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Daar’s groot opgewondenheid in Feetjiedal. Dis amper tyd vir die
Hoogsomer-bal. Al die feeperdjies is gretig om uit te vind wie van
hulle Feekoningin se goue koets gaan trek. Krulkop wil so graag
gekies word, maar sy’s nie so sierlik en elegant soos die ander
feeperde nie. Haar droom lyk buite bereik...
Vonkel is die kleinste eenhorinkie in die Wonder-Woud. Almal se
sy’s te klein om te help bessies soek, en te klein om speletjies te
speel. Maar Vonkel is moeg daarvan om altyd eenkant toe geskuif te
word. Op ’n dag besluit Vonkel om te wys hoe dapper sy is. Op haar
eie gaan verken sy die diepste deel van die woud...
The Oxford Handbook of Material Culture Studies introduces and
reviews current thinking in the interdisciplinary field of material
culture studies. Drawing together approaches from archaeology,
anthropology, geography, and Science and Technology Studies,
through twenty-eight specially commissioned essays by leading
international researchers, the volume explores contemporary issues
and debates in a series of themed sections - Disciplinary
Perspectives, Material Practices, Objects and Humans, Landscapes
and the Built Environment, and Studying Particular Things. From
Coca-Cola, chimpanzees, artworks, and ceramics, to museums, cities,
human bodies, and magical objects, the Handbook is an essential
resource for anyone with an interest in materiality and the place
of material objects in human social life, both past and present. A
comprehensive bibliography enhances its usefulness as a research
Based on the European Welding Engineer (EWF) syllabus Part 3 -
Construction and Design, this book provides a clear, highly
illustrated and concise explanation of how welded joints and
structures are designed and of the constraints which welding may
impose on the design. It is therefore of value both to the welding
engineer and the design engineer
Many engineers coming into the profession of welding engineering
lack a background in design and construction of welded structures
and plant. This book has been written with such engineers very much
in mind.
The safe performance of a structure relies on materials and methods
of fabrication which can respond to the explicit or implicit design
requirements. It is essential that the welding engineer has the
opportunity of making his specialist input to the design process,
and an understanding of the basis of the design will help that
contribution to be most effective. It is also important that the
practising design engineer acquires a basic knowledge of the
relevant aspects of welding to be able to execute satisfactory
designs and, equally important, to know when to seek the input of a
qualified welding engineer.
Designed for both students and practising engineers in welding and
design, the book will also be of great value to civil, structural,
mechanical and plant engineers. There is also much that will
interest test houses, welding equipment and consumable
manufacturers, classification societies and steel companies.
Famous for being a city of broad shoulders, Chicago has also
developed an international reputation for split sides and slapped
knees. Watch the "Chicago Style of Comedy" evolve from
nineteenth-century vaudeville, through the rebellious comics of the
50's, and into the improvisation and sketch that ushered in a new
millennium. Drawing on material both hilarious and profound,
Chicago Comedy: A Fairly Serious History touches on what makes
Chicago different from other cities and how that difference
produced some of the greatest minds comedy will ever know: Amos and
Andy, Jack Benny, Lenny Bruce, Del Close, John Belushi, Tina Fey,
Stephen Colbert and so many, many more.
Sprankel het baie maatjies op die koraalrif waar sy woon, maar sy
wil so graag ’n ander seeperdjie ontmoet – ’n maatjie net soos sy …
Sy begin in die wye oseaan na ’n seeperd-maatjie soek, maar niemand
het al een gesien nie! Dan verander alles toe sy ’n vis-nar help...