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As an entrepreneur - and especially leading a medium-sized company
- can you prepare for the future in a targeted manner? Which
methods work and where do you succumb to classic thinking errors
when planning for the future? This book shows how companies can
develop viable future scenarios for their own market in order to
remain successful and profitable in the future. Anyone who thought
they were operating in a stable market and were prepared for crises
was proven wrong by the Corona pandemic. But even less dramatic
influences such as technological disruption, side attacks by
competitors from outside the industry or end-of-life scenarios are
massively changing the environment of companies and demand - at the
latest now! - a rethink.In this completely revised 2nd edition, the
author shows why early planning for the future can be decisive for
success, why one should not rely on experience and intuition, and
which mistakes should be avoided. In addition, he explains which
tools can be used and put together to form a well-founded process
with which future, but also crisis, management can be creatively
planned.A useful guide for managing directors, executives,
marketing managers and planners in medium-sized companies - with
helpful tips, illustrative examples and an individually adaptable
template for a future workshop.This book is a translation of the
original German 2nd edition Zukunftsmanagement fur den Mittelstand
by Heino Hilbig, published by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH,
part of Springer Nature in 2020. The translation was done with the
help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service
DeepL.com). A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms
of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently
from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously
to further the development of tools for the production of books and
on the related technologies to support the authors.
Kann man sich als Unternehmer - und insbesondere als
mittelstandisches Unternehmen - gezielt auf die Zukunft
vorbereiten? Welche Methoden funktionieren und wo unterliegt man
klassischen Denkfehlern bei der Zukunftsplanung? Dieses Buch zeigt,
wie Unternehmen tragfahige Zukunftsszenarien fur den eigenen Markt
entwickeln koennen, um auch kunftig erfolg- und ertragreich zu
sein. Wer glaubte, sich in einem stabilen Markt zu bewegen und fur
Krisen gewappnet zu sein, wurde durch die Corona-Pandemie eines
Besseren belehrt. Aber auch weniger dramatische Einflusse wie die
technologische Disruption, Seitenangriffe branchenfremder
Wettbewerber oder End-of-Life-Szenarien verandern das Umfeld von
Unternehmen massiv und verlangen - spatestens jetzt! - ein
Umdenken. Warum eine fruhzeitige Zukunftsplanung
erfolgsentscheidend sein kann, man sich nicht auf Erfahrung und
Intuition verlassen sollte und welche Fehler es zu vermeiden gilt,
zeigt der Autor in dieser voellig uberarbeiteten 2. Auflage. Zudem
erklart er, welche Tools man nutzen und zu einem fundierten Prozess
zusammensetzen kann, mit dem Zukunfts-, aber auch Krisenmanagement
kreativ geplant werden kann. Ein nutzwertiger Leitfaden fur
Geschaftsfuhrer, Fuhrungskrafte, Marketingverantwortliche und
Planer in mittelstandischen Unternehmen - mit hilfreichen Tipps,
anschaulichen Beispielen und einer individuell adaptierbaren
Vorlage fur einen Zukunftsworkshop.
As an entrepreneur - and especially leading a medium-sized company
- can you prepare for the future in a targeted manner? Which
methods work and where do you succumb to classic thinking errors
when planning for the future? This book shows how companies
can develop viable future scenarios for their own market in order
to remain successful and profitable in the future. Anyone who
thought they were operating in a stable market and were prepared
for crises was proven wrong by the Corona pandemic. But even less
dramatic influences such as technological disruption, side attacks
by competitors from outside the industry or end-of-life scenarios
are massively changing the environment of companies and demand - at
the latest now! - a rethink.In this completely revised 2nd edition,
the author shows why early planning for the future can be decisive
for success, why one should not rely on experience and intuition,
and which mistakes should be avoided. In addition, he explains
which tools can be used and put together to form a well-founded
process with which future, but also crisis, management can be
creatively planned.A useful guide for managing directors,
executives, marketing managers and planners in medium-sized
companies - with helpful tips, illustrative examples and an
individually adaptable template for a future workshop.This book is
a translation of the original
German 2nd edition Zukunftsmanagement für den
Mittelstand by Heino Hilbig, published by Springer Fachmedien
Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature in 2020. The translation
was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine
translation by the service DeepL.com). A subsequent human revision
was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read
stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer
Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for
the production of books and on the related technologies to support
the authors.