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This corrected and updated second edition of "Scattering Theory"
presents a concise and modern coverage of the subject. In the
present treatment, special attention is given to the role played by
the long-range behaviour of the projectile-target interaction, and
a theory is developed, which is well suited to describe
near-threshold bound and continuum states in realistic binary
systems such as diatomic molecules or molecular ions. It is
motivated by the fact that experimental advances have shifted and
broadened the scope of applications where concepts from scattering
theory are used, e.g. to the field of ultracold atoms and
molecules, which has been experiencing enormous growth in recent
years, largely triggered by the successful realization of
Bose-Einstein condensates of dilute atomic gases in 1995. The book
contains sections on special topics such as near-threshold
quantization, quantum reflection, Feshbach resonances and the
quantum description of scattering in two dimensions. The level of
abstraction is kept as low as at all possible and deeper questions
related to the mathematical foundations of scattering theory are
passed by. It should be understandable for anyone with a basic
knowledge of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. The book is
intended for advanced students and researchers, and it is hoped
that it will be useful for theorists and experimentalists alike.
This expanded and updated well-established textbook contains an
advanced presentationof quantum mechanics adapted to the
requirements of modern atomic physics. Itincludes topics of current
interest such as semiclassical theory, chaos, atom optics
andBose-Einstein condensation in atomic gases. In order to
facilitate the consolidationof the material covered, various
problems are included, together with completesolutions. The
emphasis on theory enables the reader to appreciate the
fundamentalassumptions underlying standard theoretical constructs
and to embark on independentresearch projects. The fourth edition
of Theoretical Atomic Physics contains anupdated treatment of the
sections involving scattering theory and near-thresholdphenomena
manifest in the behaviour of cold atoms (and molecules). Special
attentionis given to the quantization of weakly bound states just
below the continuum thresholdand to low-energy scattering and
quantum reflection just above. Particular emphasisis laid on the
fundamental differences between long-ranged Coulombic potentialsand
shorter-ranged potentials falling off faster than 1/r2 at large
distances r. The newsections on tunable near-threshold Feshbach
resonances and on scattering in two spatialdimensions also address
problems relevant for current and future research in the fieldof
cold (and ultra-cold) atoms. Graduate students and researchers will
find this book avaluable resource and comprehensive reference
This expanded and updated well-established textbook contains an
advanced presentationof quantum mechanics adapted to the
requirements of modern atomic physics. Itincludes topics of current
interest such as semiclassical theory, chaos, atom optics
andBose-Einstein condensation in atomic gases. In order to
facilitate the consolidationof the material covered, various
problems are included, together with completesolutions. The
emphasis on theory enables the reader to appreciate the
fundamentalassumptions underlying standard theoretical constructs
and to embark on independentresearch projects. The fourth edition
of Theoretical Atomic Physics contains anupdated treatment of the
sections involving scattering theory and near-thresholdphenomena
manifest in the behaviour of cold atoms (and molecules). Special
attentionis given to the quantization of weakly bound states just
below the continuum thresholdand to low-energy scattering and
quantum reflection just above. Particular emphasisis laid on the
fundamental differences between long-ranged Coulombic potentialsand
shorter-ranged potentials falling off faster than 1/r2 at large
distances r. The newsections on tunable near-threshold Feshbach
resonances and on scattering in two spatialdimensions also address
problems relevant for current and future research in the fieldof
cold (and ultra-cold) atoms. Graduate students and researchers will
find this book avaluable resource and comprehensive reference
This corrected and updated second edition of "Scattering Theory"
presents a concise and modern coverage of the subject. In the
present treatment, special attention is given to the role played by
the long-range behaviour of the projectile-target interaction, and
a theory is developed, which is well suited to describe
near-threshold bound and continuum states in realistic binary
systems such as diatomic molecules or molecular ions. It is
motivated by the fact that experimental advances have shifted and
broadened the scope of applications where concepts from scattering
theory are used, e.g. to the field of ultracold atoms and
molecules, which has been experiencing enormous growth in recent
years, largely triggered by the successful realization of
Bose-Einstein condensates of dilute atomic gases in 1995. The book
contains sections on special topics such as near-threshold
quantization, quantum reflection, Feshbach resonances and the
quantum description of scattering in two dimensions. The level of
abstraction is kept as low as at all possible and deeper questions
related to the mathematical foundations of scattering theory are
passed by. It should be understandable for anyone with a basic
knowledge of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. The book is
intended for advanced students and researchers, and it is hoped
that it will be useful for theorists and experimentalists alike.
In this book, a number of the world's leading researchers in
quantum, classical and atomic physics cooperate to present an
up-to-date account of the recent progress in the field. The first
part highlights the latest advances in semiclassical theory, whilst
the second one is devoted to applications to atomic systems. The
authors present the material in pedagogical form to make it easy
reading for non-specialists, too. Among the topics treated, the
reader will find a new quasiclassical quantization scheme for
Hamiltonian dynamics, an application of the semiclassical formalism
to photodissociation of small molecules and to the Lorentz gas and
discussions of tunneling corrections. Furthermore, one finds papers
on chaotic ionization, on the behaviour of hydrogen atoms in
external fields, e.g. magnetic or microwave fields.
Nach einem kurzen Repititorium der Quantenmechanik und einer
knappen, exemplarischen Darstellung konventioneller Atomtheorie
erlautert H. Friedrich die Struktur atomarer Spektren mit Hilfe der
Quantendefekttheorie, die erstmals in einem Lehrbuch beschrieben
wird. Unter anderem werden hochangeregte Zustande und der Einfluss
ausserer Felder untersucht, der schon in einfachen Atomen
interessante und vielschichtige Effekte hervorrufen kann. Neben
einfachen Reaktionen werden spezielle Themen wie
Multiphoton-Absorption und Chaos dargestellt, die in jungerer Zeit
intensiv und teilweise kontrovers diskutiert werden.