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Micro-X-ray fluorescence offers the possibility for a position-
sensitive and non-destructive analysis that can be used for the
analysis of non-homogeneous materials and layer systems. This
analytical technique has shown a dynamic development in the last 15
years and is used for the analysis of small particles, inclusions,
of elemental distributions for a wide range of different
applications both in research and quality control. The first
experiments were performed on synchrotrons but there is a
requirement for laboratory instruments which offers a fast and
immediate access for analytical results. The book discuss the main
components of a -XRF instrument and the different measurement
modes, it gives an overview about the various instruments types,
considers the special requirements for quantification of
non-homogeneous materials and presents a wide range of application
for single point and multi-point analysis as well as for
distribution analysis in one, two and three dimensions.
Europe has paid a high price for asbestos, with over 100 000
related deaths. First in line in the fight to free buildings from
asbestos contamination, workers in the construction sector could
soon find a helping hand in the form of an AI-piloted robotic
system. The constant and multifaceted evolution of society has left
very few industries unchanged. For most sectors, this has meant
moving towards increased automation. Most, but not all. One
unyielding sector has largely stayed true to its old ways: the
construction sector. For the past 200 years, the same repetitive,
standardised and physically challenging construction tasks have
been performed by workers with their own two hands. But this could
change soon, as emerging voices - some of which decided to stand
together under the Bots2ReC (Robots to Re-Construction) project -
have been calling for the sector to embrace automation. The
reasoning behind Bots2ReC is simple: some tasks are simply too
hazardous for humans to perform, and machines could easily replace
them. Besides the exposure, some processes or the materials handled
in those processes generate health hazards in the form of dust,
vibration, noise or toxic substances. It is precisely for these
tasks that we could expect great benefits from - and also show the
massive potential of - automation to achieve sustainable
socio-ecological improvements. With its focus on asbestos, the EU
H2020 Bots2ReC project is focusing on reducing the future health
burden on workers. There is little doubt that the cost of the
technology will easily be counterbalanced by its high social
benefit and economic efficiency. This books presents the findings
and results of the Bots2ReC project, and should be useful for
Construction and Robotics Engineers, as well as graduate level
students and researchers active in these fields.
People have dreamed of machines, which would free them from
unpleasant, dull, dirty and dangerous tasks and work for them as
servants, for centuries if not millennia. Service robots seem to
finally let these dreams come true. But where are all these robots
that eventually serve us all day long, day for day? A few service
robots have entered the market: domestic and professional cleaning
robots, lawnmowers, milking robots, or entertainment robots. Some
of these robots look more like toys or gadgets rather than real
robots. But where is the rest? This is a question, which is asked
not only by customers, but also by service providers, care
organizations, politicians, and funding agencies. The answer is not
very satisfying. Today's service robots have their problems
operating in everyday environments. This is by far more challenging
than operating an industrial robot behind a fence. There is a
comprehensive list of technical and scientific problems, which
still need to be solved. To advance the state of the art in service
robotics towards robots, which are capable of operating in an
everyday environment, was the major objective of the DESIRE project
(Deutsche Service Robotik Initiative - Germany Service Robotics
Initiative) funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research
(BMBF) under grant no. 01IME01A. This book offers a sample of the
results achieved in DESIRE.
In this edited volume, leading experts of human rights measurement
address the challenges scholarship of human rights face as well as
explore approaches and means to overcoming them. The book seeks to
further answer three specific and related questions. First, what do
existing measures of human rights conditions tell us about the
state of human rights? Are conditions improving or deteriorating?
Second, how might scholars improve their measurement efforts and
observe states' human rights practices given efforts by governments
to hide human rights abuses and to make them essentially
"unobservable"? Finally, what challenges might scholars encounter
in the future as the conceptualization of human rights develops and
changes, and as new methods and technologies (e.g., natural
language processing, machine learning) are introduced into the
study of human rights? This book will be of interest to students
and scholars of human rights politics, power, development, and
governance. The chapters in this book were originally published as
a special issue of Journal of Human Rights.
