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Whilst genetic transformation of plants is commonly viewed as a means of bringing about plant improvement, it has not so readily been recognised as a tool for analysing the function of plant genes. This book is unusual in that it focuses on the genetic transformation of a range of plants using a number of different methods. Many plants have been found to be quite difficult to transform, and so various techniques were developed. These techniques include: Agrobacterium suspension drops, electroporation, PEG, "whiskers", and various biolistic methods. A chapter on intellectual and property rights is included.
Modern Methods of Plant Analysis When the handbook Modern Methods of Plant Analysis, was first introduced in 1954, the considerations were: 1. the dependence of scientific progress in biology on the improvement of existing and the introduction of new methods; 2. the difficulty in finding many new analytical methods in specialized journals which are normally not accessible to experimental plant biologists; 3. the fact that in the methods sections of papers the description of methods is frequently so compact, or even sometimes so incomplete, that it is difficult to reproduce experiments. These considerations still stand today. The series was highly successful, seven volumes appearing between 1956 and 1964. Since there is still today a demand for the old series, the publisher has decided to resume publication of Modern Methods of Plant Analysis. It is hoped that the New Series will be just as acceptable to those working in plant sciences and related fields as the early volumes undoubtedly were. It is difficult to single out the major reasons for the success of any publication, but we believe that the methods published in the first series were up-to-date at the time and presented in a way that made description, as applied to plant material, complete in itself with little need to consult other publications. Contribution authors have attempted to follow these guidelines in this New Series of volumes. Editorial The earlier series of Modern Methods of Plant Analysis was initiated by Michel V.
The debate over genetic manipulation and its use in plant improvement and protection has led to an increased demand for developing methods for detecting and characterizing genetic manipulation in plants and plant products such as seeds and foods. This book is unique in presenting all relevant methods together in one volume: those for using and determining markers retained in genetically manipulated products as well as methods for eliminating marker genes and procedures for characterizing chromosomal aberrations in genetically manipulated plants.
Modern Methods of Plant Analysis When the handbook Modern Methods ofPlant Analysis, was first introduced in 1954, the considerations were: 1. the dependence of scientific progress in biologyon the improvement of existing and the introduction of new methods; 2. the difficulty in finding many new analytical methods in specialized journals which are normally not accessible to experimental plant biologists; 3. the fact that in the methods sections of papers the description of methods is frequently so compact, or even sometimes so incomplete, that it is difficult to reproduce experiments. These considerations still stand today. The series was highly successful, seven volumes appearing between 1956 and 1964. Since there is still today a demand for the old series, the publisher has decided to resume publication of Modern Methods ofPlant Analysis.It is hoped that the NewSeries willbejust as acceptable to those working in plant sciences and related fields as the early volumes undoubtedlywere.It is difficult to single out the major reasons for the success of any publication, but we believe that the methods published in the first series were up-to-date at the time and presented in a waythat made description, as applied to plant material, complete in itselfwith little need to consult other publications. Contribution authors have attempted to follow these guidelines in this New Series of volumes. Editorial The earlier series of Modern Methods ofPlant Analysis was initiated by Michel V.
Chemical defence by means of toxins poisonous to other organisms, be they animals or plants, is widespread amongst the plant kingdom - including microorganisms as well. This book embraces the analysis of a wide range of plant toxins and this fills a gap in the plant pathology and ecological biochemistry fields. The topics covered include toxic extracellular enzymes, host selective toxins, elicitors, phototoxins, aflatoxins, mycotoxins, and ecotoxic substance tests by pollen germination and growth. The analytical procedures, which are used to evaluate the toxins, are covered in such a way that the reader is able to carry them out mostly solely by following the detailed descriptions.
The analysis of vegetables and vegetable products is now an important part of everyday life. From the dietary point of view we need to know both the positive and negative aspects of the vegetables we consume - whether they have a high fibre content, for example, or what pesticide residues are present. And from the producers' standpoint, we need to know the methods that are being used to develop new and better vegetables. Thus, genetic analysis becomes important. In this book, a chapter on genetic mapping of pea is included, together with approaches to squash and pumpkin breeding with high carotene content. Also, there are chapters covering the analysis of leaf protein and the oxalic acid content of vegetables, and the analysis of vegetables consumed in tropical Africa. All in all, it is a useful book to have on the shelf for those interested in horticulture, human nutrition or chemical analysis.
Modern Methods of Plant Analysis When the handbook Modern Methods of Plant Analysis, was first introduced in 1954, the considerations were: 1. the dependence of scientific progress in biology on the improvement of existing and the introduction of new methods; - 2. the difficulty in finding many new analytical methods in specialized journals which are normally not accessible to experimental plant biologists; 3. the fact that in the methods sections of papers the description of methods is frequently so compact, or even sometimes to incomplete, that it is difficult to reproduce experiments. These considerations still stand today. The series was highly successful, seven volumes appearing between 1956 and 1964. Since there is still today a demand for the old series, the publisher has decided to resume publication of Modern Methods of Plant Analysis. It is hoped that the New Series will be just as acceptable to those working in plant sciences and related fields as the early volumes undoubtedly were. It is difficult to single out the major reasons for the success of any publication, but we believe that the methods published in the first series were up-to-date at the time and presented in a way that made description, as applied to plant material, complete in itself with little need to consult other publications. Contribution authors have attempted to follow these guidelines in this New Series of volumes. Editorial The earlier series of Modern Methods of Plant Analysis was initiated by Michel v.
