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This book offers the first comprehensive and in-depth analysis of
the provisions of the 'Malabo Protocol'-the amendment protocol to
the Statute of the African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples'
Rights-adopted by the African Union at its 2014 Summit in Malabo,
Equatorial Guinea. The Annex to the protocol, once it has received
the required number of ratifications, will create a new Section in
the African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples' Rights with
jurisdiction over international and transnational crimes, hence an
'African Criminal Court'. In this book, leading experts in the
field of international criminal law analyze the main provisions of
the Annex to the Malabo Protocol. The book provides an essential
and topical source of information for scholars, practitioners and
students in the field of international criminal law, and for all
readers with an interest in political science and African studies.
Gerhard Werle is Professor of German and Internationa l Crimina l
Law, Criminal Procedure and Modern Legal History at
Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin and Director of the South
African-German Centre for Transnational Criminal Justice. In
addition, he is an Extraordinary Professor at the University of the
Western Cape and Honorary Professor at North-West University of
Political Science and Law (Xi'an, China). Moritz Vormbaum received
his doctoral degree in criminal law from the University of Munster
(Germany) and his postdoctoral degree from Humboldt-Universitat zu
Berlin. He is a Senior Researcher at Humboldt-Universitat, as well
as a coordinator and lecturer at the South African-German Centre
for Transnational Criminal Justice.
"Principles of International Criminal Law" was first published four
years ago and has been well received. It has since appeared not
only in a second German edition, but also in Spanish, Italian and
Chinese. Rapid developments in the field have now made a new
English edition necessary. The worldwide interest in international
criminal law is strong and ever growing. This is shown by, among
other things, the proliferation of publications on the subject in
recent years. While the ad hoc Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia
and Rwanda will soon cease operations, the International Criminal
Court is just getting in gear: The Court's first decisions on
important issues of procedural and substantive law are now
available. Other forms of enforcing international criminal law,
such as "hybrid" courts, have also assumed greater importance; at
the same time, international criminal law has come increasingly to
be implemented and enforced in domestic criminal law. Today, there
are many indications that international criminal law will continue
to develop rather than stagnate or even suffer reversals.
The book deals with the controversial relationship between African
states, represented by the African Union, and the International
Criminal Court. This relationship started promisingly but has been
in crisis in recent years. The overarching aim of the book is to
analyze and discuss the achievements and shortcomings of
interventions in Africa by the International Criminal Court as well
as to develop proposals for cooperation between international
courts, domestic courts outside Africa and courts within Africa.
For this purpose, the book compiles contributions by practitioners
of the International Criminal Court and by role players of the
judiciary of African countries as well as by academic experts.
The expression "transitional justice" emerged at the end of the
Cold War, during the transition from dictatorships to democracies,
and serves as a central concept in dealing with systemic injustice.
This textbook examines the basic principles of transitional justice
and explores its core mechanisms, including prosecutions,
amnesties, truth commissions, reparations, and vetting the public
service. It elaborates the substance and legal framework of these
mechanisms and discusses current challenges. The book provides
extensive material illustrating a wide variety of transitional
justice situations. "This book summarizes the subjects of
transitional justice and Vergangenheitsbewaltigung systematically
and clearly" (Joachim Gauck, German Federal President, 2012-2017).
The chapters in this book are reworkings of presentations given
during a conference held in 2018 at the German Embassy to the
Netherlands in The Hague on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of
the adoption of the Rome Statute. They provide an in-depth analysis
of major points of contention the International Criminal Court
(ICC) is currently facing, such as, inter alia, head of state
immunities, withdrawal from the Rome Statute, the exercise of
jurisdiction vis-a-vis third-party nationals, the activation of the
Court's jurisdiction regarding the crime of aggression, as well as
the relationship of the Court with both the Security Council and
the African Union, all of which are issues that have a continued
relevance and carry a particular controversy. The collection
provides insights from both practitioners, including judges of the
ICC, and diplomats who participated in the negotiations leading to
the adoption of the Rome Statute, as well as well-known academics
from various parts of the world working in the field of
international criminal law. The aim of the book is not only to
inform and stimulate academic debate on the topic, but also to
serve as an instrument for lawyers involved in the practice of
international criminal law. Gerhard Werle is Professor at the
Faculty of Law of the Humboldt-University in Berlin, Germany and
Andreas Zimmermann is Professor at the Faculty of Law of the
University of Potsdam in Germany. Jurgen Bering, who worked on this
book as assistant editor, is an Associate at Dentons, Berlin and a
PhD candidate at the Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg,
With the establishment of numerous international and mixed
tribunals in recent years, international criminal law has gained
unprecedented importance and continues to expand tremendously. This
systematic analysis of substantive international criminal law
examines its general principles, sources and evolution as well as
specific international crimes, providing an in-depth analysis of
the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and
customary international law. The updated second edition takes
account of the emerging case law of the ICC and other international
and national courts in the field. It includes more recent methods
of enforcing international criminal law, such as hybrid tribunals,
and contains a new separate chapter on implementation.
