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First issued in 1937 and then revised in 1957, Prosperity and
Depression focuses on the task of analyzing existing theories of
the business cycle and deriving a synthetic account of the nature
and possible causes of economic fluctuations. The application, as
far as possible, of quantitative tests to the various causal
hypotheses - influences the manner in which the problem of economic
cycles is approached in Haberler's book.The first part on "The
Systematic Analysis of the Theories of the Business Cycle" gathers
various hypotheses of explanation, to test their logical
consistency and their compatibility with one another and with
accepted economic principles. It gives a well rounded picture of
the possible explanations of economic fluctuations. The second
part, "Synthetic Exposition Relating to the Nature and Causes of
Business Cycles" argues that there are many points where no
definitive solution can be proposed, but have a number of
possibilities. The choice between these can then be made only on
the basis of empirical investigations.Haberler argues that
theoretical reasoning supported only by broad facts as one happens
to know without special statistical or historical investigations
can create intelligent questions, but it cannot definitely answer
them. By analyzing various theories and explanations of the
business cycle, this book clarifies a number of issues presupposed.
The difference between the theories analyzed is not as complicated
as is sometimes believed. In fact it is shown how theories which
seem prima facie to contradict one another can be reconciled. David
Felix's new introduction underlines the continuing importance of
this classic.
First issued in 1937 and then revised in 1957, "Prosperity and
Depression" focuses on the task of analyzing existing theories of
the business cycle and deriving a synthetic account of the nature
and possible causes of economic fluctuations. The application, as
far as possible, of quantitative tests to the various causal
hypotheses--influences the manner in which the problem of economic
cycles is approached in Haberler's book. The first part on "The
Systematic Analysis of the Theories of the Business Cycle" gathers
various hypotheses of explanation, to test their logical
consistency and their compatibility with one another and with
accepted economic principles. It gives a well rounded picture of
the possible explanations of economic fluctuations. The second
part, "Synthetic Exposition Relating to the Nature and Causes of
Business Cycles" argues that there are many points where no
definitive solution can be proposed, but have a number of
possibilities. The choice between these can then be made only on
the basis of empirical investigations. Haberler argues that
theoretical reasoning supported only by broad facts as one happens
to know without special statistical or historical investigations
can create intelligent questions, but it cannot definitely answer
them. By analyzing various theories and explanations of the
business cycle, this book clarifies a number of issues presupposed.
The difference between the theories analyzed is not as complicated
as is sometimes believed. In fact it is shown how theories which
seem "prima facie" to contradict one another can be reconciled.
David Felix's new introduction underlines the continuing importance
of this classic.
Kessinger Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of
rare and hard-to-find books with something of interest for
Dieses Werk stellt sioh die Aufgabe, ein moglichst geschlossenes
Bild der Haupt- probleme des internationalen Wirtschaftsverkehres
zu entwerfen. Besonderes Gewicht wurde dabei auf dietheoretische
Fundierung und Durcharbeitung, sowie auf densyste- matischen Aufbau
gelegt; denn gerade daran fehlt es in der deutschen Literatur,
wahrend deskriptive Arbeiten iiber zahlreiche Spezialfragen der
weltwirtschaft- lichen Zusammenbange und der Handelspolitik in
groBer Zahl vorhanden sind. Von der besonders in der
angelsachsischen Literatur vorherrschenden ttbung, mit den hochsten
Stufen der Abstraktion zu beginnen, die sogenannte "reine" Theorie
des internationalen Handels an die Spitze zu stellen und ihr die
Lehre yom Geld- mechanismus als Anhangsel folgen zu lassen, bin ich
abgegangen. Ich beginne sofort (Abschnitt B des ersten Teiles) mit
der Darstellung der monetaren Probleme, d. i. des Mechanismus, der
die Hohe der Wechselkurse bestimmt, die Zahlungsbilanz ausgleicht
und den Transfer einseitiger Wertleistungen bewirkt. Bei der in Ab-
schnitt C des ersten Teiles folgenden Erorterung der "reinen"
Theorie des inter- nationalen Handels habe ich mich bemiiht, aIle
wissenschaftlich haltbaren Lehr- gebaude in einer systematischen
Darstellung zusammenzufassen. Das war deshalb weitgehend moglich,
weil die verschiedenen Theorien auf diesem Gebiete einander nicht
ausschlieBen, sondern zu einem Teil verschiedene Aspekte der
weltwirt- schaftlichen Zusammenhange behandeln und zum anderen Teil
sich nur ver- schiedener Darstellungsmethoden bedienen oder sich
auf verschiedenen Abstrak- tionsstufen bewegen (Naheres siehe
Kapitel2 2 und KapitellO).
