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Alcohol abuse, alcohol intolerance, alcohol dependence and other
alcohol-related disabilities are some of the most challenging
public health problems facing our modern-day society. The purpose
of this comprehensive monograph is to review the available
knowledge concerning the pharmacogenetic basis of alcohol
sensitivity and its physiolgical implications and to synthesize the
bulk of existing knowledge regarding metabolic features and
biomedical disturbances related to alcoholism. The chapters cover a
broad array of disciplines including an overview of historical and
epidemiological aspects, biochemistry and molecular genetics of
enzymes involved in alcohol metabolism, biochemical and
neuropsychopharmacological effects of alcohol. Major emphasis is
placed on the role of genetic factors in alcoholism. The
experimental details are summarized and a comprehensive
bibliography is included.
I am pleased to respond to the wish of the Editors, Drs A. Czeizel,
H. G. Benk mann and H. W. Goedde and write the Foreword to this
book "Genetics ofthe Hun garian population." This book represents
the result of a fruitful international scientif ic cooperation, an
endeavour that has been forged and sustained in the midst of a
number of difficulties. It bears ample testimony to the fact that
the pursuit of science transcends national boundaries and barriers
and to what can be achieved through international cooperation. It
has now become possible, among other things, to present a more
meaningful characterization of the different ethnic groups than had
been hitherto possible, thanks to the major advances in the study
of human biology through the application of a wide variety of
concepts and techniques. Several new disciplines, in particular,
ecogenetics, pharmacogenetics and molecular biology have come into
being and are flourishing. At the risk of stating the obvious, it
is perhaps worth mentioning that the trends and place of migration
and urbanization that we are witnessing today are such, that,
before long, differences between different human gene pools may be
substantially diminished, if not entirely obliterated. This book,
therefore, is timely: it provides valuable information on who the
Hungarians are, where they come from and where they are heading, in
short, their past, present and future, in addition to presenting a
broad perspective of some aspects of current research in biomedical
sciences in Hungary."
Die Pseudocholinesterase ist ein auBergewohnliches Enzym, das auf
sehr verschiedenartigen Gebieten eine besondere Rolle spielt. Die
Aktivitat des Enzyms im Serum wird zur Uberpriifung der
Leberfunktion gemessen. Ebenso kann man durch derartige
Bestimmungen auf den Grad von Ver giftungen durch
Anticholinesterasen schlieBen. Es war das erste Serum Fur Anaesthe
enzym, uber dessen genetische Kontrolle berichtet wurde. sisten und
Chirurgen hat dieses Enzym besondere Bedeutung, da es Suc
cinyldicholin abbaut und dadurch die Moglichkeit gegeben ist, ein
aus gezeichnetes Kurzzeit-Muske1relaxans anzuwenden. Auf dem Gebiet
der Psychiatrie dient es dazu, die Nebenwirkungen der
Elektroschock-Therapie auszuschalten. Die physiologische Funktion
steht immer noch zur Diskus sion. Es ist von groBem Interesse, daB
die Pseudocholinesterase - im Gehirn, im Darm und in den
Nervenendplatten der Muske1n - neben der "echten"
Acetylcholinesterase auf tritt, die fur Acetylcholin in hohem MaBe
spezifisch ist. Hohe Substratkonzentrationen hemmen dieses Enzym,
wo hingegen die Pseudocholinesterase noch bei unphysiologisch hohen
Kon zentrationen Acetylcholin umsetzt. Vielleicht ist die Funktion
der Pseudo cholinesterase darin zu sehen, daB sie die
lebensnotwendige Acetylcholin esterase bei einer unvorhergesehenen
Anhaufung von Acetylcholin schutzt. Moglich ist auch, daB sie einen
Schutzeffekt fUr die Acetylcholinesterase gegen kompetitive
Inhibitoren, wie Z. B. das Succinyldicholin, ausubt."
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