Provides comprehensive coverage on using X-ray fluorescence for
laboratory applications This book focuses on the practical aspects
of X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy and discusses the
requirements for a successful sample analysis, such as sample
preparation, measurement techniques and calibration, as well as the
quality of the analysis results. X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
for Laboratory Applications begins with a short overview of the
physical fundamentals of the generation of X-rays and their
interaction with the sample material, followed by a presentation of
the different methods of sample preparation in dependence on the
quality of the source material and the objective of the
measurement. After a short description of the different available
equipment types and their respective performance, the book provides
in-depth information on the choice of the optimal measurement
conditions and the processing of the measurement results. It covers
instrument types for XRF; acquisition and evaluation of X-Ray
spectra; analytical errors; analysis of homogeneous materials,
powders, and liquids; special applications of XRF; process control
and automation. An important resource for the analytical chemist,
providing concrete guidelines and support for everyday analyses
Focuses on daily laboratory work with commercially available
devices Offers a unique compilation of knowledge and best practices
from equipment manufacturers and users Covers the entire work
process: sample preparation, the actual measurement, data
processing, assessment of uncertainty, and accuracy of the obtained
results X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Laboratory Applications
appeals to analytical chemists, analytical laboratories, materials
scientists, environmental chemists, chemical engineers,
biotechnologists, and pharma engineers.
Violations of the right to the physical integrity of the person,
such as torture, cruel and unusual punishment, extra-judicial
executions, disappearances, and political imprisonment have long
been treated as an anomaly in democratically governed societies. In
the current literature on human rights, violations of this right
are by-and-large seen as the hallmark of autocratic and repressive
regimes. This study takes on this dominant paradigm and shows not
only that the common assumption that democratic countries
effectively limit human rights abuse is simply wrong, but that its
widely accepted theory of what drives human rights violations
accounts for only a small part of these abuses at best. Haschke
shows that despite the increasing numbers of countries that are
democracies, and despite growing numbers of national signatories to
international treaties prohibiting human rights abuse, the number
of allegations has not declined. This book also demonstrates that
the bulk of this abuse, which takes the form of torture and
ill-treatment, extra-judicial killings, rape, and the like, is
committed against marginal members of society, seeming to reveal
environments that enable agents of the state to abuse those with
whom they are in contact. This violence is found in democracies and
dictatorships alike. This work will be of interest to students and
scholars of international relations, human rights and comparative
People have dreamed of machines, which would free them from
unpleasant, dull, dirty and dangerous tasks and work for them as
servants, for centuries if not millennia. Service robots seem to
finally let these dreams come true. But where are all these robots
that eventually serve us all day long, day for day? A few service
robots have entered the market: domestic and professional cleaning
robots, lawnmowers, milking robots, or entertainment robots. Some
of these robots look more like toys or gadgets rather than real
robots. But where is the rest? This is a question, which is asked
not only by customers, but also by service providers, care
organizations, politicians, and funding agencies. The answer is not
very satisfying. Today's service robots have their problems
operating in everyday environments. This is by far more challenging
than operating an industrial robot behind a fence. There is a
comprehensive list of technical and scientific problems, which
still need to be solved. To advance the state of the art in service
robotics towards robots, which are capable of operating in an
everyday environment, was the major objective of the DESIRE project
(Deutsche Service Robotik Initiative - Germany Service Robotics
Initiative) funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research
(BMBF) under grant no. 01IME01A. This book offers a sample of the
results achieved in DESIRE.
Micro-X-ray fluorescence offers the possibility for a position-
sensitive and non-destructive analysis that can be used for the
analysis of non-homogeneous materials and layer systems. This
analytical technique has shown a dynamic development in the last 15
years and is used for the analysis of small particles, inclusions,
of elemental distributions for a wide range of different
applications both in research and quality control. The first
experiments were performed on synchrotrons but there is a
requirement for laboratory instruments which offers a fast and
immediate access for analytical results. The book discuss the main
components of a µ-XRF instrument and the different measurement
modes, it gives an overview about the various instruments types,
considers the special requirements for quantification of
non-homogeneous materials and presents a wide range of application
for single point and multi-point analysis as well as for
distribution analysis in one, two and three dimensions.
Sandra Haschke presents a strategy to enhance the Fe2O3 electrode
performance by controlled nanostructuring of the catalyst surface,
based on anodized aluminum oxide coated by means of atomic layer
deposition. Furthermore, she investigates the influence of
underlying conductive layers and post-deposition annealing on the
electrode performance and the associated changes in morphology and
chemical composition. Exploiting all effects combined delivers an
increase in steady-state water oxidation throughput by a factor of
2.5 with respect to planar electrodes.
