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Computational Fluid Dynamics 2006 - Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD4,... Computational Fluid Dynamics 2006 - Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD4, Ghent, Belgium, 10-14 July 2006 (Hardcover, 2006 ed.)
Herman de Coninck, E. Dick
R9,333 R8,583 Discovery Miles 85 830 Save R750 (8%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

ThisbookcontainstheproceedingsoftheFourthInternationalConference onComputationalFluidDynamics(ICCFD4),heldinGent,Belgiumfrom July10through16,2006. TheICCFDconferenceseriesisanoutcomeofthe mergeroftwoimportantstreamsofconferencesinComputationalFluid- namics:InternationalConferenceonNumericalMethodsinFluidDynamics, ICNMFD(since1996)andInternationalSymposiumonComputationalFluid Dynamics,ISCFD(since1985). In1998itwasdecidedtojointhetwoand ICCFD emerged as a biannual meeting, held in Kyoto in 2000, Sydney in 2002, Toronto in 2004 and Gent in 2006. Thus, the ICCFD series became theleadinginternationalconferenceseriesforscientists,mathematiciansand engineersinterestedinthecomputationof?uid?ow. The4theditionoftheconferencehasattracted200participantsfromall overtheworld;270abstractswerereceived,ofwhich135wereselectedina carefulpeerreviewprocessbytheexecutivecommittee(C. H. Bruneau,J. -J. Chattot,D. Kwak,N. Satofuka,D. W. Zingg,E. DickandH. Deconinck)for oralpresentationandafurther21forposterpresentation. Thepaperscontainedintheseproceedingsprovideanexcellentsnapshot of the ?eld of Computational Fluid Dynamics as of 2006. Invited keynote lecturesbyrenownedresearchersareincluded,withcontributionsinthe?eld ofdiscretizationschemes,high-endcomputingandengineeringchallenges,and two-phase?ow. Thesekeynotecontributionsarecomplementedby137regular papersonthemostdiverseaspectsofCFD: -Innovativealgorithmdevelopmentfor?owsimulation,optimisationandc- trol:higher-ordermethods(DG,FV,FEandRDmethods),iterativemethods andmultigrid,solutionadaptivemeshtechniques,errorestimationandc- trol,parallelalgorithms. -Innovativemodelingof?owphysicsintheareaofcompressibleandinc- pressible ?ows: hypersonic and reacting ?ows, two-phase ?ows, turbulence (LES,DES,DNS,andtransition),vortexdynamics,boundarylayerstability, multi-scalephysics,magnetohydrodynamics. Preface VII -advancedapplicationsusingtheabovementionedinnovativetechnology,and multidisciplinaryapplicationsincludingaero-elasticityandaero-acoustics. ThanksareduetooursponsorsNASA,theFWOResearchFoundation FlandersandtheEuropeanUnionthroughtheEUA4XMarieCurieproject. Inparticular,thegenerousgrantfromNASAisakeyfactorinthesuccessof thisconferenceseriesandthepublicationoftheseProceedings. Wealsowouldliketothankthesta?andPhDstudentsofthevonKarman InstituteandtheDepartmentof?ow,heatandcombustionmechanicsofthe University of Gent, for the help they provided toward the success of this conference. Sint-Genesius-Rode,Belgium HermanDeconinck vonKarmanInstituteforFluidDynamics Ghent,Belgium ErikDick GhentUniversity September2006 ConferenceChair Contents PartIInvitedSpeakers Twonewtechniquesforgeneratingexactlyincompressible approximatevelocities BernardoCockburn...3 RoleofHigh-EndComputinginMeetingNASA'sScience andEngineeringChallenges RupakBiswas,EugeneL. Tu,WilliamR. VanDalsem...14 RecentAdvancesofMulti-phaseFlowComputationwiththe AdaptiveSoroban-gridCubicInterpolatedPropagation(CIP) Method TakashiYabe,YouichiOgata,KenjiTakizawa...29 PartIISchemes OntheComputationofSteady-StateCompressibleFlows UsingaDGMethod HongLuo,JosephD. Baum,RainaldL..ohner...47 Space-TimeDiscontinuousGalerkinMethodforLarge AmplitudeNonlinearWaterWaves YanXu,JaapJ. W. vanderVegt...53 AdiscontinuousGalerkinmethodwithHancock-typetime integrationforhyperbolicsystemswithsti?relaxationsource terms YoshifumiSuzuki,BramvanLeer...59 Contents IX VeryHighOrder,Non-OscillatoryFluctuationDistribution Schemes M. E. Hubbard,N. Z. Mebrate...65 High-orderresidualdistribution:discontinuitycapturing crosswinddissipationanddi?usion N. Villedieu-Ligout,M. Ricchiuto,H. Deconinck...7 1 High-OrderFluctuation-SplittingSchemesforAdvection- Di?usionEquations HiroakiNishikawaandPhilipRoe...77 ConstructionofHigherOrderResidualDistributionSchemes R'emiAbgrallandC'edricTav'e...83 Stableandconvergentresidualdistributionforti- dependentconservationlaws MarioRicchiuto,R'emiAbgrall...89 AnALEFormulationoftheMultidimensionalResidual DistributionSchemeforComputationsonMovingMeshes Jir'?Dobes,HermanDeconinck...95 SolutionofthesteadyEulerequationsusingFluctuation Splittingschemesonquadrilateralelements D. T. Rubino,P. DePalma,G. Pascazio,M. Napolitano ...101 AResidual-BasedCompactSchemeforAll-SpeedFlowson UnstructuredGrids ChristopheCorre,AlbertoBeccantini,ThibaudKloczko ...107 VorticityPreservingSchemeforUnsteadyCompressible Flows FabriceFalissard,AlainLerat,JacquesSid'es ...113 ExtensionoftheSDMethodtoViscousFlowonUnstructured Grids Z. J. Wang,YuzhiSun,C. Liang,Yen,Liu...119 StrictlyStableHighOrderDi?erenceMethodsforthe CompressibleEulerandNavier-StokesEquations BernhardMul ..ler...125 UniformFlowPreservingPropertyofHighOrderUpwind FiniteDi?erenceSchemesonGeneralizedCoordinateSystem TakuNonomura,NobuyukiIizuka,KozoFujii...1 31 X Contents ImplementationofanEnhancedFluxFormulationfor UnsteadyNavier-StokesSolutions G. Xia,S. Sardeshmukh,V. Sankaran,C. L. Merkle...137 ComputationofEigenspacesofHyperbolicSystems S. K. Godunov,O. B. Feodoritova,V. T. Zhukov...143 AProposedCuretotheCarbunclePhenomenon FarzadIsmail,PhilipL. Roe,HiroakiNishikawa ...149 TheHighOrderWLSQRSchemeanditsApplicationsin Turbomachinery Jivr'?Furst ...

