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This study examines what led the leaders of Austria-Hungary and
Germany to launch major military offensives at the beginning of the
First World War. The focus is on understanding why these two
countries adopted high-risk offensive strategies during an
international confrontation rather than a defensive military
stance. The decision to attack or defend did not occur in a
political vacuum. The leaders of Austria-Hungary and Germany
adopted offensive strategies as a way to achieve their political
ambitions. The offensives undertaken by Austria-Hungary and Germany
in 1914 thus reflected their political goals as well as the
strategic doctrines of war planners. The concluding chapter of this
study explores why deterrence failed in 1914.
The anecdotes in this book represent events that occurred during a
Naval career that spanned twenty-five years and five nuclear
submarines. Tales of Admiral Rickover and King Hussein (of Jordan)
are included. Some stories are hilarious; some are poignant. Some
are technical; most are not. All are true. Many will be familiar to
mariners anywhere; others are unique to the author. All are
The essential resource on military and political strategy and the making of the modern world.
The New Makers of Modern Strategy is the next generation of the definitive work on strategy and the key figures who have shaped the theory and practice of war and statecraft throughout the centuries. Featuring entirely new entries by a who’s who of world-class scholars, this new edition provides global, comparative perspectives on strategic thought from antiquity to today, surveying both classical and current themes of strategy while devoting greater attention to the Cold War and post-9/11 eras. The contributors evaluate the timeless requirements of effective strategy while tracing the revolutionary changes that challenge the makers of strategy in the contemporary world. Amid intensifying global disorder, the study of strategy and its history has never been more relevant. The New Makers of Modern Strategy draws vital lessons from history’s most influential strategists, from Thucydides and Sun Zi to Clausewitz, Napoleon, Churchill, Mao, Ben-Gurion, Andrew Marshall, Xi Jinping, and Qassem Soleimani.
With contributions by Dmitry Adamsky, John Bew, Tami Davis Biddle, Hal Brands, Antulio J. Echevarria II, Elizabeth Economy, Charles Edel, Eric S. Edelman, Andrew Ehrhardt, Lawrence Freedman, John Lewis Gaddis, Francis J. Gavin, Christopher J. Griffin, Ahmed S. Hashim, Eric Helleiner, Wayne Wei-siang Hsieh, Seth G. Jones, Robert Kagan, Jonathan Kirshner, Matthew Kroenig, James Lacey, Guy Laron, Michael V. Leggiere, Margaret MacMillan, Tanvi Madan, Thomas G. Mahnken, Carter Malkasian, Daniel Marston, John H. Maurer, Walter Russell Mead, Michael Cotey Morgan, Mark Moyar, Williamson Murray, S.C.M. Paine, Sergey Radchenko, Iskander Rehman, Thomas Rid, Joshua Rovner, Priya Satia, Kori Schake, Matt J. Schumann, Brendan Simms, Jason K. Stearns, Hew Strachan, Sue Mi Terry, and Toshi Yoshihara.
Before Michael I. Handel died his colleagues and students compiled
this collection of essays that were written for a conference on
strategy held during 2001. The papers address Churchill's views and
ideas on war, strategy and realpolitik.
Although some handbooks on the microscopic identi In Part I the
concept of heavy mineral analysis is fication of heavy mineral
grains are available, a introduced and the relative significance of
factors comprehensive manual illustrated in colour has not
affecting heavy mineral assemblages is discussed. There been
published until now. Because the appearance of are brief references
to the commonly used laboratory minerals in grain mounts differs
considerably from methods and auxiliary techniques. It concludes
with those seen in a thin section, a different approach is some
examples of the application of heavy mineral necessary for the
identification of detrital grains. studies. Coloured
photomicrographs, showing their colour Part II contains the
descriptions of 61 transparent shades, pleochroism and interference
tints, provide heavy mineral species, including those which are an
excellent means of assisting recognition. As a commonly authigenic
in sediments. Positive identi number of mineral grains have similar
optical proper fication of authigenic minerals is important to
avoid ties and morphology, it is equally important to confusion and
to help recognition of diagenetic describe them verbally in detail,
pointing out events. In the mineral descriptions considerable
characteristic features and differences. emphasis is placed upon
detrital morphology and This book is intended primarily as a manual
that diagnostic features. Optical properties and character
describes and illustrates the transparent heavy min istics are
detailed, together with information on host erals most commonly
found in sediments. It is hoped rocks.