DC-potential changes, comprising fast fluctuations and slow shifts,
rep resent objective concomitants of neuronal processes in the
brain. They can be recorded not only in animals, but also in humans
under various conditions. As far as slow brain potentials are
concerned, exciting results have been detected with respect to
their correlation to psychophysiolog ical events. Although a large
amount of data has been accumulated by psychophysiologists,
neurophysiologists, and other scientists involved, the
neurophysiological basis of these field potentials is still not
clear, and remains controversial. Scientists from European
countries participated in an interdisciplinary symposium in the
summer of 1990, July 2 to 6, at the Friedrich Schiller University
in Jena, which covered the field of slow brain potentials from the
psychophysiological to the cellular level, including glial cells
and microenvironment. From this conference the idea derived to
present an up-to-date overview on important aspects of the field
concerned. The Introductory Remarks are given to elucidate what is
thought to be a "generator" of slow potentials of the brain. The
large number of sources, implications of the "inverse problem" to
analyze field potentials are taken into account."
Bereits seit vielen Jahren wird die RAntgenfluoreszenzenzanalyse
eingesetzt fA1/4r die Untersuchung kompakter, homogener Proben wie
Metallen oder GlAsern, aber auch fA1/4r die Analyse pulverfArmiger
Proben wie etwa geologische Proben, Zement und Eisenlegierungen. In
den letzten Jahren haben sich viele neue Applikationsgebiete fA1/4r
diese Methode erAffnet. Im vorliegenden Buch erfolgt zunAchst eine
kurze Darstellung der physikalischen ZusammenhAnge bei der
Erzeugung und Wechselwirkung von RAntgenstrahlung in der zu
untersuchenden Probe. Dann werden die verschiedenen Methoden der
ProbenprAparation in AbhAngigkeit von der QualitAt des
Ausgangsmaterials sowie von der analytischen Zielstellung
vorgestellt. Nach einer kurzen Beschreibung der verschiedenen
GerAtetypen, die in der RAntgenanalytik existieren, und deren
LeistungsfAhigkeit wird auf die Auswahl optimaler Messbedingungen
eingegangen sowie die Aufbereitung der Messdaten erlAutert,
angefangen von deren Korrektur A1/4ber die Bestimmung der
IntensitAten bis hin zum endgA1/4ltigen Analysenergebnis, auch
unter BerA1/4cksichtigung, Vermeidung und Korrektur mAglicher
auftretender Fehler. Nach einer kurzen Beschreibung der Gefahren
einer SchAdigung durch RAntgenstrahlung und der Anforderungen zu
denen Verhinderung werden die verschiedenen Applikationen der
RAntgenfluoreszenz beschrieben.
Josef F. Haschke widmet sich in diesem Buch der offenbar
krisenhaften Vertrauensbeziehung zwischen Burgern und Politikern,
indem er untersucht, wie politische Vertrauens- bzw.
Misstrauensurteile entstehen und wie sie strukturell
zusammengesetzt sind. Hierzu integriert der Autor Erkenntnisse aus
der Sozialpsychologie, der Soziologie, der Politikwissenschaft
sowie der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft in einem
theoretischen Analysemodell. Ergebnis der empirischen Prufung im
Rahmen einer qualitativen Interviewstudie ist eine Typologie
politischer Vertrauensurteile: Sie zeigt die lebensweltliche
Heterogenitat des Politikervertrauens entlang politischer Milieus
und relativiert die These einer umfassenden politischen
Violations of the right to the physical integrity of the person,
such as torture, cruel and unusual punishment, extra-judicial
executions, disappearances, and political imprisonment have long
been treated as an anomaly in democratically governed societies. In
the current literature on human rights, violations of this right
are by-and-large seen as the hallmark of autocratic and repressive
regimes. This study takes on this dominant paradigm and shows not
only that the common assumption that democratic countries
effectively limit human rights abuse is simply wrong, but that its
widely accepted theory of what drives human rights violations
accounts for only a small part of these abuses at best. Haschke
shows that despite the increasing numbers of countries that are
democracies, and despite growing numbers of national signatories to
international treaties prohibiting human rights abuse, the number
of allegations has not declined. This book also demonstrates that
the bulk of this abuse, which takes the form of torture and
ill-treatment, extra-judicial killings, rape, and the like, is
committed against marginal members of society, seeming to reveal
environments that enable agents of the state to abuse those with
whom they are in contact. This violence is found in democracies and
dictatorships alike. This work will be of interest to students and
scholars of international relations, human rights and comparative