Dieses Werk stellt sich die Aufgabe, ein moglichst geschlossenes
Bild der Haupt probleme des internationalen Wirtschaftsverkehres zu
entwerfen. Besonderes Gewicht wurde dabei auf die theoretische
Fundierung und Durcharbeitung, sowie auf den syste matischen Aufbau
gelegt; denn gerade daran fehlt es in der deutschen Literatur,
wahrend deskriptive Arbeiten uber zahlreiche Spezialfragen der
weltwirtschaft lichen Zusammenhange und der Handelspolitik in
grosser Zahl vorhanden sind. Von der besonders in der
angelsachsischen Literatur vorherrschenden Ubung, mit den hochsten
Stufen der Abstraktion zu beginnen, die sogenannte "reine" Theorie
des internationalen Handels an die Spitze zu stellen und ihr die
Lehre vom Geld mechanismus als Anhangsel folgen zu lassen, bin ich
abgegangen. Ich beginne sofort (Abschnitt B des ersten Teiles) mit
der Darstellung der monetaren Probleme, d. i. des Mechanismus, der
die Hohe der Wechselkurse bestimmt, die Zahlungsbilanz ausgleicht
und den Transfer einseitiger Wertleistungen bewirkt. Bei der in Ab
schnitt C des ersten Teiles folgenden Erorterung der "reinen"
Theorie des inter nationalen Handels habe ich mich bemuht, alle
wissenschaftlich haltbaren Lehr gebaude in einer systematischen
Darstellung zusammenzufassen. Das war deshalb weitgehend moglich,
weil die verschiedenen Theorien auf diesem Gebiete einander nicht
ausscbliessen, sondern zu einem Teil verschiedene Aspekte der
weltwirt schaftlichen Zusammenhange behandeln und zum anderen Teil
sich nur ver schiedener Darstellungsmethoden bedienen oder sich auf
verschiedenen Abstrak tionsstufen bewegen (Naheres siehe Kapitel 2
2 und Kapitel 10)."
This is a new release of the original 1960 edition.
This is a new release of the original 1947 edition.
Kessinger Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of
rare and hard-to-find books with something of interest for
Kessinger Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of
rare and hard-to-find books with something of interest for
Kessinger Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of
rare and hard-to-find books with something of interest for
LARGE PRINT EDITION More at LargePrintLiberty.com
New edition with an introduction by Roger Garrison and an index.
Booms and busts are not endemic to the free market, argues the
Austrian theory of the business cycle, but come about through
manipulation of money and credit by central banks. In this
monograph, Austrian giants explain and defend the theory against
alternatives. Includes essays by Mises, Rothbard, Haberler, and
Hayek. In his later years, Professor Haberler distributed many of
these monographs to friends and associates.
Gottfried Haberler's work on the theories of classical
international trade and comparative cost, as well as his definitive
synthesis of business cycle theory, have made a major impact on
economic knowledge and understanding. He also participated actively
in the post-war analysis of the causes of and cures for inflation,
particularly in relation to questions of international monetary
reform.Featuring some of his most important and interesting essays
on international finance, international trade and the history of
economics written over a period of more than 60 years, these two
volumes eloquently advocate his liberal approach to the
international economic order. Volume I, Essays on International
Economics, features papers on currency convertibility, the
international monetary system and trade policy and controls. Volume
II, Money, Cycles and Related Themes, includes material on money
and business cycles and the history of economics, with papers on
Fisher, Schumpeter and Marxian economics. These volumes present in
an accessible form carefully edited selections of Professor
Haberler's articles and papers, as well as an up-to-date
bibliography. The set will be an essential companion for any
economist with an interest in international trade, inflation and
monetary theory.
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