Der sechste Band dokumentiert die Verfolgung von MfS-Straftaten.
Gegenstand der Verfahren waren zum einen standardisierte Massnahmen
des Ministeriums fur Staatssicherheit der DDR, wie das Abhoeren von
Telefongesprachen, die Postkontrolle und die konspirative
Wohnungsdurchsuchung. Dazu gehoert auch der Bruch der beruflichen
Schweigepflicht durch AErzte und Rechtsanwalte, die dem MfS als
inoffizielle Mitarbeiter zuarbeiteten. Zum anderen befasste sich
die Strafjustiz mit Aktivitaten des MfS, die nach Art und
Ausfuhrung eher den Charakter von Einzelfallmassnahmen hatten:
Mordanschlage, Verschleppungen, Denunziationen von Fluchtvorhaben
und regimekritischen Handlungen, unerlaubte Festnahmen,
Repressalien gegen Ausreiseantragsteller, die Einwirkung auf
psychiatrische Behandlungen sowie die Aufnahme von Angehoerigen der
"Rote Armee Fraktion" in der DDR. Angeklagt waren neben
hauptamtlichen und inoffiziellen Mitarbeitern des MfS auch
Privatpersonen, die in MfS-Aktionen verstrickt waren. Die
Dokumentation zeigt die umfassende Durchdringung aller
Lebensbereiche der DDR-Gesellschaft durch das MfS. Zugleich werden
die besonderen rechtlichen und tatsachlichen Schwierigkeiten
deutlich, vor die sich die Strafjustiz bei der Aufarbeitung dieser
Deliktsgruppe gestellt sah.
Der fA1/4nfte Band dokumentiert in zwei TeilbAnden die
Strafverfahren wegen Rechtsbeugung durch die DDR-Justiz. Die
Anklagen gegen ehemalige Richter und StaatsanwAlte der DDR betrafen
zumeist ihre Mitwirkung an der politischen Strafjustiz. Hier liegt
auch der Schwerpunkt der Dokumentation. Besondere Bedeutung kommt
den Strafverfahren im Zusammenhang mit den Waldheimer Prozessen und
der "Aktion Rose" sowie dem "Havemann-Verfahren" zu. Daneben werden
Rechtsbeugungsverfahren wegen arbeits- oder zivilrechtlicher
Entscheidungen der DDR-Justiz wiedergegeben. Die abgedruckten
Justizdokumente verschaffen einen Einblick in die rechtlichen
Probleme der Strafverfolgung von Justizunrecht und geben
zeithistorisch darA1/4ber Aufschluss, welche Rolle der gesteuerten
Justiz bei der UnterdrA1/4ckung unangepassten und oppositionellen
Verhaltens in den verschiedenen Entwicklungsphasen der DDR zukam.
The fifth volume documents the criminal procedures concerning the
perversion of justice through the GDR law in two volumes. The
charges against former judges and public prosecutors of the GDR
mostly pertained to their participation in the political criminal
justice. The emphasis of the documentation also lies here. Criminal
procedure inheres specific meaning in connection with the Waldheim
trials and the a oeAktion Rosea [a oeOperation Rosea ] as well as
the a oeHavemann triala . In addition perversion of justice
processes concerning labor and civil law rulings of the GDR law are
described. The printed law documents provide an insight into the
legal problems of the criminal prosecution from legal injustice and
gives historical insights on this, whose role inhered controlled
justice with the oppression of non-conformist and oppositional
behavior in the different development phases of the GDR.
