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The internationalization of research and technology is one key component of the globalization of trade and business, with potentially major impacts on patterns of economic development and public policies worldwide. Particularly in the already highly globalized pharmaceutical industry, innovation processes have changed considerably in the last 15 - 20 years. One-dimensional, linear single-actor type processes are being replaced by multi-dimensional, complex, multi-actor schemes. As a consequence, new players are becoming more important, with biotechnology firms playing a key role. This study analyzes these new ways in drug development in pharmaceuticals within the concept of "national systems of innovations" as well as from the perspectives of different actors, and collects a lot of empirical evidence for the assumed type of changes, its repercussion on significant input measures and on the differing performance of national pharmaceutical industries.
The internationalization of research and technology is one key component of the globalization of trade and business, with potentially major impacts on patterns of economic development and public policies worldwide. Although certain aspects of this internationalization trend are well documented, and some effects can be quantified, the overall processes are extremely complex and the outcomes are highly uncertain. The existence of the phenomenon is generally accepted, but its importance and the trends are currently the topic of a lively debate. This study on "New Ways in Drug Development in Pharmaceuticals" is part of a three year project which aims at investigating how new concepts of industrial knowledge creation are implemented in the different environ ments of the innovation systems of the United States and Germany. The main focus of the overall project is a series of case studies of innovation practice in different national and sectoral contexts. The following sectors and technological fields are investigated: pharmaceuticals and new ways in drug development by the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), advanced materials by the University Hohenheim, Insti tute of International Management and Innovation (Alexander Gerybadze), financial services and home banking by the Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology (MIT), Center for Industrial Performance (Richard Lester) and the Sloan School of Management (Edward Roberts). Financially the project was supported by the German-American Academic Council, the German Federal Minstry of Education, Science Research and Technology and the Fraunhofer Society."
A more detailed understanding of the interaction between science and technology is necessary in order to develop appropriate tools for future R&D management and technology policy. The first part of this book describes the structure of the science/technology interface and analyses the role of science for the generation of new technologies and respective institutional problems. The second part examines the challenges to R&D management and appropriate management tools from the perspective of industrial enterprises. Part III documents the results of two field studies in the science-intensive areas of medical lasers and neural networks. The major aim of the book is to bring together the variety of different approaches from an academic and industrial perspective.
1. 1 Purpose of the Study When the Agreement for the Foundation of the European Economic Community (EC Treaty) was extended and changed by the Single European Act (SEA), ratified by all the Member States of the European Community (EC) in July 1987, research and techno logical development were placed for the first time on an equal footing with other politi cal competences of the EC. In the newly added Articles 130 f - q of the EC Treaty the aims and policy measures are clearly formulated, thus giving the EC a real competence to act. The main aim of European research and technological development policy (RID policy) is (according to Article 130f of the SEA) to strengthen the scientific and technical basis of European industry and the development of its international competitiveness, to support transnational cooperation between industry and science, and to integrate the area of research and technological development into the general concept for the realisation of the internal market of the European Community. The main instruments of European RID policy are the "Community Framework Pro grammes," running for several years, in which the aims, priorities and fmancial dimen sions are defmed for a period of four to five years."
Die "Globalisierung" ist in der wissenschaftlichen, politischen und offentlichen Debatte in aller Munde. Ausmass und Dynamik der Internationalisierung von Forschung und Entwicklung sind aber je nach den Ressourcen eines Landes und der Technologie, in der ein Unternehmen aktiv ist, unterschiedlich. In diesem Buch wird der Frage nachgegangen wie multinationale Unternehmen weltweit ihre technologischen Kompetenzen verteilen und welche verschiedenen Einflussfaktoren hier wirken. Fur die drei Schlusseltechnologien Pharmazeutik, Halbleiter und Telekommunikation wird dies im Detail untersucht. Das interdisziplinar zusammengesetzte Autorenteam nutzt eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Methoden wie Patentanalyse, Umfragen, sekundarstatistische Auswertungen und Interviews in multinationalen Unternehmen."
Global agierende Firmen wollen in den Schlusselzentren der Welt exzellentes Wissen erschliessen und verfugbar machen. Die Koordination dieser Innovationsprozesse stellt jedoch die Organisationsfahigkeit mancher Unternehmen auf eine harte Probe. Das Buch wendet sich an alle Interessierten in der Managementforschung und an Manager, die das Gestalten landerubergreifender Innovationsprozesse als Chance und nicht als "Alptraum" verstehen. Der Leser erfahrt, nach welchen Kriterien die Innovationsprozesse international tatiger Unternehmen situationsgerecht gesteuert werden konnen. Grundlage sind vier detaillierte Unternehmensfallstudien und viele Interviews bei 18 internationalen Konzernen aus Westeuropa und Japan. An Beispielen werden neue laterale Organisationsformen fur innovationsorientierte Unternehmen aufgezeigt."
Das Buch behandelt die Effekte der Forschungs- und Technologieforderung der Europaischen Gemeinschaften (EG) fur die deutsche Forschungslandschaft sowie die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen nationaler und europaischer Politik. Die Ergebnisse der Studie beruhen auf Analysen vorhandener Studien zum Thema, einer Datenbankanalyse, einer schriftlichen Befragung fast aller deutschen Teilnehmer am II. EG Rahmenprogramm und Experteninterviews. Das Buch kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Forschungsprogramme der EG den Austausch von Ideen, Technologie und Wissen innerhalb der Europaischen Gemeinschaft fordern und die wissenschaftliche bzw. technologische Basis auch in Deutschland starken. Die deutsche Forschungs- und Technologiepolitik hat ihre Bedeutung nicht verloren, die EG hat aber an Bedeutung gewonnen.
Ziel der strategischen Vorausschau ist es, fruhzeitig Chancen und
Risiken zu identifizieren und die Strategie des Unternehmens
entsprechend auszurichten.
Andre Zobolski entwickelt das Modell eines interorganisationalen Lernprozesses, der es Unternehmen ermoglicht, im Rahmen langfristiger Kooperationen ihre eigene Kompetenzbasis auszubauen. Seine Ergebnisse uberpruft er in einer Fallstudie aus der Automobilindustrie."
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