This publication is based on a Symposium that has been held in
Clearwater, Florida on February 19-21, 1986, on antibodies, their
structure, synthesis, function, and clinical applicability in
disease. Organization of this symposium by the University of South
Florida College of Medicine was prompted by the unparalleled
current expansion of information on these topics in general, and in
the field of antibody diver sity, in particular. The issues that
surround the last named dimension of this field, began to surface
in the late 1950's with the first conclusive genetic studies having
been answered, and a new set of concepts has been de fined. As we
see it from the material presented in this volume, now new and
different questions are being raised and answered by studies in
progress, and it may be expected that there will be other questions
that will be with us for a considerably longer time. We believe
that the symposium brought together many prominent investi gators
with different backgrounds and training experiences such as
immunolo gists, microbiologists, biochemists, molecular biologists,
and clinical sci entists, thus providing an excellent example of
the interdisciplinary value of modern immunology and modern
biomedical science in general. We believe, therefore, that bringing
these complex topics to a wide audience of bio medical scientists
through this symposium as well as this volume is of value to the
scientific and to the medical community."
It is a pleasure and an honor to write a foreword for Jennifer
Lennon's book Hypermedia Systems and Applications: World Wide Web
and Beyond. I am fortunate to have been able to follow the
development of this book from an excellent Ph.D. thesis to what I
would consider one of the best and most comprehensive books in the
area. It has a good chance to become a must for teachers,
researchers, and practitioners. For the sake ofthis foreword let us
combine the phenomena hypermedia, the Internet, and the WWW by just
calling them the Web. Well, this Web surely has become one of the
"super hot topics", from both a scholarly and a commercial point
ofview! We have a saying that the Web is like a dog: one year's
development of the Web corresponds to seven human years. You will
be familiar with Murphy's law: "Anything that can go wrong will go
wrong", and with a plethora of derivatives or specializations
thereof like: "If you are in an otherwise empty locker room, the
only other person there is bound to have a locker just on top
ofyours"; or: "If traffic is moving slowly, you are always going to
be in the slowest moving lane", and so on. Well, I have coined a
version that applies to the Web: "Whenever you have understood an
important new development concerning the Web you can be sure that
it is obsolete".
This volume is designed to feature the pharmacology of new
psychoactive substances, legislative aspects, information exchange
including epidemiology, and clinical, forensic, and analytical
toxicology in order to facilitate the understanding of this complex
and rapidly developing phenomenon.
Der vorliegende Band umfaBt Gebiete der Biochemie, die in den
letzten Jahren besonders stark bearbeitet worden sind und im
Mittelpunkt des Interesses stehen. Getreu dem Charakter des Werkes
sind neb en chemischen, physikalischen und physi kalisch-chemischen
Feststellungen die physiologischen Eigenschaften eingehend be
riicksichtigt. Wahrend iiber das chemische, physikalische und
physikaIisch-chemische Verhalten der einzelnen Verbindungen sich im
allgemeinen bestimmte einheitliche Angaben machen lassen, liegt es
in der Natur der Sache, daB nicht so selten die Priifung der
Wirkung der einzelnen Stoffe auf Zellen und Organism en und ihres
Ver haltens im Stoffwechsel zu widersprechenden Feststellungen
gefiihrt hat. Es ist mit voller Absicht keine Kritik geiibt worden,
d. h. es ist das vorliegende Material, so weit es einen Anspruch
auf wissenschaftlichen Wert hat, so aufgenommen, wie es in der
Literatur niedergelegt ist. Es war auch nicht beabsichtigt, eine
zusammen hangende Darstellung der einzelnen Befunde zu geben,
vielmehr ist Feststellung an Feststellung gereiht unter
sorgfaltigen Hinweisen auf die zugehOrige Literatur. Das
Biochemische Handlexikon stellt seinem ganzen Charakter nach ein
Nachschlage werk dar. Es diirfte inbesondere in der heutigen Zeit
willkommen sein. Auf der einen Seite ist die Zahl der
wissenschaftlichen Institute in manchen Landern ge wachsen und
damit vieI ach auch die Zahl der Zeitschriften. Auf der anderen be
wirkt die Not der Zeit, daB es immer schwerer wird, der Literatur
zu folgen, konnen doch viele Zeitschriften nicht mehr iiberall
gehalten werden."
Before the two world wars, Churchill was deeply concerned by the
threats that faced Great Britain in the international arena. This
volume examines Churchill's views about the rise of German and
Japanese power, and how the growing armed strength of these two
countries undermined the security of Britain and its empire. In
addition, new technologies were transforming the international and
strategic environment, not always to Britain's advantage. The
growing importance of air power in modern warfare, for example,
posed the grave danger of direct attacks by bombers on the British
home isles. The authors also offer new appraisals of the foreign
policy and strategic prescriptions advocated by Churchill.
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