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This package includes the printed hardcover book and access to the
Navigate 2 Companion Website. The seventh edition of Advanced
Engineering Mathematics provides learners with a modern and
comprehensive compendium of topics that are most often covered in
courses in engineering mathematics, and is extremely flexible to
meet the unique needs of courses ranging from ordinary differential
equations, to vector calculus, to partial differential equations.
Acclaimed author, Dennis G. Zill's accessible writing style and
strong pedagogical aids, guide students through difficult concepts
with thoughtful explanations, clear examples, interesting
applications, and contributed project problems.
Die in dies em Buch dargestellte Untersuchung ist im Hinblick auf
praktische Bedurfnisse entstanden. Die Studie wurde so angelegt,
wie der Arzt es gewohnt ist, sich mit den Beschwerden seiner Pa-
tienten zu befassen: Er 11iBt sich die Vorgeschichte schild ern,
die Entwicklung der Symptome, deren mogliche Verbindung zu aus-
losenden Faktoren, sodann die Folgen der Krankheitssymptome fUr das
subjektive Befinden, fUr die sozialen Beziehungen und die
Arbeitsfahigkeit. Er schlieBt die eigene klinische Untersuchung an
und formuliert eine Diagnose. Bevor er, daraus abgeleitet, eine
Strategie fUr die Therapie entwickelt, wird er sich nach vorange-
henden diagnostischen und therapeutischen MaBnahmen erkun- digen.
SchlieBlich wird er an dem weiteren Verlauf die Richtigkeit der
Diagnose und Therapie zu uberprufen versuchen. So ist auch dieses
Buch aufgebaut. Mehr oder weniger aIle Bereiche, in denen sich der
Alkoholismus auswirkt, wurden in die Untersuchung ein- bezogen: das
private Leben, organische Erkrankungen, die Ar- beit, aber auch die
hilfreichen, frustranen oder irrefUhrenden vor- herigen
Behandlungsversuche durch Hausarzt und Klinik. Der Leser wird
jedoch zwei Dinge vielleicht vermissen. Die Therapie des
Alkoholismus ist nicht beschrieben. Noch sind die typischen
Probleme, die sich im Umgang mit Alkoholikern erge- ben,
dargestellt: die Frustration, das GefUhl des Vergeblichen, die
haufig unoffene Kommunikation und die Verschleierungsversu- che des
Alkoholikers. Diese Besonderheiten jeder therapeutischen Beziehung
zum Alkoholiker verlangen yom Arzt an erster Stelle eine
unbestechliche Realitatskontrolle. Sie ist die Voraussetzung dafUr,
daB uberhaupt eine therapeutische Beziehung zustande kommen kann.
Complex Analysis: A First Course With Applications Is A Truly
Accessible Introduction To The Fundamental Principles And
Applications Of Complex Analysis. Designed For The Undergraduate
Student With A Calculus Background But No Prior Experience With
Complex Analysis, This Text Discusses The Theory Of The Most
Relevant Mathematical Topics In A Student-Friendly Manner. With A
Clear And Straightforward Writing Style, Concepts Are Introduced
Through Numerous Examples, Illustrations, And Applications. Each
Section Of The Text Contains An Extensive Exercise Set Containing A
Range Of Computational, Conceptual, And Geometric Problems. In The
Text And Exercises, Students Are Guided And Supported Through
Numerous Proofs Providing Them With A Higher Level Of Mathematical
Insight And Maturity. Each Chapter Contains A Separate Section
Devoted Exclusively To The Applications Of Complex Analysis To
Science And Engineering, Providing Students With The Opportunity To
Develop A Practical And Clear Understanding Of Complex Analysis.
New And Key Features: Clarity Of Exposition Supported By Numerous
Examples Extensive Exercise Sets With A Mix Of Computational And
Conceptual Problems Applications To Science And Engineering
Throughout The Text New And Revised Problems And Exercise Sets
Throughout Portions Of The Text And Examples Have Been Revised Or
Rewritten To Clarify Or Expand Upon The Topics At Hand The
Mathematica Syntax From The Second Edition Has Been Updated To
Coincide With Version 8 Of The Software.
Building off the success of Dennis G. Zill and Jacqueline M.
Dewar's popular Essentials version, the new Sixth Edition of
Precalculus with Calculus Previews continues to include all of the
outstanding features and learning tools found in the original text
while incorporating additional topics of coverage that some courses
may require. With a continued effort to keep the text complete, yet
concise, the authors have expanded the number of chapters making
the text a clear choice for many mainstream courses. Additional
material includes rotation of conics in the rectangular coordinate
system, sequences and series, mathematical induction, the Binomial
Theorem, systems of equations, partial fractions, systems of
inequalities, a brief introduction to counting and probability, and
a full discussion of complex numbers. This student-friendly,
full-color text offers numerous exercise sets and examples to aid
in students' learning and understanding, and graphs and figures
throughout serve to better illuminate key concepts. The exercise
sets include engaging problems that focus on algebra, graphing, and
function theory, the subtext of so many calculus problems. The
authors are careful to use the terminology of calculus in an
informal and comprehensible way to facilitate the student's
successful transition into future calculus courses. New to the
Sixth Edition: - Increased number of student aids throughout the
text including, examples, figures, marginal annotations, in-example
guideline annotations, and Notes from the Classroom sections - Many
sections have been rewritten to increase clarity and improve
student understanding - Increased number of Calculator/Computer
Problems and For Discussion Problems throughout the text - An
expanded Final Examination consists of fill-in-the-blank questions,
true/false questions, and review exercises - And much more! Key
Features: Translating Words into Functions section illustrates how
to translate a verbal description into a symbolic representation of
a function and demonstrates these translations with actual calculus
problems. Chapter Review Exercises include problems that focus on
algebra, graphing and function theory, the sub-text of so many
calculus problems. Review questions include conceptual
fill-in-the-blank and true-false questions, as well as numerous
thought-provoking exercises. The Calculus Preview found at the end
of each chapter offers students a glimpse of a single calculus
concept along with the algebraic, logarithmic, and trigonometric
manipulations that are necessary for the successful completion of
typical problems related to that concept. Available with WebAssign.
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