Error Estimation and Adaptive Discretization Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics (Hardcover, 2003 ed.): Timothy J. Barth,... Error Estimation and Adaptive Discretization Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics (Hardcover, 2003 ed.)
Timothy J. Barth, Herman de Coninck
R3,142 Discovery Miles 31 420 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book considers recent developments in numerical error estimation and adaptive discretization for finite element and finite volume methods with particular attention given to discretization methods used frequently in computational fluid dynamics. The volume consists of six detailed articles by leading specialists covering a range of topics including a posteriori error estimation of functionals, one- and two-sided error bounds, error indicators for ad aptivity, and nd geometrical aspects of adaptive mesh refinement. This book should be of interest to readers actively working in the field as well as readers seeking a comprehensive introduction to the topic.

ADIGMA - A European Initiative on the Development of Adaptive Higher-Order Variational Methods for Aerospace Applications -... ADIGMA - A European Initiative on the Development of Adaptive Higher-Order Variational Methods for Aerospace Applications - Results of a Collaborative Research Project Funded by the European Union, 2006-2009 (Hardcover, Edition.)
Norbert Kroll, Heribert Bieler, Herman de Coninck, Vincent Couaillier, Harmen Van Der Ven, …
R10,784 R8,544 Discovery Miles 85 440 Save R2,240 (21%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This volume contains results gained from the EU-funded 6th Framework project ADIGMA (Adaptive Higher-order Variational Methods for Aerodynamic Applications in Industry). The goal of ADIGMA was the development and utilization of innovative adaptive higher-order methods for the compressible flow equations enabling reliable, mesh independent numerical solutions for large-scale aerodynamic applications in aircraft industry. The ADIGMA consortium was comprised of 22 organizations which included the main European aircraft manufacturers, the major European research establishments and several universities, all with well proven expertise in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The book presents an introduction to the project, exhibits partners methods and approaches and provides a critical assessment of the newly developed methods for industrial aerodynamic applications. The best numerical strategies for integration as major building blocks for the next generation of industrial flow solvers are identified. "

