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Das Fortschrittsmuster der Industriegesellschaft kollidiert
zunehmend mit den Grenzen, die uns von der Natur auf der Erde
vorgegeben sind. Die Gesellschaft muss umsteuern auf einen Pfad
dauerhafter Entwicklung innerhalb dieser Grenzen. Der Glaube, diese
Entwicklung fest in den Griff zu bekommen allein durch die
Anhaufung von nochmehr spezifischem Fachwissen, die Bereitstellung
neuer Techniken und die Gewinnung einer "neuen Ethik" wird in dem
vorliegenden Buch in Zweifel gezogen. Denn unser Wissen uber das
komplex vernetzte System Natur und die Entwicklungsdynamik der
modernen Gesellschaft ist prinzipiell luckenhaft und vorlaufig. Das
ist das Ergebnis eines interdisziplinaren Gesprachs zwischen
Okonomen, Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaftlern,
Rechtswissenschaftlern und Politologen, Psychologen und
Philosophen. An die Stelle der Fiktion wissenschaftlich
definierbarer Belastungsgrenzen der Natur muss die Minimierung der
Eingriffe in die okologischen Systeme als Handlungsmaxime treten.
Darin liegt keine Bedrohung okonomischer Wohlfahrt, sondern die
Chance fur eine neue Qualitat des Lebens, die sich durch den
behutsamen Umgang miteinander und mit der Natur auszeichnet.
Current Biblical interpretation is in a muddle state. Can the
historicity of Scripture be placed in question but its authority
and significance still be upheld? Can we be truly Christian while
calling the reliability of biblical revelation into doubt? Gerhard
Maier provides a Christian understanding of the science of biblical
hermeneutics: the inspiration and authority of Scripture, the role
of the canon, the historical nature of Scripture, current
discussion of revelation and criticism, etc.
Citing the importance of the subject Maier says, "Against
long-standing and still virulent tendencies of modernity we must
speak confidently of the history of God's dealings with mankind."
He adds, "A communicative hermeneutic, a hermeneutic of encounter,
seems essential at the present time. Yet this encounter with God
will flourish only where the Bible is permitted to be no less than
what God intends: namely, the Word of God."
An outstanding work of biblical scholarship that will prove
invaluable for all who desire a better grasp of the Bible in the
modern world and especially for those in classes on biblical
From 1907 to 1931 at Tendaguru, a remote site in present-day
Tanzania, teams of German (and later British) paleontologists
unearthed 220 tons of fossils, including the bones of a new
dinosaur, one of the largest then known. For decades the mounted
skeleton of this giant, Brachiosaurus, was the largest skeleton of
a land animal on exhibit in the world. The dinosaur and other
animal fossils found at Tendaguru form one of the cornerstones of
our understanding of life in the Mesozoic era. Visited sporadically
during the 30s and 40s, Tendaguru again became the site of
scientific interest late in the 20th century. African Dinosaurs
Unearthed tells the story of driven scientific adventurers working
under difficult conditions and often paying the price with their
health and sometimes with their lives. Set against the background
of a troubled century, the book reveals how scientific endeavors
were carried on through war and political turmoil, and continue
into the present day."
Fallbuch Rettungsdienst (German, Paperback)
Christoph Armbrust, Hannes Breitinger; Edited by Hannes Breitinger, Rolf Dubb; Contributions by Caroline Eckhardt, …
Discovery Miles 7 550
Ships in 12 - 17 working days
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