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This book describes model-based development of adaptive embedded
systems, which enable improved functionality using the same
resources. The techniques presented facilitate design from a higher
level of abstraction, focusing on the problem domain rather than on
the solution domain, thereby increasing development efficiency.
Models are used to capture system specifications and to implement
(manually or automatically) system functionality. The authors
demonstrate the real impact of adaptivity on engineering of
embedded systems by providing several industrial examples of the
models used in the development of adaptive embedded systems.
The past two decades have seen an increasing emphasis on large and
interdisciplinary research configurations such as research
networks, and centers of excellence including those in Social
Sciences and Humanities research. Little research has been
undertaken, however, to understand how these new large research
structures that are being called forth by research funders and
research/higher education institutions alike function socially, and
what the impact of operating within such structures is on those
working within, and those working with, them. Past writers have
discussed the "intra-agentic" operations of human researchers and
the material laboratory environment in its broadest sense. This
volume is concerned with the social politics of research
collaboration in relation to six key positions: leaders of large
research formations, leaders of sub-projects within large
collaborations, participant researchers, junior and early career
researchers, advisory board members, and those who look in from the
outside such as researchers who are un-funded. It explores the
mostly unacknowledged but critical aspect of social structures in
research, discussing issues such as struggles over leadership
styles, the marginalization of researchers working
cross-disciplinarily, power hierarchies and intellectual ownership,
and the silencing of dissent in research.
Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not
used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad
quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are
images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to
keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the
original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain
imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made
available for future generations to enjoy.
The past two decades have seen an increasing emphasis on large and
interdisciplinary research configurations such as research
networks, and centers of excellence including those in Social
Sciences and Humanities research. Little research has been
undertaken, however, to understand how these new large research
structures that are being called forth by research funders and
research/higher education institutions alike function socially, and
what the impact of operating within such structures is on those
working within, and those working with, them. Past writers have
discussed the "intra-agentic" operations of human researchers and
the material laboratory environment in its broadest sense. This
volume is concerned with the social politics of research
collaboration in relation to six key positions: leaders of large
research formations, leaders of sub-projects within large
collaborations, participant researchers, junior and early career
researchers, advisory board members, and those who look in from the
outside such as researchers who are un-funded. It explores the
mostly unacknowledged but critical aspect of social structures in
research, discussing issues such as struggles over leadership
styles, the marginalization of researchers working
cross-disciplinarily, power hierarchies and intellectual ownership,
and the silencing of dissent in research.
Can individual decisions concerning whether or where to attend
church, to contribute time or money to religious organizations, or
to forgo certain activities be explained as a special case of
economic theory? In Sacred Markets, Sacred Canopies, Ted G. Jelen
brings together the leading scholars in the sociology of religion
to debate market theories of religion. As the contributors examine
whether or not religious choices can be understood as responding to
the same laws of supply and demand as other forms of consumer
behavior, they bring out many of the issues, controversies, and
concerns surrounding this innovative theory. The result is a
concise source for the arguments, evidence, and criticism of the
market model of religious economies-a perfect starting point for
students and scholars approaching this set of problems.
The warehouses of the future will come in a variety of forms, but
with a few common ingredients. Firstly, human operational handling
of items in warehouses is increasingly being replaced by automated
item handling. Extended warehouse automation counteracts the
scarcity of human operators and supports the quality of picking
processes. Secondly, the development of models to simulate and
analyse warehouse designs and their components facilitates the
challenging task of developing warehouses that take into account
each customer's individual requirements and logistic processes.
Automation in Warehouse Development addresses both types of
automation from the innovative perspective of applied science. In
particular, it describes the outcomes of the Falcon project, a
joint endeavour by a consortium of industrial and academic
partners. The results include a model-based approach to automate
warehouse control design, analysis models for warehouse design,
concepts for robotic item handling and computer vision, and
autonomous transport in warehouses. Automation in Warehouse
Development is targeted at both academic researchers and industrial
practitioners. It provides state-of-the art research on warehouse
automation and model-based warehouse design. These topics have been
addressed from a systems engineering perspective by researchers
from different disciplines including software, control, and
mechanical engineering, with a clear focus on the industrial
applications of their research.
This book describes model-based development of adaptive embedded
systems, which enable improved functionality using the same
resources. The techniques presented facilitate design from a higher
level of abstraction, focusing on the problem domain rather than on
the solution domain, thereby increasing development efficiency.
Models are used to capture system specifications and to implement
(manually or automatically) system functionality. The authors
demonstrate the real impact of adaptivity on engineering of
embedded systems by providing several industrial examples of the
models used in the development of adaptive embedded systems.
The warehouses of the future will come in a variety of forms, but
with a few common ingredients. Firstly, human operational handling
of items in warehouses is increasingly being replaced by automated
item handling. Extended warehouse automation counteracts the
scarcity of human operators and supports the quality of picking
processes. Secondly, the development of models to simulate and
analyse warehouse designs and their components facilitates the
challenging task of developing warehouses that take into account
each customer's individual requirements and logistic processes.
Automation in Warehouse Development addresses both types of
automation from the innovative perspective of applied science. In
particular, it describes the outcomes of the Falcon project, a
joint endeavour by a consortium of industrial and academic
partners. The results include a model-based approach to automate
warehouse control design, analysis models for warehouse design,
concepts for robotic item handling and computer vision, and
autonomous transport in warehouses. Automation in Warehouse
Development is targeted at both academic researchers and industrial
practitioners. It provides state-of-the art research on warehouse
automation and model-based warehouse design. These topics have been
addressed from a systems engineering perspective by researchers
from different disciplines including software, control, and
mechanical engineering, with a clear focus on the industrial
applications of their research.
Das Gro8e Netz wurde lange vernachUissigt. Nur die Embryologen und
Anatomen interessierten sich dafiir. Es wurde miBachtet, und in den
meisten Biichern wurde sogar empfohlen, es generell bei Laparoto-
mien zu entfernen, urn postoperative Verwachsungen zu verhindern.
Heute weiB man, daB es zum Schutz und zur Verteidigung der Perito-
nealhohle dient. Es war von groBer Wichtigkeit, in einem einzigen
Buch alles zu sam- meln, was dieses peritoneale Gebilde betrifft
und ihm damit eine eigene IdentiHitverleiht. Sein Studiumruft
physiopathologische Problemeher- vor, die vie! komplexer sind als
vermutet wurde. Seine Pathologie ist vieWiltig, sei es, daB es sich
urn eine Einklemmung des Netzes in einen Leistenbruch oder urn
entziindliche und tumorbedingte Uisionen han- delt. Sein Anteil an
vielen bewahrten und erfolgreichen Wiederherstel- lungstechniken
wird immer groBer - bei der Visierlappenplastik, bei
Transplantationen, bei der Revaskularistion - die durch die Mikro-
chirurgie so sehr den Bereich der Wiederherstellungschirurgie
erweitert haben. Urn all diese verschiedenen Probleme zu erortern,
sind die beiden Autoren an jedes Kapitel kritisch und prazise
herangegangen, was der Leser selbst entdecken wird. Dieses
ausgewogene Buch ist keine reine Zusammenstellung. Es ist das
Ergebnis einer groBen Erfahrung, die die Autoren dazu gefiihrt hat,
samtliche Techniken, die das groBe Netz betreffen, mit einer per-
fekten Bildausstattung zu beschreiben.