Computational Fluid Dynamics 2006 - Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD4,... Computational Fluid Dynamics 2006 - Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD4, Ghent, Belgium, 10-14 July 2006 (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2009)
Herman de Coninck, E. Dick
R8,663 Discovery Miles 86 630 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Invited Speakers.- Two new techniques for generating exactly incompressible approximate velocities.- Role of High-End Computing in Meeting NASA#x2019;s Science and Engineering Challenges.- Recent Advances of Multi-phase Flow Computation with the Adaptive Soroban-grid Cubic Interpolated Propagation (CIP) Method.- Schemes.- On the Computation of Steady-State Compressible Flows Using a DG Method.- Space-Time Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Large Amplitude Nonlinear Water Waves.- A discontinuous Galerkin method with Hancock-type time integration for hyperbolic systems with stiff relaxation source terms.- Very High Order, Non-Oscillatory Fluctuation Distribution Schemes.- High-order residual distribution: discontinuity capturing crosswind dissipation and diffusion.- High-Order Fluctuation-Splitting Schemes for Advection-Diffusion Equations.- Construction of Higher Order Residual Distribution Schemes.- Stable and convergent residual distribution for time-dependent conservation laws.- An ALE Formulation of the Multidimensional Residual Distribution Scheme for Computations on Moving Meshes.- Solution of the steady Euler equations using Fluctuation Splitting schemes on quadrilateral elements.- A Residual-Based Compact Scheme for All-Speed Flows on Unstructured Grids.- Vorticity Preserving Scheme for Unsteady Compressible Flows.- Extension of the SD Method to Viscous Flow on Unstructured Grids.- Strictly Stable High Order Difference Methods for the Compressible Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations.- Uniform Flow Preserving Property of High Order Upwind Finite Difference Schemes on Generalized Coordinate System.- Implementation of an Enhanced Flux Formulation for Unsteady Navier-Stokes Solutions.- Computation of Eigenspaces of Hyperbolic Systems.- A Proposed Cure to the Carbuncle Phenomenon.- The High Order WLSQR Scheme and its Applications in Turbomachinery.- Building Better (Weighted) ENO Methods.- Discontinuity Diagnosis Essentially Non-Oscillatory Schemes.- Third Order Reconstruction on Unstructured Highly Irregular 3D Meshes.- An Intrinsically Multi-Dimensional Acoustics Convection Upstream Resolution Algorithm for the Euler Equations.- Multi-dimensional Limiting Process for Two- and Three-dimensional Flow Physics Analyses.- A Multidimensional Kinetic Upwind Method for Euler Equations.- High Resolution Quantum Kinetic Beam Schemes and Its Applications to Ideal Quantum Gas Dynamical Flows.- Semi-GLS Stabilization of FEM Applied to Incompressible Flows with Higher Reynolds Numbers.- Finite volume box scheme for a certain class of nonlinear conservation laws in mixed form.- Numerical study of the Colocated Clustered Finite Volume Scheme.- Arbitrary High Order Finite Volume Schemes on Unstructured Meshes.- Algorithms.- A high scalability parallel algebraic multigrid solver.- Jacobian-Free Newton-Krylov Methods: Issues and Solutions.- Non-stationary two-stage relaxation based on the principle of aggregation multi-grid.- The efficient and accurate solution of porous media flow problems with strongly discontinuous coefficients.- Stability of Pressure-Correction Algorithms for Low-Speed Reacting and Non-Reacting Flow Simulations.- A simple hybrid well-balanced method for a 2D viscous shallow water model.- A kinetic energy-preserving P1 iso P2/P1 finite-element method for computing unsteady incompressible flows.- Study on the segregation algorithms of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations using P1P1/P2P1 finite element formulation.- A Mach-uniform algorithm: coupled versus segregated approach.- Crank-Nicolson Scheme for Solving Low Mach Number Unsteady Viscous Flows Using an Implicit Preconditioned Dual Time Stepping Technique.- Heated Wake by Deferred Corrected ULTRA.- Convergence Acceleration for Euler Equation based on SPR.- Acceleration of Unsteady Incompressible Flow Calculation Using Extrapolation Methods.- Improved Numerical Simulations of Incompressible Flows Based on Viscous/Inviscid Interaction Procedures.- AMR - Adaptive mesh

