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11 matches in All Departments
Seminar paper from the year 2011 in the subject Business economics
- General, grade: 1,7, University of applied sciences, Munich,
course: Economics, language: English, abstract: The wreckage
premium still is a topic of controversial debate. Almost two years
after the completion a lot of data is available. Taking all effects
into consideration the resulting image is multifaceted. All
indicators show that the economical and ecological effects have
been rather low. Positive effects have been temporary and only
parts of the automotive industry took profit from the governmental
support program in the scope of the Konjunkturpaket II. Other
sectors, the used car market and independent workshops had to
suffer from the negative effects of the wreckage premium. Although
scrapping schemes were introduced all over Europe it remains
questionable if the wreckage premium was a help to reduce the
negative impact of the crisis. Maybe on a short-term perspective
there was a positive effect. At the latest at the next tax increase
it is worth considering if selective support programmes with a
doubtful sustainability should increase national debts in the
amount of 5 Billion Euros.
Seminar paper from the year 2012 in the subject Business economics
- Law, grade: 1,7, University of applied sciences, Munich, course:
Business Law, language: English, abstract: After the introduction
of the General Equal Treatment Act (Allgemeines
Gleichbehandlungsgesetz/AGG) in August 2006, many employers feared
a flood of (unjustified) lawsuits against acts of discrimination
(Handelsblatt, 2006). While a study of the "Initiative Neue Soziale
Marktwirtschaft" (INSM) calculated costs of 1,73 B for German
companies (Hoffjan, 2007) within the first year after the entry
into force of the AGG, others claim that the expected cost
explosion is a sheer fiction. The regulations of the Equal
Treatment Act in Germany have major implications for Human
Resources and therefore should be thoroughly implemented into the
company practice. In order to avoid frictions due to violations the
following fields should be considered: Structures, information and
training, Job advertising and recruiting, contractual arrangements,
regulations for remuneration and career development and finally the
proper documentation and storage of data.
Seminar paper from the year 2011 in the subject Business economics
- Personnel and Organisation, grade: 1,3, University of applied
sciences, Munich, course: Human Resources, language: English,
abstract: Human Resources Development (HRD) is an investment into
one of a company's most important factor for future success: the
Human Capital. For a structured approach to HRD the HRD cycle with
its 4 stages is introduced: Identification of HRD needs, design of
HRD interventions, delivery of HRD interventions, and evaluation of
HRD interventions. All stages are briefly described and main models
and approaches are mentioned. Finally future challenges of HRD are
listed showing that a lot of the major topics prevail challenging
in the foreseeable future.
Seminar paper from the year 2011 in the subject Business economics
- Business Management, Corporate Governance, grade: 1,3, University
of applied sciences, Munich, course: Strategic Corporate
Management, language: English, abstract: The U.S. regional airline
industry makes most of its money on basis of partnerships with
major U.S. airlines. The whole market is characterised by a strong
competition, a trend for consolidation and financial problems
especially of the major airlines following the terrorist attacks on
09/11/2001. Analyzing the competitive situation the forces of
suppliers, rivalry among competitors and especially buyers
(customers, and contract partners) turn out to be strong. Several
factors will cause change indicating severe impacts on the whole
industry. SkyWest Inc. turns out to be a key player in the U.S.
regional airline industry and is a candidate for further
acquisitions. On the short run the price of growth is an increase
in debt and a decreasing net profit margin due to rising operating
costs. Several recommendations could help SkyWest Inc. to further
extending the Group's leading edge over its competitors.
Seminar paper from the year 2011 in the subject Business economics
- Personnel and Organisation, grade: 1,0, University of applied
sciences, Munich, course: Softs Skills and Leadership, language:
English, abstract: Studying the nature of human perception has a
long interdisciplinary history. From a constructivist perspective
reality is a subjective interpretation of electrical signals
transmitted via sensory tracts to the brain. Social perception has
been the subject for intensive empirical research for the last 30
years. A lot of biases and effects have severe impacts on social
interaction respectively the interaction between line leaders and
their associates. Insights into the basic mechanisms of
human/social perception may help to reflect mental models and
improve decision making as well as the quality of giving feedback
or practicing exploratory behaviour towards oneself and others.
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich BWL - Allgemeines,
Note: 1,3, FOM Hochschule fur Oekonomie & Management
gemeinnutzige GmbH, Munchen fruher Fachhochschule, Veranstaltung:
Investment und Controlling, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Acting as a
merchant in the context of a private or capital company is related
to duties summarized in the Principles of Orderly Accounting. These
principles comprise aspects of accounting like accuracy,
transparency, completeness, traceability, timeliness, documentation
and retention. Even if these principles should be understood as
undefined legal concepts they can be used to interpret existing law
or even become more binding if there are no clear legal
regulations. The consequences of violations of bookkeeping duties
are mainly regulated in the Strafgesetzbuch (StGB) and AO
(Abgabenordnung). Gross negligent acting and violations can result
in coercive measures, harsh fines or even imprisonment of up to two
years. It is strongly recommended for a merchant running a business
at a certain size to professionally care about his or her duties
regarding the Principles of Orderly Accounting.
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 1999 im Fachbereich Psychologie - Arbeit,
Betrieb, Organisation und Wirtschaft, Note: 1,0, Universitat
Konstanz, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Diese Arbeit hat zum Ziel,
die Idee des organisationalen Lernens in die Praxis zu tragen.
Verschiedene Perspektiven des organisationalen Lernens wurden nach
Implikationen fur die Praxis untersucht und in einem integrativen
Modell zusammengefuhrt. Aus den verschiedenen Perspektiven wurden
Facetten einer lernforderlichen Kultur herausgearbeitet. Auf der
Basis des auf diese Weise entstanden integrativen Modells des
organisationalen Lernens entstanden Instrumente der Datenerhebung,
welche eine Evaluation der Lernforderlichkeit einer
Unternehmenskultur gewahrleisten sollten. Zur Uberprufung dieser
Hypothese wurde intensiv mit einem grossen suddeutschen Unternehmen
zusammengearbeitet. Kriterien der Lernforderlichkeit wurden mit
Effizienzparametern der organisationalen Praxis verglichen. Die
Untersuchung zeigte, dass die durch das Modell postulierten
Kriterien der Lernforderlichkeit der Unternehmenskultur eng mit der
organisationalen Realitat" des untersuchten Unternehmens
zusammenhingen. Desweiteren liessen sich Anregungen fur potentielle
Verbesserungen der Lernforderlichkeit ableiten. Die vorliegende
Arbeit markiert einen weiteren Schritt in der Beantwortung der
Fragen: Was ist eine lernende Organisation? Wie kann man die
Lernforderlichkeit einer Unternehmenskultur bewerten? Welche
Implikationen ergeben sich aus der Idee des organisationalen
Lernens fur die Praxis?"