Given the growing importance of essential oils and waxes, this volume deals with the analysis of a broad spectrum of these compounds from many plant origins. Commercial oils such as olive oil are analysed as are trees such as eucalyptus, mentha, cedar and juniper. In addition, analysis of spices, seasoning, seaweeds, perfumes, liquors and atmospheric monoterpene hydrocarbons are to be found in this book. The volatiles of flower and pollen may be of importance in attraction of bees and other insects to certain plants for pollination purposes; this topic is also discussed. Waxes, both in the soil and as leaf components are analysed and presented in such a way making this book valuable to scientists with varying interests worldwide.
Modern Methods of Plant Analysis When the handbook Modern Methods of Plant Analysis, was first introduced in 1954, the considerations were: 1. the dependence of scientific progress in biology on the improvement of existing and the introduction of new methods; 2. the difficulty in finding many new analytical methods in specialized journals which are normally not accessible to experimental plant biologists; 3. the fact that in the methods sections of papers the description of methods is frequently so compact, or even sometimes to incomplete, that it is difficult to reproduce experiments. These considerations still stand today. The series was highly successful, seven volumes appearing between 1956 and 1964. Since there is still today a demand for the old series, the publisher has decided to resume publication of Modern Methods of Plant Analysis. It is hoped that the New Series will be just as acceptable to those working in plant sciences and related fields as the early volumes undoubtedly were. It is difficult to single out the major reasons for the success of any publication, but we believe that the methods published in the first series were up-to-date at the time and presented in a way that made description, as applied to plant material, complete in itself with little need to consult other publications. Contribution authors have attempted to follow these guidelines in this New Series of volumes. Editorial The earlier series of Modern Methods of Plant Analysis was initiated by Michel V.
Chemical defence by means of toxins poisonous to other organisms, be they animals or plants, is widespread amongst the plant kingdom - including microorganisms as well. This book embraces the analysis of a wide range of plant toxins and this fills a gap in the plant pathology and ecological biochemistry fields. The topics covered include toxic extracellular enzymes, host selective toxins, elicitors, phototoxins, aflatoxins, mycotoxins, and ecotoxic substance tests by pollen germination and growth. The analytical procedures, which are used to evaluate the toxins, are covered in such a way that the reader is able to carry them out mostly solely by following the detailed descriptions.
Modern Methods of Plant Analysis When the handbook Modern Methods ofPlant Analysis, was first introduced in 1954, the considerations were: 1. the dependence of scientific progress in biologyon the improvement of existing and the introduction of new methods; 2. the difficulty in finding many new analytical methods in specialized journals which are normally not accessible to experimental plant biologists; 3. the fact that in the methods sections of papers the description of methods is frequently so compact, or even sometimes so incomplete, that it is difficult to reproduce experiments. These considerations still stand today. The series was highly successful, seven volumes appearing between 1956 and 1964. Since there is still today a demand for the old series, the publisher has decided to resume publication of Modern Methods ofPlant Analysis.It is hoped that the NewSeries willbejust as acceptable to those working in plant sciences and related fields as the early volumes undoubtedlywere.It is difficult to single out the major reasons for the success of any publication, but we believe that the methods published in the first series were up-to-date at the time and presented in a waythat made description, as applied to plant material, complete in itselfwith little need to consult other publications. Contribution authors have attempted to follow these guidelines in this New Series of volumes. Editorial The earlier series of Modern Methods ofPlant Analysis was initiated by Michel V.
Molecular Methods of Plant Analysis Concept of the Series The powerful recombinant DNA technology and related developments have had an enormous impact on molecular biology. Any treatment of plant analy sis must make use of these new methods. Developments have been so fast and the methods so powerful that the editors of Modern Methods of Plant Analy sis have now decided to rename the series Molecular Methods of Plant Analy sis. This will not change the general aims of the series, but best describes the thrust and content of the series as we go forward into the new millennium. This does not me an that all chapters apriori deal only with the methods of molecular biology, but rather that these methods are to be found in many chapters together with the more traditional methods of analysis which have seen re cent advances. The numbering of the volumes of the series therefore continues on from 20, which is the most recently published volume under the title Modern Methods of Plant Analysis."
