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Recognition of the need for empirical research and interest in its findings are growing in psychoanalysis. Many psychoanalysts now acknowledge that research is imperative to try to deal with the factors propelling the diminution in status and prestige of the discipline, as well as the number of patients in intensive psychoanalytic treatment. In addition, there is increased pressure to expose and acquaint candidates with analytic research in the course of their education. From Psychoanalytic Narrative to Empirical Single Case Research revivifies the experimental potential of psychoanalysis by focusing a number of structured research methods on a single case study. Drs. K"chele, Schachter, and Thom," in tandem with the Ulm Psychoanalytic Process Research Study Group, bring their formidable tools and knowledge to bear on Amalia X, a former patient of Dr. Thom"'s, whose case history is well-documented, preserved and available for formal empirical study. After providing an intensive review of the problematicaspects of clinical psychoanalytic research and an exegesis on the use of the case study itself, the specific case history of Amalia X, which will dominate and center the remainder of the book, is thoroughly examined. The following two chapters - utilizing clinical and linguistic models, respectively - deconstruct Amalia's psychopathology along a variety of methodological axes in an effort not only to uncover the roots of her presenting symptoms, but also to reify and validate the strange bedfellows of psychoanalysis and empiricism in general. The book would be incomplete, however, without its final chapter, which provides suggestions and insights into the clinical applications andimplications of their combined research.
Hartvig Dahl This is a book about the future that we hope will arouse the curiosity of clinicians and point a direction for researchers. It marks the surprisingly rapid evolution of psychodynamic psychotherapy research from an applied toward a basic science, and, as its title implies, describes strategies to follow rather than results to live by. It was not always thus. A quarter of a century ago the editors of two volumes of psychotherapy research reports summarized the state of the field then: Although there has been a great accumulation of clinical observations and experimental findings, the field has made relatively little progress. There has been little creative building on the work of others (Parloff and Rubinstein 1962). Psychological research generally has tended to be insuffi ciently additive. Research people often find it hard to keep informed of related work done on the same site and else where, and therefore do not build upon each other's foun dation (Luborsky and Strupp 1962)."
A basic issue for all those essaying to write comprehensive texts on the nature of psychoanalysis, whether oriented primarily to the exposition of the theory or of the technique of psychoanalysis, - within the American literature the books by Brenner and by Greenson come to mind as exemplars of the two categories - is that of the relationship of the theory to the technique and the practice. This issue is however not always brought into explicit focus in this literature and thereby its problematic nature as a fundamental and not yet satisfactorily re solved dilemma of our discipline is often glossed over, or even by passed completely, as if we could comfortably assume that Freud had, uniquely in the world's intellectual history, fully succeeded in creating a science and a discipline in which the theory (the understanding) and the therapy (i. e., the cure) were inherently together and truly the same, but two sides of the same coin."
We are pleased to present the second volume of our study on Psychoana lytic Practice, which we entitle Clinical Studies. Together, the two volumes fulfill the functions usually expected of a textbook on theory and tech nique. In fact, some reviewers have asked why such a title was not cho sen. One of the reasons for our narrower choice was that our primary concern is focused on those aspects of psychoanalytic theory that are relevant to treatment. The first volume, entitled Principles, has evoked much interest within and outside the professional community, creating high expectations to ward its clinical counterpart. After all, psychoanalytic principles must demonstrate their value and efficacy in treatment, i. e., in achieving changes in symptoms and their underlying structures. This is apparent in the clinical studies contained in this book, and in the process of compil ing them the senior author has had the opportunity to take stock of his long professional career."
