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"Social Ecology of Infectious Diseases" explores how human
activities enable microbes to disseminate and evolve, thereby
creating favorable conditions for the diverse manifestations of
communicable diseases. Today, infectious and parasitic diseases
cause about one-third of deaths and are the second leading cause of
morbidity and mortality. The speed that changes in human behavior
can produce epidemics is well illustrated by AIDS, but this is only
one of numerous microbial threats whose severity and spread are
determined by human behaviors. In this book, forty experts in the
fields of infectious diseases, the life sciences and public health
explore how demography, geography, migration, travel, environmental
change, natural disaster, sexual behavior, drug use, food
production and distribution, medical technology, training and
preparedness, as well as governance, human conflict and social
dislocation influence current and likely future epidemics.
* Provides essential understanding of current and future
* Presents a crossover perspective for disciplines in the medical
and social sciences and public policy, including public health,
infectious diseases, population science, epidemiology,
microbiology, food safety, defense preparedness and humanitarian
* Creates a new perspective on ecology based on the interaction of
microbes and human activities
The AIDS Pandemic explores the ways in which HIV/AIDS has, and
continues to transform the wide range of related disciplines it
touches. Novel perspectives are provided by a unique panel of
internationally recognised experts who cover the unprecedented
impact onf AIDS on culture, demographics and politics around the
world, including how it affected the worlds' economy, health
sciences, epidemiology and public health. This important far-
reaching analysis uses the lessons learned from a wide array of
disciplines to help us understand the current status and evolution
of the pandemic, as it continues to evolve.
* Unique and timely presentation of new theories and
* Concentrates on the changes that have taken place in a broad
array of related disciplines
* Provides key contextual information, for those new to the field
or at interface areas between disciplines
* Includes an international focus on evolving African and Asian
* Focuses on the current strategies for developing vaccines and
* Outlines harm reduction and prevention programs
* Explores issues related to delivery of life-saving AIDS
medications in resource-constrained environments
HIV/AIDS continues to be the pandemic of our times. It is estimated
that 36 to 45 million people including 2-3 million children already
are infected worldwide and an additional 4-7 million more are
infected each year.
There has not been a comprehensive medically based AIDS prevention
book published in the last five years. Since that time many new
program interventions have been tried and much has been learned
through evidence-based research. HIV Prevention will place special
focus on the array of interventions that have been proven effective
through rigorous study. If there is one theme that has been learned
to date it is that there is no one-size-fits-all prevention
approach that will work in all the geographic, demographic and
socio-cultural environments impacted by the worldwide AIDS
* Discusses all aspects of AIDS prevention, from epidemiology,
molecular immunology and virology to the principles of broad-based
public health prevention interventions.
* Special focus on the array of interventions that have been proven
effective through rigorous study
* Identifies new trends in HIV/AID epidemiology and their impact on
creating and implementing prevention interventions
* Incorporates virology, biology, infectious diseases, vaccinology,
microbicides and research methodologies into AIDS prevention
'A Responsible Europe?' seeks to understand the EU's global role
from a distinct normative perspective. This book identifies moral
principles that could serve as guidelines for a responsible role of
the EU in global affairs, and applies these principles to selected
policy areas and regional co-operation frameworks.
New introduction by Russell W. Fridley An extraordinary political
leader who forged Minnesota's successful Farmer-Labor coalition
during the 1920s and 1930s, Governor Olson was a powerful,
charismatic, and complex person. In this fascinating biography,
Mayer describes the man and his turbulent times.
A Responsible Europe? seeks to understand the EU's global role from
a distinct normative perspective. It identifies moral principles
that could serve as guidelines for a responsible role of the EU in
global affairs, and applies these principles to selected policy
areas and regional co-operation frameworks.
