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A common type of litigation involves claims by executors and
adminis- trators or, in civil law countries, heirs and residuary
legatees against donees who have received gifts mortis causa from a
deceased. The transfer of property by way of gift follows different
rules from those applied to testamentary dispositions. In
particular, a will must be in writing, whereas a gift may be oral
if followed by actual delivery. Since most gifts are made orally
or, at least, do not satisfy the formal require- ments of a
testamentary disposition and, moreover, gifts mortis causa are
often made shortly before the death of the donor, the crucial
question in many proceedings turns on whether there has been an
actual delivery. The author discusses this problem under German
law, illustrating it by reference to English and American
authorities. In order to see the problem in its proper perspective,
the author examines the fundamental distinctions between
testamentary dispositions and dis- positions inter vivos. He
concludes that there are four essential character- istics of a
valid will. Thus, a testamentary disposition is limited to- (I)
time after death; (II) the appointment of a successor to property;
(III) such property of the deceased as is vested in him at death;
(IV) person(s) surviving the deceased. In contradistinction, all
other purported transfers of property are dis- positions inter
Am 17. November 1968 feiert Herr Staa1: 'ssekretar Professor Dr. h.
C., Dr. E. h. Leo Brandt seinen 60. Geburtstag. Der Jubilar hat
sich nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg auBergewohnliche Verdiens1: 'e urn
den Ausbau und die Forderung der Wissenschaft im Lande
Nordrhein-Westfalen und daruber hinaus erworben. Auch die
Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Forsch'llng des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
ist Herrn Staatssekretar Professor Dr. Brandt fur seine nie
erlahmende Initiative zu groBem Dank verpflichtJet. In dankbarer
Anerkennung dieses erfolgreichen Wirkens widmen Mit glieder, der
Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-West falen
die vorliegende Festschl'ift dem Jubilar zum 60. Geburtstag. Unser
auf richtiger Dank gilt allen denjenigen, die das Erscheinen des
Werkes durch Geldspenden ermoglicht haben, sowie dem Wesooeutschen
Verlag, der bereit willigst Betreuung und Herstellung ubernommen
hat. G. Kegel J. Meixner lnhalt Vorwort der Herausgeber . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Friedrich Seewald Staatssekretar Professor Dr. med. h. C., Dr.
-Ing. E. h. Dipl. -Ing. Leo Brandt zum 60. Geburtstag . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1.
der Information fur Organismen und in der GeselIschaft 27 Wilhelm
Fucks Ober neue Methoden zur Messung von Turbulenz in Flussigkeiten
und uber die Statistik der intermittierenden Stromung . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Wilhelm Groth Simulation von
chemischen und physikalischen Vorgangen in der Chemosphare . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . 47 Alfred Neuhaus, Helmut Heide und Roland Steffen
Ober das Druck-Zustandsverhalten einiger Chalkogenide . . . . . . .
. . . . . 59 Helmut Zahn und Peter Roschlau Ober die monomere
Insulin-B-Kette in der Disulfidform und das - misch der dimeren
Insulin-B-Ketten gleicher Form 79 Haraid Schafer Chemische
Professor Kegel comments on arecent decision of the German Supreme
Court ("Bundesgerichtshof" which is the court of last resort in
Western Ger many for civil and criminal actions). The court's
decision dealt with an action brought by a Chicago (Illinois)
manufacturer for the price of choco late sold and delivered to the
defendant in early 1954, the defendant then doing business in New
Orleans (Louisiana). The greater portion of the price of $ 5. 000
had not been paid by the defendant. The action had been brought
before a German court because the defendant had assets in Germany.
The issue of the case was whether or not the statute of limitations
had run. The German Supreme Court in its decision restated the rule
of German conflicts law that the law governing the limitation of an
action is the law which governs the obligation. The Court held
that, as an action for price is governed by the lex loci
solutionis, the law of Louisiana had to be applied in the case
before the court. The Court, however, pointed out that should the
law of Louisiana subject the duties of the buyer to another law -
in the case at bar to the law of Illinois - this reference of
Louisiana law to Illinois law would be binding on German courts."
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