High-Order Methods for Computational Physics (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1999): Timothy J. Barth,... High-Order Methods for Computational Physics (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1999)
Timothy J. Barth, Herman de Coninck
R1,630 Discovery Miles 16 300 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The development of high-order accurate numerical discretization techniques for irregular domains and meshes is often cited as one of the remaining chal lenges facing the field of computational fluid dynamics. In structural me chanics, the advantages of high-order finite element approximation are widely recognized. This is especially true when high-order element approximation is combined with element refinement (h-p refinement). In computational fluid dynamics, high-order discretization methods are infrequently used in the com putation of compressible fluid flow. The hyperbolic nature of the governing equations and the presence of solution discontinuities makes high-order ac curacy difficult to achieve. Consequently, second-order accurate methods are still predominately used in industrial applications even though evidence sug gests that high-order methods may offer a way to significantly improve the resolution and accuracy for these calculations. To address this important topic, a special course was jointly organized by the Applied Vehicle Technology Panel of NATO's Research and Technology Organization (RTO), the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, and the Numerical Aerospace Simulation Division at the NASA Ames Research Cen ter. The NATO RTO sponsored course entitled "Higher Order Discretization Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics" was held September 14-18,1998 at the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics in Belgium and September 21-25,1998 at the NASA Ames Research Center in the United States."

ADIGMA - A European Initiative on the Development of Adaptive Higher-Order Variational Methods for Aerospace Applications -... ADIGMA - A European Initiative on the Development of Adaptive Higher-Order Variational Methods for Aerospace Applications - Results of a Collaborative Research Project Funded by the European Union, 2006-2009 (Paperback, 2010 ed.)
Norbert Kroll, Heribert Bieler, Herman de Coninck, Vincent Couaillier, Harmen Van Der Ven, …
R8,542 Discovery Miles 85 420 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This volume contains results gained from the EU-funded 6th Framework project ADIGMA (Adaptive Higher-order Variational Methods for Aerodynamic Applications in Industry). The goal of ADIGMA was the development and utilization of innovative adaptive higher-order methods for the compressible flow equations enabling reliable, mesh independent numerical solutions for large-scale aerodynamic applications in aircraft industry. The ADIGMA consortium was comprised of 22 organizations which included the main European aircraft manufacturers, the major European research establishments and several universities, all with well proven expertise in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The book presents an introduction to the project, exhibits partners methods and approaches and provides a critical assessment of the newly developed methods for industrial aerodynamic applications. The best numerical strategies for integration as major building blocks for the next generation of industrial flow solvers are identified. "

Error Estimation and Adaptive Discretization Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics (Paperback, Softcover reprint of hardcover... Error Estimation and Adaptive Discretization Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics (Paperback, Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 2003)
Timothy J. Barth, Herman de Coninck
R2,946 Discovery Miles 29 460 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

As computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is applied to ever more demanding fluid flow problems, the ability to compute numerical fluid flow solutions to a user specified tolerance as well as the ability to quantify the accuracy of an existing numerical solution are seen as essential ingredients in robust numerical simulation. Although the task of accurate error estimation for the nonlinear equations of CFD seems a daunting problem, considerable effort has centered on this challenge in recent years with notable progress being made by the use of advanced error estimation techniques and adaptive discretization methods. To address this important topic, a special course wasjointly organized by the NATO Research and Technology Office (RTO), the von Karman Insti tute for Fluid Dynamics, and the NASA Ames Research Center. The NATO RTO sponsored course entitled "Error Estimation and Solution Adaptive Discretization in CFD" was held September 10-14, 2002 at the NASA Ames Research Center and October 15-19, 2002 at the von Karman Institute in Belgium. During the special course, a series of comprehensive lectures by leading experts discussed recent advances and technical progress in the area of numerical error estimation and adaptive discretization methods with spe cific emphasis on computational fluid dynamics. The lecture notes provided in this volume are derived from the special course material. The volume con sists of 6 articles prepared by the special course lecturers."

The Plural of Happiness (Paperback, Trans. from the): Herman de Coninck The Plural of Happiness (Paperback, Trans. from the)
Herman de Coninck; Translated by Kurt Brown, Laure-Anne Bosselaar
R409 R377 Discovery Miles 3 770 Save R32 (8%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Belgium's leading poet for many decades, Herman de Coninck has never been translated in English and collected in a single extended volume until now. Witty, tender, trenchant, wise, de Coninck's poems range from playful, terse love lyrics to darkly ironic, somberly truthful observations about human experience. The ability to compress huge subjects into small, formally sculptured poems is a hallmark of his style; conversely, what might seem too small to write about is often transformed by his imagination into his understanding of war, and of how psychological imperatives and social roles may trap us in self-destructive fates.

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