Twenty expert financial advisers contribute 15 chapters on the art
and science of effective wealth management. Coverage includes
general principles, major applications--creation of a new insurance
company, home security and qualified personal residence trusts,
hedge funds, swaps, single stock concentration risk management, the
family office--and sp
Chemistry ot Organic Compounds von CARL R. NOLLER, Professor der
Chemie an der Stanford University, erschien bei W. B. Saunders
Company in erster Auf lage 1951. N ach mehreren N eudrucken wurde
1957 eine zweite Auflage veranstaltet, die inzwischen auch schon
mehrmals nachgedruckt worden ist. Dieses Lehrbuch bietet in
systematischem Aufbau das wichtigste Tatsachen material der
organischen Chemie. Zugleich fiihrt es - und darauf kam es dem
Verfasser sehr wesentlich an - in leichtverstandlicher Weise in die
heutigen Vorstellungen iiber die Mechanismen organischer Reaktionen
und die Krafte, die die chemischen und physikalischen Eigenschaften
organischer Verbindungen bedingen, ein. Es bedeutet fiir den
Studierenden eine schatzbare Gedachtnis hilfe, wenn, wie es in
diesem Buche geschieht, die bedeutende Zahl von Tatsachen, die er
sich merken muB, iiberall im Zusammenhang mit der geltenden Theorie
dargeboten und durch sie erkHirt wird. Im Streben nach
Verstandlichkeit, ins besondere mit Riicksicht auf Vorbildung und
spezielle Bediirfnisse des Organikers, hat sich der Verfasser meist
auf eine qualitative Darlegung der Theorie be schrankt, selbst auf
die Gefahr hin, daB das Gesagte quantitativ nicht streng giiltig
ist. NOLLERS Lehrbuch erfreut sich in den angelsachsischen Landern
eines un gewahnlichen Erfolges. Es wird an einer wachsenden Zahl
von amerikanischen Universitaten offiziell der Ausbildung in
organischer Chemie zugrunde gelegt. Aber schon die Originalausgabe
hat auch in Europa viele Freunde gefunden; an einer
deutschsprachigen Universitat wird sie dem angehenden Organiker
sogar in erster Linie zum Studium empfohlen."
Der verstorbene Herausgeber dieser Reihe "Anleitungen fiir die
chemische Laboratoriumspraxis", EDUARD ZINTL, nannte im Vorwort zum
ersten Bande als ihre Aufgabe, kleinere Lehrgange zusammenzu-
tragen, die an Hand ausgewahlter Versuche die Bekanntschaft mit dem
handwerklichen Riistzeug, mit den wichtigsten Anwendungsgebieten
und mit der Leistungsfahigkeit der Methode vermitteln. Bei der
Niederschrift des Manuskripts zu dem vorliegenden "Lehr- gang"
haben wir uns ganz von diesen Richtlinien leiten lassen. Dem vor
Problemen der schonenden und wirksamen, dabei apparativ einfach
durchzufiihrenden Substanztrennung stehenden Chemiker und Bio-
chemiker sollte eine kurze Anleitung mit theoretischer Einfiihrung
und Fundamentierung der Gegenstromverteilung als einem der bisher
er- folgreichsten und am vielseitigsten anzuwendenden
Trennverfahren ge- gegeben werden, die ihn erleuchtet, seine
eigenen Schwierigkeiten ohne Umschweife anzupacken. Das
Theoretische wurde nur in knapper Form dargestellt, und es wurde
stets versucht, es dem Praktischen unterzuord- nen.
Schematisierungen und - besonders im mathematischen Teil-
"Spriinge" bei den Formelableitungen waren nicht ganz zu vermeiden.
Die letzten Kapitel behandeln die Kriterien der Trennbarkeit, von
Sub- stanzen und geben an Hand einer Reihe ausgesuchter,
detailliert wieder- gegebener Arbeitsvorschriften einen Begriff von
den vielseitigen An- wendungsmoglichkeiten dieses Trennverfahrens
und den bis jetzt er- zielten Trennerfolgen. Das
Literaturverzeichnis hilft demjenigen weiter, der sich iiber
spezielle Fragen naher unterrichten will. Anspruch auf V
ollstandigkeit wird in keinem FaIle erho ben.
In 1942, Ronald started his climb up the Cowboy Chain of Command as
a very young man on his grandfather's ranch in West Texas as a
"Gate Opener," because all the "big cowboys" had been sent off to
war. Since that time, Ronald has cowboyed his way on ranches all
throughout West Texas, New Mexico and Colorado, taking time out for
schooling and a term in the United States Marine Corp. during the
Korean War. Since 1963, Ronald has been active in selling and
appraising ranches throughout the southwest ranching community. At
this time, Ronald and his family, own and operate a 15,000 acre
ranch in Lincoln County, New Mexico. For more information on the
writer of "No Cry For Help" go to his web page www.ranchfinder.com.
No Cry For Help is this cowboy's first attempt at writing a short
story about owning a West Texas cattle ranch.