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Genetic Engineering of Horticultural Crops provides key insights
into commercialized crops, their improved productivity, disease and
pest resistance, and enhanced nutritional or medicinal benefits. It
includes insights into key technologies, such as marker traits
identification and genetic traits transfer for increased
productivity, examining the latest transgenic advances in a variety
of crops and providing foundational information that can be applied
to new areas of study. As modern biotechnology has helped to
increase crop productivity by introducing novel gene(s) with high
quality disease resistance and increased drought tolerance, this is
an ideal resource for researchers and industry professionals.
Omics in Horticulture Crops presents a comprehensive view of
germplasm diversity, genetic evolution, genomics, proteomics and
transcriptomics of fruit crops (temperate, tropical and subtropical
fruits, fruit nuts, berries), vegetables, tuberous crops,
ornamental and floricultural crops and medicinal aromatic plants.
Information covering phenomics, genetic diversity, phylogenetic
studies, genome sequencing, and genome barcoding through the
utilization of molecular markers plays an imperative role in the
characterization and effective utilization of diverse germplasm are
included in the book. This is a valuable reference for researchers
and academics seeking to improve cultivar productivity through
enhanced genetic diversity while also retaining optimal traits and
protecting the growing environment.
Crop growth and production is dependent on various climatic
factors. Both abiotic and biotic stresses have become an integral
part of plant growth and development. There are several factors
involved in plant stress mechanism. The information in the area of
plant growth and molecular mechanism against abiotic and biotic
stresses is scattered. The up-to-date information with cited
references is provided in this book in an organized way. More
emphasis has been given to elaborate the injury and tolerance
mechanisms and growth behavior in plants against abiotic and biotic
stresses. This book also deals with abiotic and biotic stress
tolerance in plants, molecular mechanism of stress resistance of
photosynthetic machinery, stress tolerance in plants: special
reference to salt stress - a biochemical and physiological
adaptation of some Indian halophytes, PSII fluorescence techniques
for measurement of drought and high temperature stress signal in
crop plants: protocols and applications, salicylic acid: role in
plant physiology & stress tolerance, salinity induced genes and
molecular basis of salt tolerance mechanism in mangroves,
reproductive stage abiotic stress tolerance in cereals, calorimetry
and Raman spectrometry to study response of plant to biotic and
abiotic stresses, molecular physiology of osmotic stress in plants
and mechanisms, functions and toxicity of heavy metals stress in
plants, submergence stress tolerance in plants and adoptive
mechanism, Brassinosteroid modulated stress responses under
temperature stress, stress tolerant in plants: a proteomics
approach, Marker-assisted breeding for stress resistance in crop
plants, DNA methylation associated epigenetic changes in stress
tolerance of plants and role of calcium-mediated CBL-CIPK network
in plant mineral nutrition & abiotic stress. Each chapter has
been laid out with introduction, up-to-date literature, possible
stress mechanism, and applications. Under abiotic stress, plant
produces a large quantity of free radicals, which have been
elaborated. We hope that this book will be of greater use for the
post-graduate students, researchers, physiologist and
biotechnologist to sustain the plant growth and development.