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In recent years, supply chain planning has emerged as one of the most challenging problems in the industry. As a consequence, the planning focus is shifting from the management of plant-speci?c operations to a holistic view of the various logistics and productionstages, that is an approach in which suppliers, productionplants and customers are considered as constituents of an integrated network. A major dr- ing force behind this development lies in the globalization of the world economy, which has facilitated the co-operation between different partners working together in world-wide logistics networks. Hence, considerable cost savings can be gained from optimizing the structure and the operations of complex supply networks li- ing plants, suppliers, distribution centres and customers. Consequently, to improve the performance of the entire logistic chain, more sophisticated planning systems and more effective decision support are needed. Clearly, successful applications of supply chain management have driven the development of advanced planning systems (APS), which are concerned with s- porting decision-making activities at the strategic, tactical and operational decision level. These software packages basically rely on the application of quantitative methods, which are used to model the underlying complex decision problems c- sidering the limited availability of resources and the need to react on time to customer orders. The core module at the mid-term level of APS comprises op- ational supply chain planning. In many industries, productionstages are assigned to differentplantsand distribution centreshave been established at geographicallyd- persed locations.
This book presents new insights and successful solutions to the operational problems of automated container terminals and cargo systems. It comprises reports on the state of the art, applications of quantitative methods, as well as case studies and simulation results. Its contributions are written by leading experts from academia and business and address practitioners and researchers in logistics, transportation, and management.
Container transportation is the predominant mode of inter-continental cargo traffic. Since container ships and port terminals involve a huge capital investment and significant daily operating costs, it is of crucial importance to efficiently utilize the internal resources of container terminals and transportation systems. Today there is an ongoing trend to use automated container handling and transportation technology, in particular, in countries with high labour costs. This in turn requires highly sophisticated control strategies in order to meet the desired performance measures. The primary objective of this book is to reflect these recent developments and to present new insights and successful solutions to operational problems of automated container terminals and transportation systems. It comprises reports on the state of the art, applications of quantitative methods, as well as case studies and simulation results. Its contributions are written by leading experts from academia and business. The book addresses practitioners as well as academic researchers in logistics, transportation, and management.
The past decade has shown an increasing level of interest, research and application of quantitative models and computer based tools in the process industry. These models and tools constitute the basis of so-called Advanced Planning Systems which have gained considerable attention in practice. In particular, OR methodology has been applied to analyze and support the design of supply networks, the planning and scheduling of operations, and control issues arising in the production of food and beverages, chemicals, pharmaceutical, for instance. This book provides both new insights and successful solutions to problems of production planning and scheduling, logistics and supply chain management. It comprises reports on the state of the art, applications of quantitative methods, as well as case studies and success stories from industry. Its contributions are written by leading experts from academia and business. The book addresses practitioners working in industry as well as academic researchers in production, logistics, and supply chain management.
The past decade has shown an increasing level of interest, research and application of quantitative models and computer based tools in the process industry. These models and tools constitute the basis of so-called Advanced Planning Systems which have gained considerable attention in practice. In particular, OR methodology has been applied to analyze and support the design of supply networks, the planning and scheduling of operations, and control issues arising in the production of food and beverages, chemicals, pharmaceutical, for instance. This book provides both new insights and successful solutions to problems of production planning and scheduling, logistics and supply chain management. It comprises reports on the state of the art, applications of quantitative methods, as well as case studies and success stories from industry. Its contributions are written by leading experts from academia and business. The book addresses practitioners working in industry as well as academic researchers in production, logistics, and supply chain management.
In recent years, supply chain planning has emerged as one of the most challenging problems in the industry. As a consequence, the planning focus is shifting from the management of plant-speci?c operations to a holistic view of the various logistics and productionstages, that is an approach in which suppliers, productionplants and customers are considered as constituents of an integrated network. A major dr- ing force behind this development lies in the globalization of the world economy, which has facilitated the co-operation between different partners working together in world-wide logistics networks. Hence, considerable cost savings can be gained from optimizing the structure and the operations of complex supply networks li- ing plants, suppliers, distribution centres and customers. Consequently, to improve the performance of the entire logistic chain, more sophisticated planning systems and more effective decision support are needed. Clearly, successful applications of supply chain management have driven the development of advanced planning systems (APS), which are concerned with s- porting decision-making activities at the strategic, tactical and operational decision level. These software packages basically rely on the application of quantitative methods, which are used to model the underlying complex decision problems c- sidering the limited availability of resources and the need to react on time to customer orders. The core module at the mid-term level of APS comprises op- ational supply chain planning. In many industries, productionstages are assigned to differentplantsand distribution centreshave been established at geographicallyd- persed locations.