Modern Methods of Plant Analysis When the handbook Modern Methods of Plant Analysis, was first introduced in 1954, the considerations were: 1. the dependence of scientific progress in biology on the improvement of existing and the introduction of new methods; 2. the difficulty in finding many new analytical methods in specialized journals which are normally not accessible to experimental plant biologists; 3. the fact that in the methods sections of papers the description of methods is frequently so compact, or even sometimes so incomplete, that it is difficult to reproduce experiments. These considerations still stand today. The series was highly successful, seven volumes appearing between 1956 and 1964. Since there is still today a demand for the old series, the publisher has decided to resume publication of Modern Methods of Plant Analysis. It is hoped that the New Series will be just as acceptable to those working in plant sciences and related fields as the early volumes undoubtedly were. It is difficult to single out the major reasons for the success of any publication, but we believe that the methods published in the first series were up-to-date at the time and presented in a way that made description, as applied to plant material, complete in itself with little need to consult other publications. Contribution authors have attempted to follow these guidelines in this New Series of volumes. Editorial The earlier series of Modern Methods of Plant Analysis was initiated by Michel V.
Die papierchromatographische Technik gewinnt steigend an Bedeutung fiir die Untersuchung pflanzlicher Stoffe und Stoff- wechselprozesse. Sie vermittelt mit geringem apparativem Aufwand Zugang zu biologischen Problemen. Diese Anleitung ist fiir die Hand des Studierenden gedacht. Nach Durcharbeiten der 12 "Obungen in der dargestellten Reihen- folge solI der Experimentator in der Lage sein, die Methodik der Papierchromatographie auf Grund der gewonnenen Erfahrungen und mit Hilfe der speziellen Literatur sinnvoll zur Losung eines Problems einzusetzen. Es ist die Absicht, die Moglichkeiten und Grenzen der Papierchromatographie sichtbar zu machen. Die Anlage der Handleitung solI auch bei beschrankter Zeit und mit einfachen Mitteln ein sicheres Arbeiten ermoglichen: AlIe Ver- suche sind der Unterrichtspraxis entnommen; die Protokoll- Fiihrung wird durch Vordrucke erleichtert; eine abschlieBende Frage solI dem Unterrichtenden eine Kontrolle der aktiven Mitar- beit bzw. beirn Alleinstudium eine Selbstkontrolle ermoglichen. Es kann nicht die Aufgabe dieses Praktikums sein, die theoreti- schen Zusammenhange aufzudecken und die Vielfalt der Anwen- dungsmoglichkeiten auszuschopfen. Dazu sei auf die besonderen Monographien verwiesen. Das "Praktikum" baut auf die zusammen- fassende Darstellung "Papierchromatographie in der Botanik" (2. Auflage, 1959, Springer-Verlag: Berlin -Gottingen -Heidelberg) auf. Hier konnen die ausfiihrlichen Literaturnachweise gefunden werden. H. F. LINSKENS L. STANGE Nijmegen und Koln, im Sommer 1960 Inhaltsverzeichnis Erste tnmng Seite Der TrennprozeB 1 A. Beobachtung des Trennvorganges .. 1 Aufgaben ........... . 3 B. EinfluB der Papierqualitiit auf den Treunvorgang 3 Aufgaben ............... .
Viele bedeutende Errungenschaften der modernen Biologie sind erst nach Erfindung und Anwendung von leistungsfahigen Methoden moeglich geworden. Man kann zwar nicht sagen, dass wir in einem Zeitalter der Methoden leben, aber jeder Schritt zur Loesung eines wichtigen biologischen Problems musste und muss durch die Entwicklung einer geeigneten Methode vorbereitet werden. Es gibt nicht viele klassische Verfahren, die sich in der physiologisch-chemischen Forschung erhalten haben. Physik und Chemie entdecken immer wieder spezi- fische, genauere und bequemere analytische Moeglichkeiten, die von Biochemikern ubernommen und fur die Anwendung auf Pflanzenmaterial abgewandelt werden. Wenn solche neuen Methoden in rein analytischen Zeitschriften veroeffentlicht werden, so sind sie zwischen analytischen Verfahren fur alle moeglichen Gebiete der Chemie, vom Petroleum bis zu Schwermetallegierungen, verborgen. Erschei- nen sie aber als methodischer Teil in den Arbeiten uber spezielle biochemische Probleme, so gibt oft weder der Titel der Arbeit noch die Zusammenfassung einen Hinweis auf die wertvolle Methode und ihre Anwendungsmoeglichkeiten. Neue leistungsfahige Methoden erreichen deshalb oft nicht unmittelbar alle die Forscher, die bei ihren Arbeiten groessten Nutzen daraus ziehen koennten. Das waren die entscheidenden UEberlegungen, die zur Planung dieses Handbuchs fuhrten. Nach unseren Erfahrungen besteht ein Bedurfnis fur eine moderne Sammlung zuverlassiger Methoden der Pflanzenanalyse vor allem auch in weiten Kreisen der angewandten Botanik, von landwirtschaftlichen und Gartenbau-Insti- tuten bis zu pharmazeutischen und technischen Untersuchungsanstalten, die mit pflanzlichem Material zu tun haben.
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