Das Standardlehrbuch in Neuauflage Psychiatrie ohne Psychoanalyse ist nicht denkbar. Die Psychoanalyse hat eine uber 100-jahrige Geschichte und Tradition, jeder der sich mit dem Gedanken tragt psychiatrisch oder psychotherapeutisch tatig zu sein, wird sich mit der Psychoanalyse auseinandersetzen. Die 3. Auflage des Lehrbuchs der Psychoanalyse setzt hier Massstabe. Seit uber 20 Jahren erfolgreich auf dem Markt und ubersetzt in zehn Sprachen, gilt es als verlassliche Wissensquelle und reprasentiert den gegenwartigen Stand der modernen Psychoanalyse. Neben Band 1 und 2 gibt es in der dritten Auflage des Lehrbuchs erstmals auch einen Band 3: Forschung. Hier wird der gegenwartige Stand der Forschung dargestellt und kritisch diskutiert. Nur so kann die Psychoanalyse als Verfahren in der Psychiatrie lebendig bleiben. Psychoanalyse ist weder eine Wissenschaft fur sich, noch staubtrocken oder langweilig. Uberzeugen Sie sich selbst "
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th
International Conference on Database and Expert Systems
Applications, DEXA '96, held in Zurich, Switzerland, in September
Das Standardlehrbuch in Neuauflage Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychiatrie sind ohne Psychoanalyse nicht denkbar. Die Psychoanalyse hat eine uber 100-jahrige Geschichte und Tradition. Jeder der sich mit dem Gedanken tragt psychotherapeutisch, psychosomatisch oder psychiatrisch tatig zu sein, wird sich mit der Psychoanalyse auseinandersetzen. Die 3. Auflage des Lehrbuchs der Psychoanalyse setzt hier Massstabe. Seit uber 20 Jahren erfolgreich auf dem Markt und ubersetzt in zehn Sprachen, gilt es als verlassliche Wissensquelle und reprasentiert den gegenwartigen Stand der modernen Psychoanalyse. Band 1 liefert die praxisbezogenen Fundamente der psychoanalytischen Theorien: die grundlegenden Begriffe und Theorien der psychoanalytischen Behandlungstechnik wie Ubertragung, Beziehung, Gegenubertragung, Widerstand und Traum, die fur Einleitung und Durchfuhrung der psychoanalytischen Behandlung notwendigen Schritte, die Beschreibung von Prozessmodellen. Samtliche Kapitel wurden uberarbeitet und aktualisiert. Dank eines ubersichtlichen Layouts wird das Lesen und Blattern zum Vergnugen. Psychoanalyse ist weder eine Wissenschaft fur sich, noch staubtrocken oder langweilig. Uberzeugen Sie sich selbst "
Da die Medienwirtschaft zu den jungeren Disziplinen der Wirtschaftswissenschaften gehort, existieren bisher nur wenige akademische Lehrbucher, in denen Studenten Aufgaben mit Losungen oder Fallstudien finden. Die Herausgeber des Fallstudiensammelbandes "Medienmanagement" haben sich deshalb zum Ziel gesetzt, mit der Zusammenstellung geeigneter Ubungsaufgaben und Losungen die bestehende Lucke innerhalb der medienokonomischen Studien- und Ubungsbucher zu schliessen. Das Konzept des Buches stellt ein sinnvolles Instrument zur Unterstutzung der Lehre an Hochschulen und zum Selbststudium in diesem Fachgebiet da. Den Herausgebern ist es gelungen, namhafte Autoren aus der Wissenschaft und Praxis zur Bearbeitung dieses komplexen und aktuellen Problemfeldes zu gewinnen. Sowohl Studierende, als auch Praktiker erhalten einen wertvollen Einblick in die Kernprobleme des Medienmanagements."
Recognition of the need for empirical research and interest in its findings are growing in psychoanalysis. Many psychoanalysts now acknowledge that research is imperative to try to deal with the factors propelling the diminution in status and prestige of the discipline, as well as the number of patients in intensive psychoanalytic treatment. In addition, there is increased pressure to expose and acquaint candidates with analytic research in the course of their education. From Psychoanalytic Narrative to Empirical Single Case Research revivifies the experimental potential of psychoanalysis by focusing a number of structured research methods on a single case study. Drs. K"chele, Schachter, and Thom," in tandem with the Ulm Psychoanalytic Process Research Study Group, bring their formidable tools and knowledge to bear on Amalia X, a former patient of Dr. Thom"'s, whose case history is well-documented, preserved and available for formal empirical study. After providing an intensive review of the problematicaspects of clinical psychoanalytic research and an exegesis on the use of the case study itself, the specific case history of Amalia X, which will dominate and center the remainder of the book, is thoroughly examined. The following two chapters - utilizing clinical and linguistic models, respectively - deconstruct Amalia's psychopathology along a variety of methodological axes in an effort not only to uncover the roots of her presenting symptoms, but also to reify and validate the strange bedfellows of psychoanalysis and empiricism in general. The book would be incomplete, however, without its final chapter, which provides suggestions and insights into the clinical applications andimplications of their combined research.
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