This book presents new insights and successful solutions to the operational problems of automated container terminals and cargo systems. It comprises reports on the state of the art, applications of quantitative methods, as well as case studies and simulation results. Its contributions are written by leading experts from academia and business and address practitioners and researchers in logistics, transportation, and management.
Container transportation is the predominant mode of inter-continental cargo traffic. Since container ships and port terminals involve a huge capital investment and significant daily operating costs, it is of crucial importance to efficiently utilize the internal resources of container terminals and transportation systems. Today there is an ongoing trend to use automated container handling and transportation technology, in particular, in countries with high labour costs. This in turn requires highly sophisticated control strategies in order to meet the desired performance measures. The primary objective of this book is to reflect these recent developments and to present new insights and successful solutions to operational problems of automated container terminals and transportation systems. It comprises reports on the state of the art, applications of quantitative methods, as well as case studies and simulation results. Its contributions are written by leading experts from academia and business. The book addresses practitioners as well as academic researchers in logistics, transportation, and management.
Ihsan Onur Yilmaz develops a novel group setup strategy which
integrates multiple problems of the PCB assembly, especially in a
medium-variety production environment.
Ulf Neuhaus entwickelt ein reaktives Planungssystem, das den bestehenden Ablaufplan verandern kann, indem gezielte Anpassungen an die sich andernden Ausgangsbedingungen vorgenommen werden."
Die enorme Beschleunigung des Warenaustausches, die weltweite Globalisierung und Vernetzung erzeugen unternehmensubergreifende Wertschopfungsnetzwerke. Zunehmend unterstutzen so genannte Advanced Planning Systems (APS) Entscheidungen im Liefernetz- und Logistikmanagement. Das Buch prasentiert Beispiele zur Nutzung quantitativer Methoden in Supply Chain Management und Logistik aus den Bereichen Operations Research und Wirtschaftsinformatik."
Innerhalb moderner Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme fA1/4r Supply Chain Management und Logistik stehen heute erstmals groAe Mengen an digitalen, strukturierten Daten zur VerfA1/4gung. Diese bilden eine hervorragende Basis fA1/4r den Einsatz quantitativer Methoden bei der EntscheidungsunterstA1/4tzung. Durch State-of-the-Art-Technologien des Operations Research kAnnen heute sehr groAe Praxismodelle optimal gelAst und die Ergebnisse nahtlos in die Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme eines Unternehmens oder einer Lieferkette eingebunden werden. DarA1/4ber hinaus ist der Einsatz von Optimierungsverfahren heute nicht nur in der Planungsphase, sondern auch in der AusfA1/4hrung mAglich. Das Buch prAsentiert Beispiele zur Nutzung quantitativer Methoden in Supply Chain Management und Logistik aus den Bereichen des Operations Research und der Wirtschaftsinformatik.
Grundfragen der industriellen Produktion 1m Mittelpunkt der Produktionswirtschaft steht die industrielle Produktion von Sachgiitem. Erkenntnisgegenstand der Produktionswirtschaft sind die Entschei dungen, die im Zusammenhang mit der Vorbereitung, DurchfUhrung und Kon trolle der Produktion gefiillt werden miissen. In vieler Hinsicht stellt die Produkti onswirtschaft ein integratives Gebiet dar, in das Erkenntnisse der Betriebswirt schaftslehre, der Ingenieurwissenschaften und der Wirtschaftsinfonnatik einflie j3en. Produktionswirtschaftliche Betrachtungen schliej3en sowohl lang-, mittel und kurzfristige Gesichtspunkte als auch ad hoc zu treffende Maj3nahmen ein. Die hierbei zu bewiiltigenden Managementaufgaben lassen sich in eine strategi sche, taktische, operative und dispositive Ebene einteilen. Produktionsmanage ment ist die wissenschaftliche Disziplin, die produktionswirtschaftliche Zusam menhiinge untersucht, Hilfen zur Entscheidungsfindung fUr die industrielle Pro dliktion bereitstellt und integrative Produktionsplanungs-und -steuerungskonzepte entwickelt. Verstandnis-und Diskussionsfragen 1. Ergriinden Sie mit Hilfe eines Worterbuches die allgemeine Bedeutung und sprachliche Herkunft der Worte "Produktion" und "Industrie." 2. Erklaren Sie, warum Ereignisse wie der Bau des Eisenbahnnetzes, die Erfm dung des Automobils, die Erfindung des Telefons oder die Entdeckung neuer Energiequellen, Meilensteine fur die industrielle Entwicklung bedeuteten. 3. Welche Merkmale zeichnen einen "modemen" Industriebetrieb aus? Worin sehen Sie besonders aktuelle Entwicklungen der industriellen Produktion? 4. Nennen Sie Aufgabenbereiche der industriellen Produktionswirtschaft, die Ihrer Ansicht nach einen besonders intensiven EDV-Einsatz aufweisen."
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