet
werden sollte, so erfordert heute die gleiche Leistung vielleicht
Zehntausend Mark, das Gerat hat auf einem Tisch im Arbeitszimmer
Platz. Den Durchbruch brachte die Mikrominiaturisierung, die nach
Amortisation der hohen Investitionskosten das einzelne
Halbleiter-Plattchen (, Chip') filr den Preis einer besseren Gli.
ihlampe herzustellen gestattet. Dies liegt natilrlich an den hohen
absetzbaren Stilckzahlen, die ihrerseits von den niedrigen Stilck-
preisen noch gilnstig beeinfluBt werden. Anders als Glilhlampen,
konnen, ja milssen computer programmiert wer- den. Das schafft
Arbeitsplatze. Ein ungeheurer, politisch und okonomisch noch nicht
einmal ganz ilbersehbarer Wandel in unserer Welt greift Platz: In
Industrienationen leben schon heute mehr als 1% der Bevolkerung
direkt oder indirekt yom computer. computer sind Statussymbole
geworden; die Offentliche Meinung verbindet mit ihnen die
Vorstellungen, modern', fortschrittlich', unabdingbar'.
Fundamentals FOURTH EDITION A multi- text software engineering
course or courses (based on the 2013 IEEE SWEBOK) for undergraduate
and graduate university students A self-teaching IEEE CSDP/CADA
certificate exam training course based on the Computer Society's
CSDP exam specifications These software engineering books serves
two separate but connected audiences and roles: 1.Software
engineers who wish to study for and pass either or both of the IEEE
Computer Society's software engineering certification exams. The
Certified Software Development Professional (CSDP) and is awarded
to software engineers who have 5 to 7 years of software development
experience and pass the CSDP exam. This certification was
instituted in 2001 and establishes that the certificate holder is a
competent software engineer in most areas of software engineering
such as: Software project manager Software developer Software
configuration manager Software quality-assurance expert Software
test lead And so forth The other certificate is for recent software
engineering graduates or self-taught software engineers and is
designated Certified Software Development Associate (CDSA). The
CSDA also requires passing an exam, but does not require any
professional experience. 2.University students who are taking (or
reading) a BS or MS degree in software engineering, or practicing
software engineers who want to update their knowledge. This book
was originally written as a guide to help software engineers take
and pass the IEEE CSDP exam. However several reviewers commented
that this book would also make a good university text book for a
undergraduate or graduate course in software engineering. So the
original books were modified to be applicable to both tasks. The
SWEBOK (Software Engineering Body of Knowledge) is a major
milestone in the development and publicity of software engineering
technology. However it needs to be noted that SWEBOK was NOT
developed as a software engineering tutorial or textbook. The
SWEBOK is intended to catalog software engineering concepts, not
teach them. The new, three-volume, fourth edition, Software
Engineering Essentials, by Drs. Richard Hall Thayer and Merlin
Dorfman attempts to fill this void. This new software engineering
text expands on and replaces the earlier two-volume, third-edition,
Software Engineering books which was also written by Thayer and
Dorfman and published by the IEEE Computer Society Press 2006].
These new Volumes I and II offer a complete and detailed overview
of software engineering as defined in IEEE SWEBOK 2013. These books
provide a thorough analysis of software development in requirements
analysis, design, coding, testing, and maintenance, plus the
supporting processes of configuration management, quality
assurance, verification and validation, and reviews and audits. To
keep up with evolution of the software industry (as expressed
through evolution of the SWEBOK Guide, CSDP/CSDA, and the
curriculum guidelines) a third volume in the Soft-ware Engineering
series is needed. This third volume contains: Software Engineering
Measurements Software Engineering Economics Computer Foundations
Mathematics Foundations Engineering Foundations This three-volume,
Software Engineering Essentials series, provides an overview
snapshot of the software state of the practice in a form that is a
lot easier to digest than the SWEBOK Guide. The three-volume set is
also a valuable reference (useful well beyond undergraduate and
graduate software engineering university programs) that provides a
concise survey of the depth and breadth of software engineering.
These new KAs exist so that software engineers can demonstrate a
mastery of scientific technology and engineering. This is in answer
to the criticism of software engineering that it does not contain
enough engineering to qualify it as an engineering discipline.
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