The chapters in this book are reworkings of presentations given
during a conference held in 2018 at the German Embassy to the
Netherlands in The Hague on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of
the adoption of the Rome Statute. They provide an in-depth analysis
of major points of contention the International Criminal Court
(ICC) is currently facing, such as, inter alia, head of state
immunities, withdrawal from the Rome Statute, the exercise of
jurisdiction vis-a-vis third-party nationals, the activation of the
Court's jurisdiction regarding the crime of aggression, as well as
the relationship of the Court with both the Security Council and
the African Union, all of which are issues that have a continued
relevance and carry a particular controversy. The collection
provides insights from both practitioners, including judges of the
ICC, and diplomats who participated in the negotiations leading to
the adoption of the Rome Statute, as well as well-known academics
from various parts of the world working in the field of
international criminal law. The aim of the book is not only to
inform and stimulate academic debate on the topic, but also to
serve as an instrument for lawyers involved in the practice of
international criminal law. Gerhard Werle is Professor at the
Faculty of Law of the Humboldt-University in Berlin, Germany and
Andreas Zimmermann is Professor at the Faculty of Law of the
University of Potsdam in Germany. Jurgen Bering, who worked on this
book as assistant editor, is an Associate at Dentons, Berlin and a
PhD candidate at the Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg,
Principles of International Criminal Law is one of the most
influential textbooks in the field of international criminal
justice. This fourth edition builds on the highly-successful work
of the previous editions, setting out the general principles
governing international crimes as well as the fundamentals of both
substantive and procedural international criminal law. It provides
a detailed understanding of the sources and evolution of
international criminal law, demonstrating how it has developed, and
how its application has changed. The book assesses in detail the
four key international crimes as defined by the statute of the
International Criminal Court: genocide, crimes against humanity,
war crimes, and the crime of aggression. The new edition revises
and updates the work with developments in international criminal
justice since 2014. It includes substantial new material on
critical perspectives on international criminal justice, the
fragmentation of international criminal law, new war crimes of
prohibited means of warfare, and the prosecution of crimes
committed in Syria and Northern Iraq.The book retains its
highly-acclaimed systematic approach and consistent methodology,
making it essential reading for both students and scholars of
international criminal law, as well as practitioners and judges
working in the field.
Teil I Grundriss: Was heisst Transitional Justice?.- Was bedeutet
der Begriff "Transition"?.- Der rechtliche Rahmen von Transitional
Justice.- Strafverfolgung.- Amnestien.- Wahrheitskommissionen.-
Wiedergutmachung.- UEberprufung des oeffentlichen Dienstes.-
Evaluierung von Aufarbeitungsprozessen.- Ausblick.- Teil II
Landersituationen: Afrika und Naher Osten.- Asien.- Europa.-
Lateinamerika und Karibik.
Principles of International Criminal Law is one of the most
influential textbooks in the field of international criminal
justice. This fourth edition builds on the highly-successful work
of the previous editions, setting out the general principles
governing international crimes as well as the fundamentals of both
substantive and procedural international criminal law. It provides
a detailed understanding of the sources and evolution of
international criminal law, demonstrating how it has developed, and
how its application has changed. The book assesses in detail the
four key international crimes as defined by the statute of the
International Criminal Court: genocide, crimes against humanity,
war crimes, and the crime of aggression. The new edition revises
and updates the work with developments in international criminal
justice since 2014. It includes substantial new material on
critical perspectives on international criminal justice, the
fragmentation of international criminal law, new war crimes of
prohibited means of warfare, and the prosecution of crimes
committed in Syria and Northern Iraq.The book retains its
highly-acclaimed systematic approach and consistent methodology,
making it essential reading for both students and scholars of
international criminal law, as well as practitioners and judges
working in the field.
Die fünfte Auflage des Lehrbuchs zum Völkerstrafrecht behandelt
in bewährter Form die Grundlagen und den Allgemeinen Teil des
Völkerstrafrechts sowie die einzelnen Völkerrechtsverbrechen.
Internationale Rechtsprechung und Schrifttum sind auf aktuellem
Stand umfassend berücksichtigt. Neu eingefügt wurden Abschnitte
zur Kritik und zur Fragmentierung des Völkerstrafrechts, zu den
durch die 16. Vertragsstaatenkonferenz zum IStGH-Statut
beschlossenen Kriegsverbrechen des Einsatzes verbotener
Kampfmittel, zur Verfolgung von Völkerrechtsverbrechen in Syrien
und Nordirak sowie zur Umsetzung der Neuregelungen über das
Aggressionsverbrechen in Deutschland. Vollständig neu gestaltet
wurden die Abschnitte zu den Kriegs- und Menschlichkeitsverbrechen
der Sklaverei und Versklavung sowie der sexualisierten Gewalt und
zum Kriegsverbrechen des Angriffs auf besonders geschützte
Objekte, insbesondere auf Kulturgüter. Weitere Schwerpunkte der
Überarbeitung bilden die Abschnitte über Quellen und Auslegung
des Völkerstrafrechts, die innere Tatseite und die Formen
strafbarer Beteiligung sowie die Immunität.
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