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Life Configurations focuses on the analysis and reflection on the
various forms in which human beings imagine, design, conjecture,
and plan their ? becoming, that is to say their lives. Case studies
written by an interdisciplinary circle of well-known academics
explore how the capacity of designing life, the concept of free
will, and the methods to calculate the future have been changed and
adopted in different societies and in different ages."
Experiencing the dimension that lies beyond our empirical grasp of
the world has always been a challenge for human beings, for it can
expose the limitations of our agency. Such experience, while
potentially terrifying, can also furnish a basis for religious
faith or hope of a better future. The intercultural essays in this
volume analyze ways of dealing with the beyond, including magic,
religion, myth, and all-promising utopias.
The central question of the book is as follows: To what extent does
the community present a challenge in the life of the individual?
Well-known international Philosophers, historians, anthropologists,
political scientists, theologians and sociologists attempted to
find explications by intercultural comparison.
The body is at the same time a place where we express duration
and/or discontinuity in history, a witness of radical social
changes, and a factor of stabilization, but also of the
transformation of human life - and therefore an eminent challenge
for every human being. This book will contribute in a decisively
interdisciplinary and cross-cultural way to a better understanding
of the place, role, and connection of the body within social,
political, and cultural shifts.
"Charity" as a Christian and, in particular, also a monastic virtue
was a complex phenomenon in the Middle Ages. This book outlines the
field of charity in the monastic form of life. The collected essays
approach the subject from different angles, which present
themselves as especially significant. The focus is placed both upon
older communities oriented towards separation from the world, as
well as upon those open to the world and interested in interaction
with all people, so that insights can be gained into the mutual
fraternal charity within the convents and monasteries along with
charity towards all. Additionally, the book touches upon the wide
spectrum of the communication levels of charity. Not least,
attention is given to the pivotal point of charity - the systemic
embedding of charity between people in the love of man for God,
which leads to assimilation with Him. In doing so, the purpose was
to draw attention to the fertility of the subject and to outline
its importance for the history of the vita religiosa. (Series: Vita
regularis - Ordnungen und Deutungen religiosen Lebens im
Mittelalter. Abhandlungen - Vol. 45)
This book considers the development of female religious life
between Late Antiquity and the High Middle Ages. It is the first
general study to address this earlier period. Chapters range widely
over major themes associated with spiritual ideas and social
functions, normative structures and spatial organization, forms of
communal life, economic foundations, and social relationships.
Along with these, "evolutionary" aspects - including charismatic
beginnings and the activity of founders in relation to
institutionalization, but also the effects of crises, reformation,
and transformation - are examined in chronologically-broad and
geographically-diverse settings, based on the analysis of
significant phenomena and examples. The book provides a comparative
approach, which will allow a better understanding of the dynamics,
complexities, and differentiations in women's religious life, as
well as their cultural importance and - in relation to the male
religious - occasionally ambivalent status. (Series: Vita regularis
- Ordnungen und Deutungen religiosen Lebens im Mittelalter.
Abhandlungen - Vol. 47)
This book surveys the full panorama of ten centuries of Christian
monastic life. It moves from the deserts of Egypt and the Frankish
monasteries of early medieval Europe to the religious ruptures of
the eleventh and twelfth centuries and the reforms of the later
Middle Ages. Throughout that story the book balances a rich sense
of detail with a broader synthetic view. It presents the history of
religious life and its orders as a complex braid woven from
multiple strands: individual and community, spirit and institution,
rule and custom, church and world. The result is a synthesis that
places religious life at the center of European history and
presents its institutions as key catalysts of Europe's move toward
German Description: Das Papsttum und die vita religiosa, die Welt
der Kloster und Orden, sind die beiden einzigen institutionellen
Lebensformen des Mittelalters, die fur sich eine eigene universelle
Geltung beanspruchen konnten. Durch die Ausbildung komplexer
kommunikativer Strukturen und innovativer Organisationsformen
nahmen beide vor allem seit dem 12. und 13. Jahrhundert Anteil an
der Grundlegung eines "Kulturraums Europa." Vor diesem Hintergrund
stand der analytische Vergleich von Papsttum und vita religiosa als
aufeinander bezogene Kommunikationssysteme im Mittelpunkt zweier
Tagungen am Deutsch-Italienischen Zentrum fur Europaische Exzellenz
der Villa Vigoni, deren Ergebnisse nun in einer zweibandigen
Publikation vorliegen. Die Beitrage des zweiten Bandes widmen sich
der Rolle der romischen Kurie bei der uberregionalen Vermittlung
religioser Normen und kultureller Werte als universal gedachte
Ordnungsvorstellungen und fragen zugleich nach dem Anteil der
religiosen Orden an diesen Vermittlungsprozessen. English
Description: The papacy and the vita religiosa, the world of
cloisters and religious orders, were the two sole institutional
forms of life in the Middle Ages, which could claim for themselves
a universal validity. Through the formation of complex
communicative structures and innovative forms of organization both
accepted, from the twelfth century on, a part in the foundation of
a European cultural space. Against this background stands the
analytical comparison of papacy and vita religiosa as correlative
systems of communication at the center of two meetings at the
German-Italian Center for European Excellent at the Villa Vigoni
(Deutsch-Italienischen Zentrum fur Europaische Exzellenz), whose
conclusions are now available in a two volume publication. The
studies offered in the two volumes are concerned with the role of
the Roman curia in the trans-regional arbitration of religious
norms and cultural values as universal perceptions of order and, at
the same time, inquire about the part of religious orders in these
processes of arbitration."